70: National Transport System: The Tower of the Dragon Emperor, a national protector, which can resist nuclear bombardment

A tower of the Dragon Emperor, so that Zhu Yuanzhang could not get up and down, he could only continue to scold and check Geng Qing's dream life!

[In this way, day after day, in the thirty-first year of Hongwu, the old emperor died, and the newly appointed emperor directly cut the domain, and the king of Hanzhong at this time was Zhu Xianqiu, and the son of the world had grown up, learned to resist, and spoke out to resist the atrocities of the new emperor, but also summoned thirty troops for Hanzhong! ] 】

[Sure enough, after the old Han king found out, he ordered Fengtian to be difficult to clear the side of the monarch, this battle, with the help of the lonely army, you only fought for many two years, and you fought Yingtian in a corner! ] 】

[In the sixth year of Jianwen, Emperor Jianwen abdicated, the old Han king ascended the throne as emperor, and I was also named the Duke of Anguo, the imperial court at that time was extremely strong, you were sent to the Northwest and Northern Expedition, the emperor cultivated all day long, and domestic affairs were handled by the crown prince Zhu Xiangqiu! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang had already seen it in Zhu Yunjiang's dream life last time!

Zhu Yuanzhang knows what happened, but at this moment, from Geng Qing's point of view, he can still see many details that cannot be seen from Zhu Yunjiang's dream life!

For example, Lao Jiu's series of military deployments after learning of the pressure of the imperial court army!

In fact, for Lao Jiu, playing a war with Zhu Yunjiang, his nephew, with his means, really has a feeling of bullying the small with the big!

That's right, it's bullying the small with the big!

Zhu Yunjiang is still a little too tender in front of Lao Jiu, even if the imperial court has a royal army that is known as one million, it is still not the opponent of twenty or thirty thousand people in Hanzhong!

Lao Jiu alone is an existence that can rival a million-strong army!

This battle can also be said to be without suspense!

As for Geng Qing, Qin Wu, and Yang Hui, the generals of the Hanzhong Army, they were made dukes of the state after Lao Jiu took the throne, which is also reasonable!

After all, each of them has the skill of the dragon, and there are quite a few battle merits!

It was at this time that Geng Qing could be regarded as truly growing!

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Zhu Yuanzhang had to agree with Geng Qing, Qin Wu, Yang Hui, the three fierce generals, and any one pulled out was enough to be comparable to Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Tang He and other famous generals around him Zhu Yuanzhang!

It's just that it's not in the same period, there is no way to try it with real knives and guns!

As for Tang He, who is still alive now, Lan Yu is still young, but this kid may not be much stronger than the three fierce generals that Lao Jiu received!

Battle power and command ability, the three of them can be regarded as super first-class fierce generals, and Lan Yu is at the same level, maybe they are all stronger than Lan Yu's killing talent!

It is said that the times create heroes 693, and it is not unreasonable that Lao Jiu can succeed!

Not only is he not as strong as words, but the people under his hands are also fiercer than one!

[The emperor and Empress Yang have a total of three princes and two princesses, the eldest prince became the crown prince, the second prince was named the King of Han, and the third prince was named the King of Mu! ] 】

[When Daming entered the regular, the emperor also began to order that the power of the whole country should be used to build the Tower of the Dragon Emperor, the national protection artifact, because the national protection artifact takes at least dozens of generations to build! ] 】

It's this Dragon Emperor's Tower again!

It was previously secretly built in Hanzhong in the name of building a royal tomb!

Now that Lao Jiu has taken the throne, he has begun to work upright!

Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless!

The main thing is that the heart is itchy!

What is so special about this Dragon Emperor's Tower?

[In the fifth year of the Heavenly Dao, Yang Hui, the Duke of Shengguo, died of illness, and the emperor went out of the customs, mourned, gave a hundred gold, and established the title of Shanguan as the king of Guanxi! ] 】

[I lost my old friend, depressed for several periods of time, Yang Hui is my elder, but also an old friend, we have fought side by side for many years, and even the two families still have a marriage relationship! ] 】

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he couldn't help but be moved!

Such a robe friendship, he naturally understands!

When Chang Yuchun and Xu Da passed away one after another, he was also in such a mood!

It will even be more painful than Geng Qing!

Now the old guy who fights with him seems to be only soup and one who is still alive!

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang also sighed a lot!

[But not long after, the emperor's order came again, the army went to the north, and I was the commander, which was the largest expedition since the Heavenly Dao! ] 】

[In the twenty years of Heaven's Dao, Daming ushered in an unprecedented prosperous era, and over the years, Daming has been expanding to the outside world, and I have also left a lot of roots of illness because of my perennial conquest! ] 】


Was Lao Jiu so fierce after he took the throne?

It has eliminated the desert north and unified the countries of the Western Regions, and is still expanding to the west, even beyond the southeast coast!

Even Goryeo and Dongying were included in the next conquest target by Lao Jiu!

This is to be the only self in the world and on earth, no, it should be the rhythm of only the great Ming and the only respect!

But it's really exciting enough to watch!

We, Zhu Yuanzhang, have more than enough and lack strength, and even a tartar of the Northern Expedition will exhaust the money of the national treasury!

