205: A vermilion that can also kill people in retreat

Zhu Li closed the cultivation path, which made Old Zhu sitting in the court a little stunned.

He said in his heart that this old Jiu had easily focused on the battlefield, how could it be that it had only been less than a month, and he immediately went to cultivate again.

Zhu Biao was quite calm about this, these nine brothers had never cared about the imperial government, and the only pleasure they had was cultivating and fighting, and besides that, there was nothing to lift his spirits.

Besides, even if something is very important, it depends on whether Zhu Li can be interested, if people are really not interested, it is not interesting to force it.

Because of this, Zhu Biao also specially instructed his own people to protect Zhu Li's family for this 320 time, and at the same time did not allow anyone to use any means to approach Zhu Li who was cultivating.

Zhu Biao was not worried that these people would let Zhu Li betray him, and if Zhu Li really did this, he would not have made many concessions in the previous few times.

People, that is, in this way, everything will have a degree, thinking of steadiness and victory.

Zhu Biao, who is accustomed to following his father's instructions in everything, envy his younger brother Zhu Li because he is free and does things in a stormy manner.

As a prince, Zhu Biao was actually more afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, and did not dare to have too many differences in words and deeds with Zhu Yuanzhang.

But in the long run, he also lost the domineering spirit that a prince should have, and only those who only promised were left.

Now it seems that Zhu Li, this kid, may be able to change the luck of the entire Ming Dynasty, and at the same time, it can also make the cruel father Zhu Yuanzhang change.

"Stinky boy!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Biao's eyes that had been turned, and couldn't help but snort.

"Do you know that these actions you are doing now really make your father angry!"

Zhu Biao was stunned for a moment, not understanding how Zhu Yuanzhang could say this.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, and could only say that he felt that although Lao Jiu's idea was very good, Zhu Biao, as a prince, should also do something for the imperial court.

"Father, you can worry too much."

After Zhu Biao knew Zhu Yuanzhang's (agfe) anxiety, he laughed directly.

"Before Lao Jiu retreated, everything had already been settled, and the sons and daughters would soon go to the Tubo Kingdom to spread Daming's martial arts."

"Who decided?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Yuanzhang was directly stunned, he didn't expect this kind of thing at all.

Zhu Biao's eyes were firm, and his words were round.

"This matter has been negotiated with the ninth brother. Moreover, the ninth brother gave all his elite troops to the children, and there was absolutely no problem with the children! "

Although this is good, Zhu Yuanzhang's hair still stands on end in his heart, and he always feels that this situation is wrong.

This Zhu Biao has never been on the battlefield, and if he really goes up so rashly, it is really not easy to handle.

Coupled with Zhu Yuanzhang's worry that the group of villains who were doing things behind his back would make a move on Zhu Biao, this heart was even more unwilling to do so.

It was also at this time that Zhu Biao handed over the letter written by Lao Jiu Zhu Li.

Zhu Yuanzhang really obeyed Zhu Li's thoughts, and he actually guessed that he would definitely obstruct this matter early on, so he arranged for Zhu Biao to take out this personal letter in advance.

According to what Zhu Li said, letting Zhu Biao fight was also to let the group of restless old ministers of the imperial court see the majesty of the prince of the Celestial Empire, which would definitely not be a bad thing.

Moreover, even if it is bad, it will not be worse than the previous state of being attacked by the enemy, so it is the only choice to fight and not retreat! .

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