68: Simulating Geng Qing's life, loyal and courageous, a legendary king!

This is the first time that Zhu Yuanzhang has deduced others other than his son and grandson!

And he found that the feeling in his heart was more curiosity about Geng Qing, and there would not be as much of a worried feeling as when he deduced Zhu Biao and Zhu Shu!

This feeling makes him feel very comfortable!

Soon, more than a thousand national fortune values were deducted by the system, and that deep sleepiness hit again, and Zhu Yuanzhang, like several times before, quickly fell asleep and died!

[Time required to deduce the famous general Geng Qing: 6 hours and 30 minutes! ] 】

[The deduction officially begins! ] 】

When the national transport system reported this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was still taken aback!

This Geng Qing's life takes so long!

How many things have happened in his life?

As the dream picture gradually became clearer, Zhu Yuanzhang also discovered one more thing!

That's the deduction this time, unlike the other times!

This time it is deduced from the perspective of Geng Qing as the first person, that is, it is equivalent to Zhu Yuanzhang being able to bring into Geng Qing, and everything he sees is what Geng Qing sees, as if he is Geng Qing!

Such a deduction method suddenly gave Zhu Yuanzhang a refreshing feeling!

[I was born in a barren land in the northwest of Daming, my father was a border soldier who was discharged from the army due to injury, and the land outside the Northwest Pass was very poor at that time, especially in a military family like my family, I lost my mother since I was a child, and I have always grown up in my aunt's house! ] 】

With the beginning of the deduction, Zhu Yuanzhang also saw and felt Geng Qing's miserable childhood!

Not to mention, looking at Geng Qing's life from such a perspective, it is like Zhu Yuanzhang's own personal experience, and the sense of substitution is very strong!

This also reminded Zhu Yuanzhang of his tragic childhood!

When there is a similar experience, this sense of identity and emotional resonance suddenly arises!

[At my aunt's house, I was like a social animal every day, doing the most tiring and dirty work, and I had to be beaten and scolded all day, and soon after, my father returned from the army and took me home! ] 】

Even Zhu Yuanzhang took Geng Qing's aunt's family to hate them all!

06, but Geng Qing is luckier than him Zhu Yuanzhang!

He can still wait until his father comes home, and he Zhu Yuanzhang, his parents have been gone since childhood, and he is even worse than him!

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly found that even if he was not looking at the life of his son or grandson, it didn't seem to be such a pleasant thing!

If you see something bad, you will also pierce your heart!

[When I was a child, I was fighting outside, and my father never asked whether it was right or wrong, he first beat me hard, kicked all over my body, and was pulling my ears to apologize to others for coming to the door to admit their mistakes! ] 】

Well, it's already a lucky thing to have a father beaten up!

At least your father can beat you, that's also for your own good, can make you a weapon!

If you want to treat Lao Jiu at the beginning, why not do this?

Including hating him later, it was also because hating iron is not steel!

If beating can make my son a weapon, that's good!

It's just a pity...

It doesn't seem right, Lao Jiu, this kid is just fraudulent, this kid can endure it!

All this time, it was myself who misunderstood him!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was even more unpleasant!

[At the age of twelve, I have begun to have self-respect and shame! ] I was not convinced several times and wanted to refute, but it was also my father's intensified scolding! 】


It's really not much different from the original Lao Jiu!

That is, since that time, there has been a gap between Lao Jiu and our father, right?

At the age of twelve, he almost lit the palace with a torch!

We were so angry that we almost belittled this stinky boy!

[But once, it was Li Da Fat in the village, who scolded me for having a father and no mother, and scolded me for being born to my father and a girl in the village! ] 】

[I was scolded and fought with Li Da Fat and a group of seven or eight people on the spot, because I have been doing a lot of farm work at my aunt's house since I was a child, my strength is very strong, and I have never lost in this fight, but also because this time, I opened Li Da Fat's head and splashed blood on the spot! ] 】

[At that time, I was broken, and I hid in the wheat field for three days, and every late night, my father called my name hoarsely at the head of the village, but I was sulking because I was silent! 】

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, his eyes were full of complexity.


Our old nine is also hiding from us!

This stinky boy even used such means as fraud to hide from us!

At first, Zhu Yuanzhang only felt that this Geng Qing's childhood was as unfortunate as his own, but soon he saw the shadow of Lao Jiu from Geng Qing's childhood!

Perhaps his identity is destined that things on him will not be as sensational as Lao Jiu!

But the experience is so similar!

[On the third day of the stalemate, I was so hungry that I accidentally plunged into the sludge when I was bending over the river to drink water, and if it weren't for the village blacksmith Uncle Wang passing by and rescuing me, I would have died in the river feeding fish! ] 】

[After waking up, my father surprisingly didn't hit me, and cooked a basin full of hand-fingered lamb! ] Let me eat hard and don't choke, tears are hazy, I want to bow my head with my father and admit my mistake, I want my father to beat me, and then go to Li Dafat's house to apologize! But the words are stuck in the throat and can't be spoken! 】

Silly child, how can father and son have so much resentment?