But here in Lao Jiu, while the national strength is strong, it can expand abroad!

[At the same time, the Tower of the Dragon Emperor, the Protector Artifact, also began to enter the right track, and the emperor ordered to recruit a full 200,000 (AGBC) craftsmen and apprentices to build it! ] 】

[But accidentally, in the twenty-eighth year of this heavenly road, Mu King Zhu Xianye, rebelled in Damascus in the west, the emperor sent you to suppress, this suppression, three years of no results, Mu King Zhu Xianye Bing Peak is extremely prosperous, so that everyone confronts each other and both sides can't help each other! ] 】

What is Damascus?

How much territory did Lao Jiu lay down for our Daming?

This is all to catch up with the father and son of Temujin and Kublai Khan back then, right?

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang's side was still shocked by the expanding territory of Daming after Lao Jiu's reign, the picture took a sharp turn!

[But three years of protracted war has made you, who is already a veteran, a little overwhelmed, and in the thirty-first year of Heavenly Dao, you died of illness in the military account! ] 】

[You are Geng Qing, one of the twelve generals of Daming, and after his death, he was buried in Dingjun Mountain under the Tower of the Dragon Emperor, a national protection artifact, and was named the King of Yong'an! ] 】

[This is the end of the deduction! ] 】

It's over!

When Zhu Yuanzhang opened his eyes, the sky had already lit up, and he saw that Wang Chen was already shouting himself on the side of the bed!

This time to deduce Geng Qing's life, a little too long!

Before the deduction was finished, the three more woke up in the middle of the night, and this time it was almost the time of the early dynasty!

In the early dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang was still a little wandering.

His thoughts were still on the dream deduction of Geng Qing yesterday night!

Zhu Yuanzhang also got two most important information from this dream life of Geng Qing!

One is that after Lao Jiu's death, he seems to have been living in a Taoist temple, and that Taoist temple is in Dingjun Mountain!

It's just that it seems that Lao Jiu will have many formations, and ordinary people simply can't find the location of Lao Jiu's Taoist Temple through those formations!

The other one is this Dragon Emperor's Tower!

Of course, there are also those things about Lao Jiu's large-scale expansion after becoming emperor, and later Daming's territory was so large that Zhu Yuanzhang was amazed!

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for him to wander the world above the early dynasty!

"Your Majesty, you will prepare to tour Hanzhong in the west next month, and the minister suggested that if Daming wants to move the capital, Hanzhong Mansion may be more suitable than Xi'an Mansion!"

However, at this time, an official actually proposed to move the capital to Hanzhong Mansion!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart immediately took it back, and his expression became serious!

His original intention of touring the Hanzhong Mansion in the West was to find Lao Jiu, but he couldn't tell these officials about this matter!

But he didn't expect that this group of officials actually figured out his purpose of wanting to go to Hanzhong, and actually thought that he wanted to move the capital to Hanzhong!

The official who spoke was from Hubu, and when he used to collect taxes and check his accounts, he had been to Hanzhong Mansion!

For Hanzhong Mansion, this official called Liu Bingzhong is still relatively familiar, at this time, he didn't realize what was wrong, and he praised Hanzhong to Zhu Yuanzhang vigorously!

However, the faces of all the officials in the court began to look strange at this time, and they shut up one by one!

Because everyone noticed Zhu Yuanzhang sitting on the dragon chair, his face became more and more wrong!

The gaze, which was originally a little slack, began to become cold!

"Who told you that we are going to make Han Zhongzhong the national capital?"

Without waiting for Liu Bingzhong to continue to tell about the various benefits of moving the capital to Hanzhong, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly interrupted the other party in a cold voice, and asked in his mouth.

How good is Hanzhong, we still need you to say?

We know better than everyone here!

You, a six-rank master of the household department, actually dared to speculate about the holy will in front of the Manchu Dynasty's civilization and martial arts, and still wanted to use this promotion to make a fortune?

Treat us Zhu Yuanzhang as a comatose monarch?

Many people among the civil officials looked at Liu Bingzhong and shook their heads vigorously, this guy has just entered the dynasty as an official, and he is only a chief of the household, and he actually dares to express himself in a hurry in the court, this kind of behavior of speculating on the mind of the superior without authorization, is it that he thinks that his life is long, or is he crazy if he wants to be promoted? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Anyone can figure out the thoughts of the ascendant, even a rough man like Lan Yu can guess, but even if His Majesty really intends to move the capital to Hanzhong, it is not something you can say directly!

Everyone knows it, what do you mean by saying it now?

With the Manchu Dynasty, you will come to work, right?

And the matter of moving the capital has not been clearly stated until now, and it has not been decided!

Last time I moved the seal to the King of Qin, Zhu Shu, I was looking for a reason to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture, and at this time, the matter of moving the capital to Hanzhong was not equivalent to hitting the face of the throne?

What's more, Zhu Yuanzhang himself said that he was going to inspect Hanzhong Mansion!

Even if I regret wanting to change the capital of the country from Xi'an to Hanzhong, it is after people go to Hanzhong!

People and the people have not left for Hanzhong, so you put this suggestion on hold?

