69: Lao Jiu built a world wonder, the tower of the dragon emperor to protect the country?

Geng Qing's dream life is still continuing...

Although Geng Qing is still very young and slightly immature at this moment, and after being named a hundred households, he will show a little of the shyness and overwhelm of a big boy, but faintly there is also a momentum of a general gradually revealed!

This also made Zhu Yuanzhang very satisfied!

Looking at Geng Qing's growth experience, it was like seeing when he joined the rebel army!

When he first joined the army, he was also like him, and he was promoted quickly, and he was somewhat confused in his heart!

So Geng Qing's mood, we can also understand!

[Since then, I have fought many times with the remnants of the Varabu Party outside the frontier, and slowly my achievements have begun to accumulate slowly, and my prestige in the army has also gradually gained popularity! ] 】

[Because I am extremely brave and amazing, I am a representative of force in the army, and the double halberd of more than sixty pounds is also howling in the wind waving in my hand, so I quickly entered the sight of the King of Han! ] 】

Sure enough!

Gold always shines!

We were also able to fight well back then, and later we were favored by Guo Zixing, and we also promised our sister to be our daughter-in-law!

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang here, he once again sounded his own experience!

Maybe as long as you are promoted all the way to a high position after joining the army, you will basically have a similar experience, right?

In the army, if you don't have a particularly bright record, no talent that is conducive to ordinary people, and only think about muddle through, it is difficult to get ahead!

And there are many masters in the army, and the pressure to be promoted is naturally not small!

Only the real dragon among people can emerge!

[My deeds in the frontier were soon spread to the family, and I also know what will happen to my father when he finds out, and the big fat of the Li family who used to bully me, now I am already a different person in the past, no matter what, I have to make up my mind to return to my hometown and give the old Geng family a glorious ancestor! ] 】

[Sure enough, soon after, the Hanzhong army not only repelled the heavy damage to the southbound Warabu, but also counterattacked and attacked the Hami Kingdom, and as soon as the war began, it took less than fifteen days for you to capture the Hami Kingdom, and after the imperial court learned about it, it rewarded the meritorious soldiers, and I was promoted to one of the thousand household officials! ] 】

Not bad!

With the ability and the ability to seize the opportunity, such a person will be promoted, that is also a reasonable thing!

Geng Qing's success is definitely not accidental!

If others want Lao Jiu to pay attention and promote, you have to have that ability!

Being favored by Lao Jiu is a capability in itself!

[Soon after, on a seven-month journey, King Han finally retreated to Tianshui! ] And when I performed my battle merits, I was favored by the King of Han and was named a personal lieutenant officer this time, which was just a miscellaneous officer, but Yulu was doubled, and he was also rewarded with a small courtyard! 】

[At that time, I had no idea how valuable this small courtyard would be in the future, and I also approved a month's vacation! ] 】

[A month's vacation, the first thing you think of is to go home and take your father to live in Hanzhong City, this time back to the village, you brought dozens of horse guards, as a thousand household officials, you can choose ten personal military assistants when traveling! ] 】

[And before you returned to the village, you found that the village chief had already brought everyone to greet you at the entrance of the village, and your father was also full of red light! ] 】

Return home, Guangzong Yaozu!

Whether they are officials or join the army, everyone is thinking that there will be such a day!

But very few people can actually do it!

Geng Qing just did it, although it was only a thousand households, in his Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, it could be said that it was nothing, but if it was compared with his original identity, it was a world of difference!

Not everyone can start with a bowl like him Zhu Yuanzhang, from a beggar all the way to the position of emperor!

Geng Qing has already done a good job!

[Less than a year of military career, let me slowly have a sense of belonging and honor, unlike the border army that my father once was, the Hanzhong army is all proud to join the army, and the implementation is also the policy of one person being a soldier and the glory of the whole family! ] 】

One person joins the army, the whole family is glorious?

Lao Jiu's method of governing the army is really refreshing!

Zhu Yuanzhang discovered that Lao Jiu would propagate such a concept in Hanzhong, and also implement the benefits and various benefits of being a soldier!

And the high welfare benefits of the Hanzhong Army are also rare in the entire Daming!

He Zhu Yuanzhang can't do such wealth!

At the beginning, Zhu Yuanzhang only thought that Lao Jiu was coming to Hulai, and he was too good for these soldiers!

But when he saw the morale of the Hanzhong army, the courage of the battle, and the hardship of training, Zhu Yuanzhang was shaken again!

Such army morale is definitely not something that his Zhu Yuanzhang's imperial court army can have!

In other words, although Lao Jiu invested a lot in the Hanzhong Army, there was also a certain amount!