There is no overnight feud either!

Your dad hurts you!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the picture of his father and son filial piety in front of him, and unconsciously showed a hint of a smile.

So what if it's us and Lao Jiu?

If we no longer stop Lao Jiu from cultivating and no longer misunderstand Lao Jiu, will Lao Jiu also be like Geng Qing and reconcile with Lao Tzu?

I don't know why, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang here, he suddenly felt that this time when he went to Hanzhong Mansion, the possibility of seeing Lao Jiu had increased a lot!

He thought that he and Lao Jiu could also enter Geng Qing's father and son, and he could also let go of the mustard in his heart, and finally return to the time when his father was kind and filial to his son!

[And my father didn't force me, just poured a glass of wine into his mouth, and then shrugged his throat hard, Li Dachuan's head opened the scoop, our family lost five thousand dollars, this matter is considered flat! ] You don't have to hide, you don't have to go home! 】

[Five thousand dollars, my father worked in the family farm, and he did not have this income for several busy years, and the only money left was the meager military salary and disability pension that my father saved when he was discharged from the border army! ] These money were originally intended by my father to keep for me to marry my daughter-in-law! 】

[At that moment, I found out that I had run into a catastrophe! ] But I didn't want to admit my mistake, so I had to blush and defend Li Dafat and scold me for having a father and no mother! 】


Although they are different things, I am afraid that the inner thoughts are the same, right?

Geng Qing is like this, and Lao Jiu is also like this!

Although we misunderstood Lao Jiu, is Lao Jiu not wrong himself?

He hides everything in his heart, which is why we misunderstand him!

If he can show even the slightest ability in cultivation, and make us believe that his cultivation is the right way, we will not treat him like that, but will support him!

But children seem to be like this, all have rebellious hearts!

Even if you know that you are wrong, you are not willing to admit your mistakes!

Or in other words, I admit my mistake in my heart, but I just don't believe it in my mouth!

[Later, I learned from my father's mouth that my mother was brought home by my father when she fled the desert and entered the customs! ] Since I was a child, my memory of my mother was very vague, but from then on, I knew that my mother was really the same as the female son in Li Dachuan's mouth! 】

[Father also said, son, born into three, six and nine, our grandfather's family is in the village, even nine and so on, because father is a crippled person! ] This is fate, you have to learn to accept your life, if you want to change your life, you can only go to the frontier to take your life and fight! 】

[Father also often sighed, talking about when he was in the frontier before, he threw his head and shed blood for the country, although he did not make any great achievements, but he also shed blood when fighting against the Tatars, but after he was discharged from the army, he could only honestly be a peasant, otherwise he would be starved to death, this is fate, you have to recognize! ] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[After losing the money of Li Dafat's family, our family's only family base is gone, so I have to do farm work and go into the mountains every day to try my luck! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at these days when Geng Qing's father and son depended on each other, and he was also full of helplessness.

He Zhu Yuanzhang has been diligent and diligent in his life, thinking of being a good emperor who can be the master of the people and make the people live a good life!

But more often than not, it is powerless!

Like these words said by Geng Qing's father, it is sad to hear, but they are facts, without the slightest exaggeration!

These Zhu Yuanzhang himself knows it in his heart!

This is more like directly hitting him Zhu Yuanzhang's face!

After throwing his head and spilling blood for the country all his life, after being discharged from the army, he can only be a peasant, otherwise he will have to starve to death, this is fate, you have to recognize!

[Time came to the nineteenth year of Hongwu, a clan king came from Hanzhong, ordered to recruit troops in the northwest, and a lot of soldiers and horses came from the village, and the leader was a friend of his father, called Yang Hui, an official of a hundred households, riding a tall war horse, very majestic! ] 】

[Under my father's recommendation, I was sent to the barracks, my father's original intention was to let me be a logistics army, just to increase my resume, and have a good military salary income, so that there is no need to worry about marrying a daughter-in-law, but later, all plans were empty, and the Varabu provoked many times, so that the King of Han was angry and sent troops to fight! ] 】

My heart is not dead!

We are in Yingtianfu, looking at the report sent by the frontier, and we are still angry!

Not to mention the old nine on the front line!

These Vara people are simply not a pity to die!

No wonder Lao Jiu used these tartars to sacrifice the Silent Army Tomb alive, and his brows did not wrinkle!

These guys simply deserve it, and it's not a pity to die as much as they die!

In other words, if these Walla Tartars didn't rob Daming, they wouldn't have given Lao Jiu such an opportunity, and they could only blame themselves!

