67: Zhu Li: Under this universal world, who else can be the opponent of this king?

Suddenly knowing the news that the old man was coming to Hanzhong Mansion, Zhu Li still felt a little headache.

The main thing is that there is no such thing in history, and if Zhu Yuanzhang really comes to Hanzhong Mansion, he doesn't know where he will develop next?

Or did the old man really have the idea of moving the capital to Hanzhong?

That's a real joke!

This possibility should not be high!

But Zhu Yuanzhang really came to Hanzhong, and the matter was indeed a little tricky!

"What are you going to do now?"

"If His Majesty really came to Hanzhong Mansion, do you plan to hide and never see you again?"

The Yang family actually hopes that Zhu Li can see Zhu Yuanzhang in his heart, at least there is no need to hide it in the future, and the two of them can live a normal life!

"Let's see how it goes!"

Zhu Li really doesn't know now, mainly because the old man also said that he would bring his old wife over, and the sister who had never met before!

Although Zhu Li is a traverser, after inheriting everything from the original owner, there will also be feelings!

Perhaps this is also the instinct of the original owner's body!

But the most important thing depends on the attitude of the old man!

"You go back first, and then inform Jinyiwei that you must always pay close attention to the movements on the imperial court!"

Zhu Li thought for a while, and then ordered Yang.

"Okay, then the concubine will go back first, Your Highness, you also need to think about it yourself!"

Yang nodded in response and left directly!

Looking at Yang's departing back, Zhu Li could naturally hear the meaning of her words!

But there are some things that Zhu can't tell anyone!

Recently, Zhu Li always has a feeling of restlessness!

This feeling is as if someone is always watching you secretly, as if everything about yourself has been seen through by someone! "Zero three zero" "My own heavenly machine has obviously been blocked, why do I still feel like this?" Weird! "

Zhu Li couldn't help frowning, this feeling of being spied on was not good!

It's as if everything I've done has been discovered!

And if his feelings are real, and someone is really watching him secretly, it means that there is a person who is even stronger than him in this world!

But such a possibility does not exist in Zhu Li's opinion!

He is now in the realm of a real person, at least in the Daming Dynasty, he is definitely a peak-level existence, if someone can still be above him, it is impossible to have no signs or traces!

And if someone is really stronger than themselves, is it necessary to keep watching themselves like this?

"Under this universal world, who else can be the opponent of this king?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhu Li didn't come up with a clue!

"Geng Qing, you should also retire first, King Ben needs to retreat for a while in the past few days, don't let anyone disturb King Ben's retreat!"

Zhu Li sighed slowly, and ordered Geng Qing beside him.

"Then how should Your Majesty deal with the matter of coming to Hanzhong?"

Geng Qing asked with some unease.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, since the old man is coming to Hanzhong, no one can stop it!"

"You just follow the rules, and you can be entertained as you want!"

"As for other issues, King Ben has his own considerations!"

After Zhu Li finished speaking, he turned around and entered the Taoist Temple directly!


Ying Tianfu!

Zhu Yuanzhang in the palace was discussing things with Zhu Biao in the imperial study room!

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang was going to wait for the cement road to be repaired before going, but Zhou Guifei was eager and asked her to wait for a year, I am afraid that she really can't wait!

Including Zhu Yuanzhang himself, after deciding to go to Hanzhong Mansion for inspection, his inner expectations became stronger and stronger!

It is mainly the strange national luck system, saying so many things about Hanzhong, including everything in Hanzhong seen in the dream picture, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang's feeling of impatience become stronger and stronger!

"Biao'er, let's go to Hanzhong in advance!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said his thoughts!

"In advance? Don't wait for the cement road to be repaired? "

Zhu Biao asked with some surprise.

"One year is still too long after all! We can wait, Concubine Zhou can't wait! "

"Also, can you afford to wait?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao and said with a serious face.

When Zhu Biao heard this, he was suddenly speechless!

Oh, yes!

Relying on that semi-finished life extension pill, he continued his life for more than two years!

Just wait for this cement road to be repaired, half the time will be removed!

Find Lao Jiu again, even if there is really any way to help him live for a few more years, I am afraid that it will be too late by then!

Find Lao Jiu, naturally the sooner the better!

"We have decided to leave for Hanzhong in the middle of next month!"

"At that time, Li Xiuyuan's Taoist Temple had already been built, and we still had to establish Taoism as the state religion!"

"By the time we are almost in Hanzhong, the news has already reached Hanzhong!"

"Lao Jiu must also understand what kind of attitude we have towards him now!"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly said his thoughts.

"Since the Father Emperor has already decided, let's do it according to the Father Emperor's ideas!"