In other words, the combat effectiveness of the Hanzhong army of about 20,000 old nine will definitely not be much worse than the 100,000 army of the imperial court!

After all, the number of Hanzhong troops is small, unlike the imperial court army, which moves tens of thousands of soldiers!

If you want to train a crack army, spending a lot of money seems to be a matter of course!

If you don't even dare to give out the money, then who will work for you?


For the time being, this method can only be used by the Hanzhong Army, and if it wants to be extended to the entire Daming, our treasury is afraid that it cannot afford such a heavy military salary!

Of course, it's not completely impossible!

If it is disarmed, it will be possible to reduce military spending to a certain extent!

But if it is still according to the original military expenditure, the treatment of soldiers can be greatly improved!

For example, the original one million imperial court army, each soldier can receive a military salary equivalent to about one or two silver per month, then if the disarmament reaches 500,000, this million taels of military expenses, so that each soldier can receive a military salary of about two taels of silver per month!

The treatment of soldiers has doubled!

The key question is whether the combat effectiveness of the army can also go up if the treatment goes up!

Otherwise, disarmament is digging its own grave!

If at best, disarmament can more than double the original combat power of the imperial army, it will definitely be a sure deal!

It seems that after really finding Lao Jiu, you can also discuss with him how to reform the army and the military salaries of the imperial court!

Lao Jiu's experience in this area is more than that of him!

It's a bit of a shame to say it!

He Zhu Yuanzhang can be regarded as having fought for half a life to fight the Daming Rivers and Mountains, and as a result, in terms of governing the army, it seems that he can't resist his son!

[Returning to my hometown again makes me extremely excited, from the beginning, my old Geng family is no longer the so-called inferior person, because even the county magistrate personally came to pick you up! ] 】

[Father looked at you riding on a tall horse, dressed in officer armor, traveling surrounded by pro-army, it was really majestic, when he was a soldier, he was only a deputy under Yang Hui, an official of a hundred households, and now I didn't expect his son to be so glorious and glorious ancestor! ] 】

[Not only that, Li Dafat, who once had a festival with me, when he saw you at this time, he directly crawled next to your war horse and used his back as a cushion for you, I was not polite at all, directly stepped on his back and stepped down from the war horse, and then stepped forward to kneel and kowtow to my father! ] 】

[Those days, it was the most beautiful time for your Geng family, and the relatives and aunts who used to scold you in every way also came to get acquainted, but I didn't give my aunt's family any good face, you came back this time, simply to pick up your father to live in Hanzhong City! ] 】

[After transporting my father to your small courtyard in Hanzhong, I also specially arranged two servants to be responsible for my father's living, because of your position, you will stay in the palace most of the time! ] 】

[In those years, I, like many people, also began to marry wives and have children, and also took a lot of concubines to open branches and leaves for the Geng family! ] 】

This kid can be regarded as having character!

But it's also rare!

Change to those arrogant and domineering Huaixi nobles, if there were relatives like Geng Qing and his aunt in the past, then when they became famous and returned home, it would not be so simple to ignore it, and they would have to get back the breath of the year!

This child is still a sincere person, his heart is always good, even if he is in a high position, he can still maintain his heart, this alone is precious!

Seeing Geng Qing treating his aunt's family who had abused him in every way in the past, and finally resisted the urge to retaliate, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but nod his head repeatedly!

This point, even he Zhu Yuanzhang did not dare to say that he could do it!

In addition, after making a mark, he began to marry a wife and take a concubine, and opened branches and leaves for the family, that is also a common human feeling, Zhu Yuanzhang did not feel that there was anything wrong with this, nor would he feel that Geng Qing was floating!

After all, people are all glorious ancestors, and they haven't stolen or robbed, and it is also common for people to marry a few more concubines to continue the incense for their own family and strengthen the family!

[In addition, the King of Han will also send us generals of the Hanzhong Army on weekdays, and with the leader of the Han King Zhu Li, the overall momentum of Hanzhong is high, and it is even more urgent. ] Train soldiers and horses, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and everyone works hard for Hanzhong with the King of Han! 】

[In more than a year, Hanzhong has basically changed greatly, becoming richer, and the rare fruits, potatoes, and corn taken out by the King of Han have fed all the people in the northwest! ] 】

Old Nine!

This kid is also very capable of governing the fiefdom!

We still misunderstood him at the beginning, we only knew about alchemy cultivation, and it really hurt to hit this face! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But how did Lao Jiu's rare fruits, such as potatoes and corn, come about?

There are a lot of secrets about this kid?

These high-yield crops can be said to benefit the entire Daming people, and Daming no longer has to worry about the dilemma of food shortage!

But such a good thing can't always be conjured out of thin air, right?