They must pay for what they do!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang has seen any big scenes, when he sees the Walla tartar bullying the people of Daming and robbing Daming, he still hates it at all!

The main thing is that he Zhu Yuanzhang loves the people like a son, and the most unsightly thing is that the common people are bullied by foreign races!

Moreover, this Daming Jiangshan was still beaten down by him Zhu Yuanzhang!

Bullying the people who plundered Daming, isn't that equivalent to hitting him in the face of Zhu Yuanzhang?

[I didn't understand anything, so I had to set off with the army, because my arm strength was very strong, I let the village chief a cow when I was a child, so I was good at riding and shooting, and I was promoted to become a riding and shooting guard! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang's vision of people is very accurate!

From the beginning of a bowl to the establishment of the Daming Dynasty, the corpse mountain and the sea of blood have been killed, what kind of person has not seen?

Geng Qingji is young, but he has already shown his extraordinary talent in military affairs!

This kid is indeed a good seedling to be a general!

All the conditions, including the mind and that stubborn energy, are worth cultivating!

Zhu Yuanzhang was looking forward to it, what would this Geng Qing do on the battlefield?

[At that time, Hanzhong was very poor, and there were less than three thousand cavalry, but when they met the army of the Varabu army, everyone had solemn and desperate determination on their faces! ] 】

[That time, the difference in numbers between the enemy and us was very large, and the cavalry guard I was in was ordered to cut the Chinese military part, this was my first time on the battlefield, but I was not afraid at all! ] 】

[After the start of the war, I was like entering no man's land, and I never stopped killing on the battlefield, until finally when I was tired and couldn't even straighten my waist, the enemy withdrew, and we all won! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang watched everything that happened on the battlefield with Geng Qing's eyes, and the focus of his attention was naturally on Lao Jiu!

At that time, Lao Jiu was still so immature and young, but he had the momentum of moving forward, and he was even more invincible on the battlefield!

Geng Qing is indeed not afraid, even if it is the first time to go to the battlefield!

Because when his eyes looked at King Zhu Li of Han, they all had a trace of worship and fanaticism!

I have to say that with such a manager as Lao Jiu, the morale of the soldiers below will also be high!

Soldier bear 370 bears, will bear a nest, is such a truth!

If the boss has the ability, he can boost morale and make all the soldiers fight bravely on the battlefield like chicken blood!

Our old nine, have the ability!

Lao Jiu is indeed a good one, even when he first entered the domain, his performance on the battlefield was no weaker than that of the fourth Zhu Di in Beiping!

When Zhu Di followed the blue jade army to sweep Mobei, he captured Nai'er Buhua, and he was already thirty years old!

How old is Lao Jiu's first battle?

Just sixteen years old!

I'm just coming of age!

Give him another fifteen or six years ...

Well, today's Lao Jiu has long been dumping the fourth and does not know how many streets!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang himself couldn't help laughing!

It is said that the tiger father has no dog son, and Lao Jiu is also the most special one among his Zhu Yuanzhang's so many sons!

It is not enough to describe the tiger father without a dog son, this should be called the tiger father out of the dragon son!

The main thing is that Lao Jiu is too against the sky!

When he Zhu Yuanzhang was sixteen years old, he was also ashamed of himself!

This is the real blue!

[In this battle, I originally led my horse to shoot Wei Baihu to die in battle, so I was particularly outstanding on the battlefield, and I was promoted to 100 households by the King of Han! ] 】

[I was stunned at that time, a hundred household officials, this is from the official position of the sixth grade, Yulu 96 stone grain, equivalent to about fifty taels of silver, is a big official, maybe it is also the reason why I have not seen the world, I am very grateful to the promotion of the King of Han! ] 】

[I grew up in a barren place since I was a child, I know what kind of concept a hundred household officials are, this is from the sixth-grade official position, where in your village, let alone the sixth-grade official, even if it is a nine-grade sesame official in the county, you can be a mighty blessing in the village and walk sideways! ] 】

At this time, Geng Qing was somewhat confused!

This has not been long since he joined the army, and he has only fought a battle, and he was directly promoted by Lao Jiu to the position of a hundred household officials, and whoever he is changed to, everyone has to be confused!

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't feel that Lao Jiu was messing around, but felt that Geng Qing's kid was worth it!

Although his performance on the battlefield is not as bright as Lao Jiu, it is definitely one of the most brilliant!

Don't look at this kid who has just joined the army not long ago, but when he kills on the battlefield, even many veterans and veterans are ashamed of themselves!

The momentum shown at a young age is no longer able to be suppressed by few generals!

Of course, it is still not enough to see in front of Lao Jiu!

If it is us Zhu Yuanzhang, we will also choose to promote him!

It can only be said that our old nine, not only can fight, but also look at people, and know how to cultivate talents and how to use talents!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, after changing his concept of Zhu Que, how to see how to look good!

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