66: Zhu Li: The old man is coming to Hanzhong and coming at King Ben?

When the early dynasty had just fallen, Lan Yu, Li Jinglong and a group of Zixun noble military generals also gathered together to discuss the matter that Zhu Yuanzhang said that he would go to Hanzhong to inspect!

"The old man's inspection of Xi'an is fake, and he sent the prince over at that time, probably to find out about King Qin's affairs! As a result, it was found out clearly, and even the fief of the King of Qin was changed! "

"In fact, we think that even if we move the capital, the old man should choose Hanzhong!" Such a rich town to be the national capital, we think it is quite suitable, it is estimated that the old man is the same as we thought~! "

Blue Jade directly said his own opinion!

In his opinion, Zhu Yuanzhang went to Hanzhong for the purpose of moving the capital!

As for the previous Xi'an Prefecture, it was just a pretense!

Or maybe the old man felt that the prince Zhu Biao went to Xi'an Mansion, and when he came back, he was seriously ill, which was too obscure, so he chose Hanzhong!

And when those Huaixi Xungui heard this, they also nodded one after another in agreement.

Obviously, most people have the same idea as Lan Yu!

"The wall in Hanzhong is stronger than the wall of Yingtianfu, and I heard that it was personally designed by King Zhu Li of Han before his death!"

Li Jinglong said at this time.

He had gone to the northwest to train troops and had also been to Hanzhong Mansion, so naturally he had seen it with his own eyes!

"If you say so, it is not impossible for Hanzhong to really become the capital of Daming! This wall doesn't need to be rebuilt, you can use it! "

Immediately, some military generals agreed to echo the way.

The others nodded along with them.

After all, they have all participated in some business in Hanzhong, so they know more or less about the situation of Hanzhong Mansion!

Not only that, when King Zhu Li of Han was alive, he also made a lot of merits!

For example, capturing the Hami Kingdom, establishing Hamiwei, and once again opening up the commercial exchanges of the Hexi Corridor!

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards Han King Zhu Li was both love and hate!

Of course, hate is the most!

Hate iron is not steel!

Because in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, King Zhu Li of Han is the best among his sons, to be precise, it should be the highest talent in all aspects!

And he is still very young, he can do more for Daming!

Expelling Hu Yu and recovering the Hami Kingdom, the young and promising Han King Zhu Li will inevitably have unlimited prospects in the future!

After Zhu Biao took the throne, Zhu Yuanzhang also knew that the Han King Zhu Li would definitely be Zhu Biao's biggest help in the northwest, and the brothers had one main and one outside, and sooner or later the Ming Dynasty would usher in an unprecedented prosperous era!

As a result, in this case, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly got the news of the untimely death of the old Jiu Zhu Li, and the vision of an unprecedented prosperous era was shattered in front of Zhu Yuanzhang!

This made Zhu Yuanzhang angry and hateful!

If Lao Jiu didn't take drugs and didn't die young, then the great Ming prosperous era he wanted to see would inevitably come!

But it was all ruined by this stinky boy!

It can be said that it is a good hand, so he lost on drugs, let him play thin!

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang at that time believed that it was Lao Jiu who ruined the great Ming era he imagined!

But on the contrary, it can be seen how heavy the weight of Han King Zhu Li in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind is!

The more you hate, the more you care!

A few days later, Zhu Yuanzhang was preparing to tour the west, and the news of inspecting Hanzhong Mansion gradually lost its popularity in the court, and it seemed that everyone had accepted such a fact, and the officials who came to persuade Zhu Yuanzhang in private were also persuaded by Zhu Yuanzhang's determination!

As the construction of the cement road continues, Zhu Yuanzhang's mood is getting better and better!

The cement road connecting Hanzhong Fu and Yingtianfu is under construction at the same time!

Therefore, at the same time that Hanzhong Mansion is repairing to Yingtianfu, Yingtianfu is also repairing to Hanzhong!

In Zhu Yunjiang's life, it was precisely because the imperial court refused to contribute, but the energy unilaterally paid by the Hanzhong side, which led to the fact that only the road on the Hanzhong Mansion side was finally repaired to Luoyang!

At that time, Ying Tianfu's side could be said to have basically not moved!

But now it's different!

Hubu was willing to allocate funds, and the Ministry of Works also sent a large number of people to cooperate with the construction team sent by Hanzhong, and even the road on Yingtianfu's side began to work!

After the early dynasty of this day, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Biao and took a luxurious carriage directly to the construction section of Yingtianfu, and he wanted to inspect the progress of the cement road on the spot!

The cement road leading from Yingtianfu City to the edge of the Yangtze River is actually not long, it is only a few miles, and it is basically poured!

But if you want to go further north, it involves the question of how to cross the river!

Zhu Yuanzhang came to the edge of the Yangtze River and looked at the cement road on the south bank of the river that had basically been paved, with a satisfied look on his face!