It seems that after finding Lao Jiu, you have to have a good chat with him about this aspect!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang put these thoughts behind him!

Because the time is about to come to the time when Lao Jiu is deceiving and dying!

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to see, why did Lao Jiu cheat death, and how did he cheat everyone for so many years?

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately raised his spirit!

[In the twenty-second year of Hongwu, the King of Han gathered several of his most trusted subordinates, and you are also in one of them, the King of Han decided to cheat death, and the throne and Shizi took over the title of King of Han, and the princess of Hanzhong temporarily assisted the young lord of Shizi to manage! ] 】


Lao Jiu died fraudulently, and the Princess Yang of Han was an insider, or a direct participant!

In addition, these most powerful subordinates around Lao Jiu, including Geng Qing himself, were all insiders and participants!

I know that such a big thing as Lao Jiu's fraud is definitely not something that can be handled by one person!

Co-authored the entire high-level of Hanzhong, basically participated!

That is, the side of the imperial court was completely kept in the dark!

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and hateful, but in the end he laughed angrily again!

The main reason for Lao Jiu's fraudulent death was really as he guessed, first because he did not support his cultivation, and always taught him about cultivation, which made him bored!

Second, it was actually because of the construction of cement roads, and the imperial court planned to empty gloves to the white wolf and make him angry!

Good guy, this heart is also a little too small, right?

You come to hide from the quiet, but every day to hide and cultivate your Dao with peace of mind, a bunch of people outside to help you before and after!

Even the one who took us as a father, as well as Concubine Zhou's mother, and Prince Zhu Biao, who was the eldest brother, are all saddened by your sudden violent death!

[In the years of following King Han, I have also helped King Han do a lot of shady things, such as the tomb of the lonely army, and the living sacrifices, which I am solely responsible for! ] 】

[And the King of Han decided to secretly build the Dragon Emperor's Tower in secret, but the progress was very slow, and it was built in the name of building a mausoleum! ] 】

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widened even more!

After a long day, the Hanzhong side suddenly expanded the specifications of the Han King's mausoleum, which is actually the Ming Xiu plank road secretly crossing Chen Cang?

This old nine is really a good means!

It's just that what is this Dragon Emperor's Tower?

I didn't expect to see this Geng Qing's life, and actually helped him Zhu Yuanzhang solve many big cases!

Looking at the scene in the picture, the scene of the hot and busy building this so-called Dragon Emperor Tower in the belly of Dingjun Mountain, the curiosity in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart could no longer be controlled!

Zhu Yuanzhang decisively chose to pause, and immediately woke up the national transport system!

"'System, what is this Dragon Emperor's Tower? You explain it to us'? "

Zhu Yuanzhang also did not ink, and asked directly to the point.

[Sorry host, the specific information of the Dragon Emperor's Tower cannot be collected in a short time! ] 】

[But what is certain is that this is a heavy weapon to protect the country, you can also understand it as an artifact that can protect (Mode Zhao) to bless the entire Daming, and the Han King Zhu Li built this Dragon Emperor's Tower not for himself, but for the entire Daming! ] 】

The subsequent explanation of the national transport system shocked Zhu Yuanzhang!

Protector of the country?

Can you still bless the entire Daming?

Is it such an exaggeration?

Isn't it just about building a tower?

"Then after you figure out the details of this Dragon Emperor Tower, tell us as soon as possible!"

"Let's know all the information about this Dragon Emperor Tower at the first time!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also couldn't care about the shock in his heart, and hurriedly explained to the national transport system!

[After the information deciphering and collection of the Dragon Emperor's Tower is completed, it is not impossible to tell the host, but it may require the host to spend some national fortune value at that time! ] 】

The subsequent words of the national transport system almost made Zhu Yuanzhang spray blood!

Good fellow, it's another request for national fortune value, when you really don't see rabbits and don't spread eagles!

[The host also don't think that the system heart is black, you must know that this Dragon Emperor's Tower is a national protection artifact, and the country protection artifact knows what the concept is, right? ] Collect some national fortune value, that is also the right thing! 】

The national transport system also seemed to hear Zhu Yuanzhang's inner complaining, and explained it as a matter of course.

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

We don't even have a way to refute the price!

But this national transport system pit is also a real pit!

This has all hung up his appetite, and he actually told us that he hadn't calculated the specific role of this Dragon Emperor's Tower!

Isn't this pure appetite?

That's it, let's still find a way to save a little more national fortune value, and I don't know the information of this Dragon Emperor Tower, and how much national fortune value it will cost to buy it!

With his heart constantly complaining about this pit father's national transport system, Zhu Yuanzhang could only stop here and choose to continue watching Geng Qing's dream life!

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