Zhu Biao did not stop Zhu Yuanzhang in the end!

And he can't stop this matter!

However, the slight loss on Zhu Biao's face did not escape Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes!

"Let's go to Hanzhong this time, you can go together." Let you stay in Yingtianfu Prison Country in this situation, we don't worry!" "

"The affairs in the court should first be handled by the officials of various ministries themselves, and if there are those that cannot be handled, they will be sent to Hanzhong as soon as possible!"

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally understood what Zhu Biao was thinking!

Looking for Lao Jiu for this kind of thing, not only him, Zhu Biao naturally wanted to participate in it!

For Lao Jiu, Zhu Biao, who is the eldest brother, naturally misses it very much, and being able to find Lao Jiu is naturally Zhu Biao's wish!

If you really want to let Zhu Biao stay in Yingtianfu alone to deal with state affairs, Zhu Yuanzhang is still not worried about his body, and it is estimated that his heart will be uncomfortable!

"Father Emperor Shengming, children thank Father Emperor!"

Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Biao heard this, his eyes immediately lit up!

Zhu Yuanzhang never said to let him go with him, and he was not easy to speak.

After all, the emperor and the crown prince left Beijing at the same time, such a situation is still very rare!

"What is going on in your heart, let's know it all!"

"Even if you don't go to Hanzhong, it is estimated that your heart will fly with us!"

Looking at Zhu Biao's happy appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly laughed!

"The son also wants to find the ninth brother as soon as possible!"

Only then did Zhu Biao say what he had in his heart.

"We understand! But this time to go to Hanzhong, you have to do one thing well. The news of our father and son's travel must be unconcealed, but no local officials are allowed to come to pick up or engage in extravagant and wasteful greetings! "

"You look at this matter and deal with it, let the officials explain it, if anyone doesn't want it in their heads, you can give it a try!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words changed at this time, and he ordered Zhu Biao with a straight face.

"The son-in-law understands, Father Emperor rest assured, there will definitely be no such situation as you said!"

Zhu Biao naturally also knows that Zhu Yuanzhang has always disliked to engage in those false things, and he is even more afraid that because of his travels, the local government will labor and lose money to greet him, and in the end it is the common people who suffer!

That's going to be poked in the spine by the common people!

In this way, the news that Zhu Yuanzhang was preparing to go to Hanzhong in advance soon spread throughout the court!

After all, it is a matter of next month, and there is no need to hide it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Basically, the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu also knows Zhu Yuanzhang's itinerary!

However, before going to Hanzhong, Zhu Yuanzhang still needs to do some preparations, at least the state affairs on the side of Tianfu must be handled properly, in addition, after he leaves, the imperial court also needs to arrange a few officials who can pick the big beams and help deal with the affairs of the six ministries on weekdays!

"We abolished the prime minister system, and at the same time put a shackle on ourselves!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help sighing.

Indeed, if there is still a prime minister, then even if he, the emperor, wanders out of the palace for a few months, there will be no problems in the affairs of the dynasty!

But now the big and small things are all grasped by him, if it is really not in the Jingshi division, the officials below do not know who to report to the work!

So before leaving, Zhu Yuanzhang still had to arrange all these things!

"Wang Chen, give our Xuangong Department Shangshu Yan Zhen over!"

Zhu Yuanzhang remembered the rubber matter again at this time, so he ordered the prince.

Not long after, Yan Zhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Work, appeared in Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial study.

"How did it go to Hanzhong before letting your people go to Hanzhong to discuss the matter of setting up a rubber factory together?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked straight to the point.

Because he saw the rubber tires of luxury carriages before, Zhu Yuanzhang moved the mind to develop the rubber industry!

At that time, he also thought of planting rubber trees in a large area in Liangguang and Hainan!

But when the Ministry of Works inquired, I learned that it would take at least five or six years for the growth of this rubber tree to start harvesting rubber!

Daming can wait five or six years, but he Zhu Yuanzhang can't wait!

And the use of rubber, just the research needs to consume long-term manpower and material resources, not something that can be dressed up overnight, naturally the sooner you start, the better!

So Zhu Yuanzhang thought of letting the people from the Ministry of Works go directly to Hanzhong to talk to the Yang family about cooperation!

The Yang family originally had the technology to make rubber, as long as she was willing to come up with the technology, she could also save the imperial court from taking a lot of detours!

It's a big deal that the imperial court pays for it, and then it can plant a large number of rubber trees in the south, such cooperation should be a win-win cooperation for both sides!

"Back to Your Majesty, Princess Han said that there are not many natural rubber stocks in Hanzhong at present, and they can only be self-sufficient!"

"Mainly in Yunnan, although they have planted rubber trees, the number is not too much, and the production of natural rubber is also limited!"