It seems that this time the household department and the Ministry of Engineering have also learned to behave, and no one dares to make any more moths for themselves in this matter!

"Father, this cement road will take about a year at most to reach Hanzhong!"

"As long as this main north-south road is completely connected, Daming's economy will inevitably usher in rapid growth, and the circulation of materials between the north and south will become more convenient, and countless Daming people will benefit from it!"

Zhu Biao also said to Zhu Yuanzhang with excitement on his face at this time.

"Well, you're right!"

"If you want to be rich and build the road first, let's think about repairing this cement road, the main thing is not to make it more convenient to go to Hanzhong by ourselves, in the final analysis, it is also for the future of our Daming Dynasty and the people of Daming!"

"Not only this road must be built, but the roads leading to Liangguang and Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the future must all be built!"

The road that Zhu Yuanzhang refers to here will naturally not be a muddy road or a gravel road that can barely be passed after a simple land reclamation, but a concrete road!

The officials accompanying them also echoed one by one.

Zhu Yuanzhang came to inspect the construction site, and there must be many officials from the household department and the Ministry of Works accompanying him!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were on the Yangtze River!

"Your Majesty, the biggest problem we encounter in building roads at present is the problem of crossing the river!"

"If you don't care about the Yangtze River, crossing the river is still the same as the original ferry, which is not efficient, and the transportation of bulk goods is still troublesome!"

Shangshu Yan Zhen of the Ministry of Works said to Zhu Yuanzhang with a helpless look at this time.

Especially the caravans from Hanzhong Mansion to Yingtianfu have to cross the Yangtze River every time they come, and the number of ships that want to cross the river with horse-drawn carriages is limited, and there are not so many large ships!

"We have a way to solve this problem!"

Zhu Yuanzhang showed a meaningful smile at this time!

It can only be said that Yan Zhen's problem just knocked down his muzzle!

How to cross the river, in fact, Zhu Yuanzhang already had the answer when he looked at Zhu Yunjiang's dream life!

He once saw the scene above the Yangtze River in Zhu Yunjiang's dream picture!

I still remember that the army of King Zhu Li of Han arrived at Yingtianfu at that time, but when crossing the river, it used a very huge ferry!

It is not simply using ferries to transport people and materials, the efficiency of ship-by-ship transportation is still too low, and the method used by Lao Jiu is even simpler and crude!

Directly line up these large boats, connect them with ropes, and fix them, you can form a pontoon bridge over this river!

There is no fear of encountering turbulent waves, as long as the tonnage of the ship itself is sufficient, there will be no problems!

What's more, there are still so many big ships connected together!

As long as it is not a heavy rainy day, during the day, as long as these large boats are connected end to end on the river in advance, they can be directly used as pontoon bridges!

Crossing the river is equivalent to passing through the decks of these boats in turn, which is fast and convenient!

And the structure of such a large ship is still very simple, even there is no need to have too many messy things, the deck is also as straight as possible, and then design several devices that can be connected!

After Yan Zhen and other officials listened to the method described by Zhu Yuanzhang, their faces showed shock!

This method sounds really good!

It only takes a few big ships to completely solve the problem!

"Your Majesty is wise, and the minister originally wanted to discuss the issue of crossing the river tomorrow morning!"

"The Ministry of Works has also thought about building a bridge across the Yangtze River!"

"But with the technology that Daming currently masters, this is an impossible thing, and it is undoubtedly a fantasy!"

"I didn't expect that the problem that everyone in the Ministry of Works found thorny was easily solved by an ingenious method of His Majesty!"

Yan Zhen is not exactly a, for this method proposed by Zhu Yuanzhang, he feels that the feasibility is very high, and it is much more realistic than building bridges or something, and the technical difficulty is lower!

It's nothing more than building a few bigger and sunken ferries with relatively simple structures!

This is easy to do!

After listening to Yan Zhen's, Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat disappointed!

This idea was not something he came up with, but Lao Jiu, who directly plagiarized! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the feeling of filling a cup like this still made Zhu Yuanzhang's heart very useful!

However, Yan Zhen talked about building a bridge over the Yangtze River, which also made Zhu Yuanzhang's heart move slightly!

"System, do you say it is possible to build a bridge that can pass directly on the surface of the Yangtze River?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly inquired about the national transport system.

[The host thinks too much, right?] With the current level of industrial development of Daming, if you want to build the Yangtze River Bridge, it is a joke! 】

[And even if such a technology is handed over to you, it is estimated that with the current situation of Daming, it is impossible to complete the feat of building bridges on the Yangtze River without a hundred years of hard work! ] 】

The answer of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang a little dumbfounded!

"This... Is it so difficult to build a bridge directly over the Yangtze River? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked subconsciously.

[That's nature, even in later generations, bridges across the banks of the Yangtze River are not so easy to build! ] According to the original historical trajectory, if there is a bridge on the Yangtze River in the future, it will be at least more than five hundred years later! 】

The words of the national transport system directly broke all of Zhu Yuanzhang's lucks!


