204 monasticism

In the next ten days, Zhu Li simply completed a lot of impossible planning.

The Americans are not all vicious, so Zhu Li also gave them some rewards and received the obedience of thousands of American people.

For the customs and habits of the Ming Dynasty, the Americans liked it very much, so no matter how much the king stopped it, this group of people left the United States with their parents, wives and children.

This move is really a thief who makes Zhu Li play, after all, killing people is not enough, such a heartfelt action actually makes the king of the United States even more annoyed in his heart.

After Zhu Yuanzhang knew this feat of his son, he immediately laughed, saying in his heart that this was really a big child, and suddenly generated income for the Ming Dynasty.

Although there are people outside the frontier who constantly protest, they usually complain one second, and the next second after the army of Zhu Lidi fights, everyone obeys.

At this time, the political situation of the entire Ming Dynasty was quite stable, and it was time for Zhu Li to start his next cultivation plan.

Although the summoning of the revenant of the three thousand cemetery soldiers has a preliminary appearance, it is not completely successful, and it can only last for about an hour.

However, Zhu Li thought that as long as more and more soldiers died, then the strength of the entire undead army would also continue to grow.

With this invincible army of the undead, complete victory is just around the corner.

To this end, Zhu Li handed over the affairs of the main war to Zhu Di.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was a little worried in his heart that Lao Jiu had decided to pamper Zhu Di, Zhu Biao felt that his father had too much heart and caused too much trouble because of his suspicions.

Lao Jiu and Prince Zhu Biao both said so, then Zhu Yuanzhang no longer bothered, he just wanted to be a good emperor in this peaceful and prosperous world.

Ahem, it can be said that in addition to killing those bad people, Lao Zhu did not kill innocent people, which he is still proud of.

Yang Shi finally saw Zhu Li come back, but he didn't expect him to retreat again.

Looking at her aggrieved wipe of tears, Zhu Li smiled and took her into his arms.

"Look at you, King Ben is only in retreat for a few days, and he will not leave you. Don't worry, after this clearance, King Ben will lead our secret weapon up! "

Yang Shi was surprised when he heard this.

"Are you sure of this? Xianggong, in fact, the concubine thinks you should be careful. "

Zhu Li waved his hand directly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"How can you see results by always giving up? Study how to solve the problem completely! "

"'What if it fails?'

Yang Shi was not too optimistic, "Xianggong, if this matter is told by someone with a heart, it will definitely say that you are talking to confuse the people, hoping that the father will kill you!" "

Zhu Li disagreed.

Don't say that he is a corpse fighting, even if he turns the entire Ming Dynasty upside down, Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely not move him.

Today's Zhu Li is no longer the proud son of heaven who only knows how to enjoy in the past.

With his eyes lit up, Zhu Li swept his gaze towards Yang once again.

(Wang Zhao's): "Don't let anyone visit King Ben for a while." If anyone has to come and you call me, I will come out immediately. "

Yang nodded gently.

"Don't worry, I will definitely arrange things for my wife. This kid has been like you recently, and he has become more and more fond of martial arts, and now I have found a suitable master to teach. "

"That's it!"

Zhu Li nodded, "That king will go to cultivate, and after ten days, everything will inevitably be separated!" "。

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