18: Change the name of King Zhu Li of Han to 'Sincere Filial Piety'!

Zhu Biao can not only sit up!

And I can get up directly, although the strength of my legs has just recovered, but slow walking is no longer a problem!

Such an immediate effect made Zhu Yuanzhang have the urge to cry with great joy!


"It's all true!"

"It was Lao Jiu who saved us!"

At this moment, while Zhu Biao was glad that he had saved a life, he fell into guilt for Lao Jiu Zhu Li!

It turned out that not only the old man, but even he, who was the eldest brother, had always misunderstood Lao Jiu, never really understood him, and always blamed him!

If it weren't for the old man getting such a heaven-defying fetish from the National Fortune System, maybe he wouldn't have believed that this pill that Lao Jiu gave him back then could really save his life!

At that moment, Zhu Biao even felt that he would not die unjustly!

It is clear that there is a life-saving elixir but abandon it, he should not die, who deserves to die?

Looking at Zhu Biao's such a guilty look, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but blush, and his heart was even more ashamed!

"Biao'er, let's decide to issue a decree tomorrow morning and change Lao Jiu's nickname again!"

"Just change it to 'Chengxiao', what do you think?"

Zhu Yuanzhang slowly asked at this time.

Perhaps this is already the only way he can do now, to make up for Lao Jiu!

"Father Emperor is wise!"

When Zhu Biao heard this, his body couldn't help but shake, and he hurriedly bowed his hand to Zhu Yuanzhang!

If things develop to this extent, the old man still refuses to change Lao Jiu's name, and he, who is the eldest brother, will not agree!

But apparently the old man also realized his mistake, and he chose to make up for and correct it!

Although this could no longer make up for the debt that their father and son owed to Lao Jiu, at least their father and son couldn't keep making mistakes like this!

Otherwise, even if he Zhu Biao could continue to live, he would live in endless guilt!

In this way, Zhu Biao's half-finished life extension pill was swallowed in less than an hour, and the whole person completely recovered, just like a normal person!

When the Lu Clan and Zhu Yunjiang brothers, as well as a group of officials who were still guarding outside, saw that Zhu Yuanzhang and Prince Zhu Biao actually walked out of the dormitory like no one else, they all glared at each other, and their expressions were like ghosts!

Even if this is a return to the light, it does not bring such anti-heaven, right?

Can you walk like a normal person?

This doesn't look like a terminally ill person!

And Lu's heart is a rin!


She immediately thought of the elixir that Zhu Yuanzhang had asked Jiang Ying and the others to look for before!

In her opinion, Zhu Biao suddenly healed, it must be because of that elixir!

It turns out that there is really such a heaven-defying elixir in this world!

Soon, the news that the crown prince Zhu Biao suddenly recovered from his illness also spread throughout the court, and it also made the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wudu breathe a sigh of relief!

The prince is not dead, which is definitely great news for them!

However, the next morning, when Zhu Yuanzhang ordered to change the name of King Zhu Li of Han, it directly shocked the entire court!

But shocked to shocked, the officials did not dare to say more!

Because it was Zhu Biao, the crown prince, who read this will in the dynasty!

It is estimated that after so many years, the superior should also be discouraged for the things of that year!

The Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu couldn't offend Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao because of a dead lord!

However, gradually another voice gradually spread in the court.

That is, Prince Zhu Biao actually ate the so-called elixir to heal, and what is even more exaggerated is that this elixir was refined in the palace by King Zhu Li of Han!

As soon as this news came out, the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu suddenly talked about it.

Of course, it can only be regarded as a conversation after tea, after all, it is all hearsay, without any real evidence!

What's more, neither the upper position nor the prince personally said that it was a matter of no shadow!

But in fact, this news began to circulate from the East Palace!

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang searched Zhu Biao's study that day and found an elixir, and many people knew about it!

Of course, Zhu Li, who was far away in Hanzhong Mansion, did not know everything that happened in Yingtianfu!


Hanzhong Province.

In a deserted mansion, Qin Wu was waiting quietly alone!

Not long after, a figure appeared in the courtyard!

"Qin Qianhu, what is the news this time?"

The person who came was dressed in a flying fish suit of Jin Yiwei, holding an embroidered spring knife, and looking at the waist card, he was a Jin Yiwei Baihu!

Generally speaking, the heads sent by Jinyiwei to various prefectures are at least officials at the level of 100 households.

And the official members of Jinyiwei, more or less hang official positions, starting at the level of a small flag or a general flag officer!

There are not many Jinyiwei in Hanzhong, there are only a few, and the leader of them is this hundred households surnamed Liu!

Usually if there is any news from the Hanzhong side that wants the imperial court to know, Qin Wu will directly order this Liu Baihu according to Zhu Li's meaning, and then directly transmit it to Tianfu through the channel of Jinyiwei!

To put it bluntly, even in Hanzhong Mansion, Zhu Li can control Jinyiwei's intelligence, saying that if he wants Zhu Yuanzhang to know something, let him know anything, and what he doesn't want him to know Zhu Yuanzhang will definitely not know!

"It's still about the 318 Vara Tatar captives, trouble Liu Baihu to report to the imperial court, saying that the more than 300 Tatars captured have all been executed!"

Qin Wu directly said his intentions.

"This is a trivial matter, but those prisoners must be properly disposed of, and must not let the news leak!"

When Liu Baihu heard this, he nodded very happily and agreed, obviously this cooperation is not the first time for him!

"Liu Baihu is really open!"

"Liu Baihu, up to now, I still think that you and I can become very good friends!"

"The emperor's side, it will be more troublesome Liu Baihu to work harder!"

Qin Wu smiled and patted Liu Baihu's shoulder, and then without saying much, he turned around and left directly!

Soon, Liu Baihu's figure also disappeared into the house.

In fact, the 318 Vara prisoners were not captured when they went south to hit the grass valley, but Yang Hui specially sent a caravan to set up a set for these tartars, to put it bluntly, fishing law enforcement!

When Tatar sees that there is a Daming caravan sent to the door, where will there be a reason to let it go?

This greed is followed by bad luck!

At this moment, all of these more than three hundred Walla tartars were escorted to the Dingjun Mountain Silent Army Tomb, and ten of them were selected separately, and according to the orders of Han King Zhu Li, they were to be sent directly to him!

However, these tartars have not yet realized what kind of fate awaits them!

................... The dividing line........................

ps: The new book sets sail, do not dare to ask for a monthly pass and fresh flowers, as long as there are readers who greatly urge a change in the book review, a comment, I will add a change!

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