The technical difficulty of this bridge building is actually so great!

It seems that the ferry connection used by Lao Jiu is more reliable!

"Okay, there is no need to think about building a bridge over the Yangtze River for the time being, let's do it according to our method!"

"In addition, the section on the north bank of the river must also start quickly, we are still waiting for the western patrol Hanzhong, don't delay the business!"

Zhu Yuanzhang slowed his mind and said directly to Yan Zhen.

The officials accompanying Yan Zhen, including Yan Zhen, all hurriedly responded!

After inspecting the progress of the cement road construction project and helping the Ministry of Works solve the problem of crossing the river, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the city with Zhu Biao with a good mood!

However, the father and son did not go back to the palace directly, but went to the Taoist temple under construction!

Zhu Yuanzhang thought that since he came out, he would also see how the Taoist temple built for Li Xiuyuan was progressing by the way!

Speaking of this Taoist temple, the construction progress is much faster than on the other side of the cement road!

At present, the project has been halfway through, and according to the Ministry of Works officials, there is at most a month before the entire Taoist Temple can be completed and officially put into use!

After inspecting the Taoist Temple, Zhu Yuanzhang was satisfied and returned to the palace with Zhu Biao!

"Biao'er, the news that we are going to Hanzhong Mansion has been passing through for several days, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

"Well, it's been seven or eight days! Counting the time should have already reached Hanzhong! "

Zhu Biao calculated the time here and nodded slowly.

"I don't know what Lao Jiu, this stinky boy, will think when he knows that we are going to Hanzhong?"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang swore that he could find Zhu Que, in fact, he had no bottom in his heart!

The main thing is that Lao Jiu, this kid is too against the sky, if he wants to avoid you, you really may not be able to find him!

Zhu Yuanzhang vaguely felt that even with the help of the national transport system, it was not an easy task to find Lao Jiu!

In the best case, we still have to find a way to let Lao Jiu eliminate the barrier to him, the old man, and take the initiative to come out himself!

"Actually, the son feels that the father does not need to be so worried!"

"If Lao Jiu had already learned about his father's attitude, he would definitely not have been hiding from you!"

"In the end, they are all father and son, and we believe that Lao Jiu is also a filial child!"

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's tangled appearance, and could only say a word of relief.

But this is not a good thing to say, in Zhu Biao's opinion, Lao Jiu should indeed be a filial person, and for his eldest brother, he can still try his best to refine a semi-finished life extension pill to help him save his life, and it should not be bad for his own father!


Hanzhong Mansion!

As Zhu Biao calculated, the news that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to tour Hanzhong to the west had indeed reached the Han King Mansion on this day!

When Yang Shi saw the letter written by Zhu Biao, his face showed even more surprise!

Zhu Yuanzhang actually wanted to come to Hanzhong in person?

What did he come to Hanzhong for?

Is it possible to visit your son who has been buried for three years?

Thinking of this, the Yang family did not dare to delay, brought Zhu Biao's personal letter, and directly led a few of his cronies towards Dingjun Mountain!

Soon, Zhu Li, who was still in the Taoist Temple, also knew the news that Zhu Yuanzhang was coming to Hanzhong!

Zhu Biao's letter said very clearly, the old man not only wants to come to Hanzhong, but also comes to Dingjunshan to take a look!

Zhu Li was still very surprised after reading Zhu Biao's letter!

He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect that the old man would suddenly come to Hanzhong, let alone that he would come to Dingjun Mountain!

He also knew before that the old man had always had the idea of moving the capital to Xi'an Mansion!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have specially let the prince's eldest brother Zhu Biao inspect Xi'an Mansion!

But what does it mean to come to Hanzhong this time?

Don't say that the old man changed his mind and wanted to change Hanzhong Mansion into a national capital!

Could it be that because of the things during this time, including the matter of Yanshou Dan helping Zhu Biao continue his life, the butterfly effect caused by it is getting bigger and bigger?

"Jinyiwei also said over there, His Majesty still has the mind to think of Dingjun Mountain to take a look!"

"What exactly do you mean by Your Majesty?"

Yang Shi stared at Zhu Li somewhat worriedly and asked.

"Big brother, this letter is a bit strange! When the cement road is repaired, at least it is not an immediate matter, why did you notify this side so early to prepare? "

Zhu Li's heart suddenly had a very absurd feeling!

He felt that this letter was ostensibly addressed to the Yang family, but in fact it was like it was deliberately shown to him!

And the old man will also come to Dingjun Mountain!

Isn't that just coming at him?

Because he was buried in Dingjun Mountain!

If the old man noticed the strangeness in this Dingjun Mountain and knew that his coffin was empty at all, then what would he get?

However, this should not be highly likely!

Even if the old man came to his cemetery, he would not personally lift his son's coffin again, right?

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