19: A feast in the tomb of the lonely army!

On the outskirts of Hanzhong City, a group of men and horses were escorting the Vara Tartars slowly forward.

The person in charge of this escort was Geng Qing!

In addition to most of the people who wanted to send to the Hanzhong Silent Military Tomb, there were ten people specially ordered by Zhu Li, and he wanted to personally escort them back to the Taoist Temple and hand them over to Zhu Li!

"I am the son of Gore Speed, and as long as I live, my father can pay a large ransom to save me!"

One of the escorted youths cried out with trepidation!

He didn't know where these Daming people were going to escort him, but if he thought about it with his toes, it might be fine!


However, what responded to him was Geng Qing's crisp and sharp knife!

This knife directly turned this young man on the ground, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

"It's the same when you die, it's no difference!"

"Dragged with a rope!"

Geng Qing took a sip, and then put away the knife.

In this way, the young man was like a dead dog, and he didn't care if he would die or not, he was directly tied up with a rope and dragged all the way with a horse!

For these tartars, the Hanzhong Army has never been merciful, let alone Geng Qing!

Seeing this scene, where did the remaining tartars dare to make a sound, their faces were as pale as paper, and they could only continue to follow the team like walking corpses!

However, after the team came to Dingjun Mountain, those tartars sensed that something was wrong!

The eerie chill that came from within the belly of the mountain, just a little closer, gave people a creepy feeling, and the heart seemed to miss half a beat!

Before the cliff wall, the tomb door opened again, and the pitch-black Yong Dao was once again revealed in front of Geng Qing!

"Except for those ten people, all the others are sent in!"

Geng Qing waved his big hand and indifferently ordered his subordinates.

The gang of tartars suddenly began to cry and call for their mother, either resisting or begging for mercy!

They have already arrived here, and they can naturally see that this is actually a mausoleum!

Everyone instinctively chilled from the bottom of their hearts, and the strong fear directly frightened everyone to collapse!

However, Geng Qing was not the kind of soft-hearted person, and the soldiers of the Hanzhong Army unceremoniously stuffed all these people into the Yongdao one by one!

"Gentlemen, please feel free to use it slowly!"

Geng Qing sneered, and then ordered to close the tomb door directly!

As the tomb door slowly closed, all the tartars' eyes showed a strong color of fear, and even more unbearable directly frightened!

However, when they found that this tomb door was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and they couldn't shake it with their ability, they were all dumbfounded!


At this moment, there were strange and terrifying hissing sounds from the depths of the Yongdao, accompanied by a cold and gloomy aura, giving people a shuddering feeling!

The sudden movement suddenly made the chaotic scene begin to quiet down.

Everyone paid attention to the depths of the Yong Dao, either fearful or confused, but they all walked into the depths of the Yong Dao!

They didn't know the purpose of the Hanzhong army to arrest them here, could it be just to let them die in this mausoleum, and then be buried with the tomb owner?

The owner of this tomb is perverted from time to time?

I don't know how long I've been dead, and I actually have to live people to accompany the burial?

However, when everyone passed through the Yongdao and came to the tomb full of three thousand coffins, they were all stunned!

These tartars saw a scene that they will never forget!

No one expected that this tomb would be so huge!

What I didn't expect was that there were thousands of coffins neatly stacked, and the yellow talismans that were plastered everywhere gave people a very strange sense of horror!

"Boom !!"

Just before everyone could react, suddenly a loud noise came, and I saw that the coffin board on the coffin was all lifted from the inside, and then one by one, the soldiers wearing armor and green fangs jumped out of the coffin!


A beast-like roar came out of the throats of these soldiers wearing Hanzhong military armor!

At this moment, everyone was suddenly frightened!

The timid ones simply fainted in fright!

Immediately afterwards, screams, cries and cries for mercy continued to echo in this huge tomb, and this scene did not last long until everything subsided!

Half an hour later!

The Yong Road opened again, and an old man and a young man wearing gray Daoist robes entered the tomb again!

"Alas... Sons and daughters of Hanzhong, it's time to continue sleeping! "

"Apprentice, open the altar practice, reopen the blood refining array!"

The old Taoist priest glanced at the mess in the tomb, then sighed lightly, and instructed lightly to the young Taoist priest with a slightly pale face on the side.


At this time, Geng Qing had already returned to the Taoist Temple with the surviving ten Walla Tartars!

And the reason why these ten Vara tartars were selected and not sent to the Silent Army Tomb like the others was because they were the best and strongest among this group of Vara Tartars!

However, after passing through the scene outside the tomb of the lonely army, these ten strong Vara tartars had already been frightened like frightened birds!

The seemingly ruined Taoist temple in front of them gave them a weird feeling compared to the eerie and terrifying Silent Military Tomb!

A bad premonition surged in everyone's hearts!

"Your Highness, the people you want have all been brought!"

Geng Qing came to the Taoist Temple courtyard, knelt down on one knee in front of the Taoist Temple, and said in a deep voice!

"Hmm! Let's all stand down! "

Inside the desolate and dilapidated Taoist Temple, a voice full of majesty came out!

As soon as those ten Vara youths heard this voice, their bodies couldn't help but tremble!

"What is this place? What exactly are you doing bringing us here? "

The terrified voice suddenly sounded!


At this moment, dozens of talismans flew out from the Taoist Temple, and before these Vara youths could react, they were already attached to their bodies!

In just an instant, everyone was already unable to move!

Even in their mouths, they can only make a "ho ho ho" sound!

Such a strange situation deepened the fear in the hearts of these ten Vara youths!

When Zhu Li's figure slowly walked out of the Taoist Temple and appeared in everyone's sight, they couldn't help but widen their eyes, and their eyes were full of fear!

Among them, there were two tartar people who directly recognized the man in front of them!

Isn't this Zhu Li, the king of Han in the Ming Dynasty?

Doesn't it mean that he died violently three years ago?

Why does it still appear in this desolate and dilapidated Taoist temple?

Of course, these questions, they are afraid that they have no chance to get answers!

................... The dividing line........................

ps: The new book sets sail, do not dare to ask for monthly passes and flowers, as long as there are readers who greatly urge the book review to change, I will add more!

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