When Yan Zhen heard this, his old face showed a little bitterness!

Zhu Yuanzhang's brows suddenly twisted into a knot!

"We said that the imperial court can provide a lot of funds needed for cooperation to support the production of rubber together!"

"The Hanzhong side only needs to provide technical personnel, as well as various equipment, and the problem of money is all from the imperial court!"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly emphasized the conditions of his cooperation this time!

"That's right, but the key problem is that the current rubber production is really not high, and what Princess Han said is also a thing, not an excuse!"

"However, although Princess Han was embarrassed, she still gave good news back!"

Yan Zhen hurriedly said 0...

"Say it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's frowning brows were relieved!

"Princess Han said, she can provide a lot of rubber tree seeds, in addition to providing related planting technology, as long as the imperial court can plant rubber trees in a large area in the south, with the increase of rubber production in the future, cooperation is naturally not a problem!"

Yan Zhen directly told Zhu Yuanzhang the news that Yang had reported back.

"Well, that's good news!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he also nodded.

Although he said that he was going to plant rubber in Liangguang, where did the tree species come from?

Less planting can't produce results, more is it difficult to empty the rubber trees in Yunnan?

Moreover, how to plant and where to plant it, for the imperial court, it is also a black eye!

The Yang family is willing to provide tree species and planting technology, which is indeed good news for Zhu Yuanzhang!

"For example, rubber can be grown in Liangguang and Qiongzhou, and Princess Han will also find some farmers who have grown rubber in Yunnan to teach experience and help the imperial court plant a large area!"

"In addition, for the development and research of rubber, the imperial court can temporarily slow down, and the Hanzhong side can study the existing rubber production first, and when the imperial court can also produce a large amount of rubber in the future, the research results can still be shared!"

Yan Zhen followed and said.

"Okay, then according to the planting technology provided by Princess Han, hurry up and go to various places to implement it, this matter must be completed as soon as possible!"

"In the future, Hanzhong needs rubber raw materials, and the imperial court must be able to meet the supply!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately agreed.

It seems that there are not many rubber raw materials in Hanzhong, and in the final analysis, there are only plantations in Yunnan!

If it is supported by the imperial court, the situation will be different, and all parts of the south can be promoted on a large scale!

It seems that I am still in too much of a hurry!

When you go back to Hanzhong, you can also find the daughter-in-law of the Yang family again and talk about rubber properly, but there is no rush!

After dealing with these things, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to his dormitory to rest!

Lying on the dragon bed, Zhu Yuanzhang turned on the national transport system again.

He now wants to know more about Lao Jiu, but the main thing is that the national fortune value required by people related to Lao Jiu is too high!

Such as Zhu Xiqiu and Yang's family, they are all worth thousands of national fortunes!

"By the way, in addition to the descendants of the royal family of the Zhu family, can we deduce the lives of others?"

"Such as the people around Lao Jiu?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked suddenly at this time.

[Naturally, the default deducing list of this system is all members of the Zhu family's royal family, and the host can also add the characters that need to be deduced! ] 】

[The premise is that this character is not an insignificant person, the national fortune value must be at least 100 points, otherwise it will not have a deduction value of 3.7, and the system will not provide services! ] 】

[But if it is the people around King Zhu Li of Han, then the value of the national fortune will not be low! ] 】

The national transport system explained directly.

Zhu Yuanzhang said in his heart that you bluffed ghosts, right?

Isn't it just to earn national fortune value?

However, Zhu Yuanzhang also thinks that this setting is better, in addition to the people around Lao Jiu, he also wants to have time to deduce other talents, and wants to see how many are real talents that can be used by Daming!

There is no shortage of capable and capable people in this world, and there will be some famous generals in all dynasties, but more people have been buried and not excavated!

This is what Maxima often has, and Bole does not often have it!

With the help of the national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang can be that Bo Le!

If there really is such a strange person, it will be a good thing to dig it out early and vigorously cultivate it!

"That Qianhu Geng Qing in that Han, how much national fortune value does his life need?"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't really know much about the people around Lao Jiu, and the only thing that impressed him was the generals such as Geng Qing, Qin Wu and Yang Hui that he saw from the picture deduced from the dream!

But the information that can be seen is also limited!

[Geng Qing, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty, only needs 1681 national fortune points! ] 】

The national transport system slowly gave the data!

The national fortune value of 1681 points is not much!

"Okay, let's deduce this Geng Qing, I hope to know more information about Lao Jiu through this kid!" In addition, we are indeed quite curious about these generals around Lao Jiu! "

"More than a thousand national fortune points, the people cultivated by Lao Jiu are really not bad!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately decided.

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