You've been to Hanzhong, and you've already seen it, so you're showing up in front of your superiors, right?

But have you ever thought about people in a position?


That Liu Bingzhong naturally noticed that Zhu Yuanzhang's face and tone were not wrong, and cold sweat broke out instantly!

"That's it, we're tired, if you Aiqing have nothing to do, then retreat!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he didn't care if anyone had anything to say, so he got up and left directly!

The Manchu Dynasty's Wen Wu suddenly looked at each other!

Liu Bingzhong even fell directly to the ground with his butt, and his legs were already frightened!

Just now, Zhu Yuanzhang's cold eyes were so terrifying that he even suspected that he was going to die this time!

And Zhu Yuanzhang did not go crazy on the spot, which made him relieved on the spot, and at the same time, he also had the feeling that the ghost door was closed and walked!

"You! Alas..."

The official who was usually a little pretentious with this Liu Bingzhong walked up to him, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say, and finally sighed and walked away!

It's all this time, let's save your life.

With this kind of fool, you may have to burden yourself!

After the early dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Biao to Li Xiuyuan's small courtyard again.

Although the matter of Liu Bingzhong in the early dynasty made Zhu Yuanzhang a little angry, it also gave him a wake-up call!

Moving the capital is a big thing, what he has been thinking about before is moving the capital to Xi'an Mansion, otherwise he would not let Zhu Biao inspect Xi'an Mansion!

However, after such a disturbance in the early dynasty, it seems that the proposal to move the capital to Hanzhong Mansion is also very heartwarming!

If he hadn't known that Lao Jiu was still alive, he might really be moved!

He remembered that when he deduced Geng Qing's life yesterday night, Lao Jiu finally moved the national capital to Beiping and changed its name to Shuntianfu!

Even the old fourth Yan King Zhu Di changed his fiefdom to guard Mobei!

He also wanted to ask Li Xiuyuan, a Taoist master!

"Father, shouldn't you really plan to move the capital to Hanzhong?"

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's worried look, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and did not explain much.

He is also undecided, it seems that this question will eventually have to be asked after meeting Lao Jiu!

The main reason is why he chose the capital of Beiping Prefecture!

Then why would Lao Jiu give up the near and far and run to Beiping Mansion?

Could it be that Xi'an Prefecture, which is closer, is missing?

Of course, if you can't see Lao Jiu for the time being, then ask Li Xiuyuan, the old way, first, and listen to his opinion!

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Biao directly to Li Xiuyuan's courtyard.

"Chief Li, we have always had the idea that we want to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture, can you give us a reference and give an opinion?" What do you think of our decision to move the capital to Xi'an? "

After Zhu Yuanzhang first had a polite conversation with Li Xiuyuan, he went straight to the topic.

"Your Majesty wants to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture? That's the right person! "

"Xi'an Mansion doesn't need to think about it, because after the Tang Dynasty, the dragon energy of Xi'an Prefecture has been lost, and if Daming moves the capital to Xi'an Mansion, it may also bring disaster to Daming!"

"Of course, if His Majesty doesn't believe what Lao Dao said, he can also assume that Lao Dao didn't say it!"

After Li Xiuyuan had contact with Zhu Yuanzhang's father and son during this time, he found that this Zhu Yuanzhang was not the kind of unfriendly personality as rumored, but very reasonable.

At least to him, Li Xiuyuan was still very polite!

So Li Xiuyuan also had something to say, and did not avoid it too much!

"Dragon Qi is exhausted?"

"On the contrary, it will bring disaster to Daming!"

"This... Thank you Li DaoChang for mentioning it! "

"If it weren't for Chief Li's bumps, we might really have to go crooked!"

Zhu Yuanzhang never expected this result, no wonder Lao Jiu would give up the near and farther, but chose Beiping Mansion, which was even farther away from Hanzhong Mansion!

This thing that Li Xiuyuan could see, with Lao Jiu's Dao, there was even less reason not to see it!

It turns out that in this national capital city, there is actually a saying that dragon qi is related to national fortune!

After coming out of Li Xiuyuan's side, it was equivalent to announcing that the plan to move the capital to Xi'an Prefecture had been completely aborted!

And Zhu Yuanzhang's choice list is only left in Hanzhong and Beiping!

But Lao Jiu finally chose Beiping!

[Host, the information collection about the Tower of the Dragon Emperor has been completed! ] 】

At this moment, the voice of the national transport system suddenly sounded in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind!

"Then tell us what this Dragon Emperor Tower is for?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

[To answer this question, you need 500 national transport points! ] 】

The national transport system, in line with the principle of not seeing rabbits and not spreading eagles, threw another price!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Well, forget about this stubble!

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang still endured the pain and gave the national transport system 500 points of national fortune value!

The main thing is that he wants to know the role of this Dragon Emperor Tower too much!

This is a national protection artifact!

[The Tower of the Dragon Emperor, the protector artifact, took 200 years to build, is one of the five wonders of the world, belongs to the product of formations and magic weapons, and its role is to protect Daming, and can withstand nuclear bombardment when opened! ] 】

The national transport system slowly explained after obtaining 500 national transport values.

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