17: Wrong blame Lao Jiu, strong as Zhu Yuanzhang also admitted the mistake!

Looking at Zhu Biao's surprised appearance, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was full of mixed tastes!

Wrong is wrong!

As the emperor, he knew that he seemed to really blame Lao Jiu!

But not recognizing mistakes is the basic principle of the emperor!

As an emperor, even if you are wrong, you must be right!

Otherwise, where is the majesty of the emperor?

If he Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill someone in the court, what evidence did he manage when he was wronged, and whether you were wronged or not?

Whether you are really a corrupt official or not, the point is to see whether you deserve to die or not, whether you have the value of living!

Just like Blue Jade, his life and death do not depend on whether he is arrogant or domineering, but on whether Zhu Biao can continue to live!

As long as Zhu Biao is gone, Blue Jade will die!

Even if you don't have any obvious major sins on the surface, he Lao Zhu can put a lot of heinous charges on you!

This is the power of the emperor!

But in the face of Zhu Biao, Zhu Yuanzhang recognized it!

"We have always misunderstood Lao Jiu before!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed lightly and nodded slowly.

Misunderstood Lao Jiu?

Zhu Biao almost thought he had misheard!

Didn't the old man always hate Lao Jiu's addiction to alchemy cultivation?

Today, he would actually say that he had always misunderstood Lao Jiu before, wouldn't that mean that he had been wrong before?

What's going on all of this?

The old man is not the kind of person who recognizes mistakes?

Do you think he was wrong at a time?

"Biao'er, in fact, there is something we have been thinking about how to tell you these days, although it may sound a little strange, but you must believe our words!"

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that if he couldn't give Zhu Biao a reasonable explanation, then he would definitely not believe it!

"Father... Say it, listen to it! "

Zhu Biao slowly nodded his head heavily.

"A few days ago, didn't we faint because of the golden light that day? After that..."

Zhu Yuanzhang directly explained to Zhu Biao how he obtained the matter of binding the Daming National Transport System!

Zhu Biao listened, and his pupils suddenly shrank!


This sounds more mythical than a mythical story!

Is there really such a magical thing in this world?

"We used this national transport system to deduce your life last night, don't you know, everything you see in this dream picture is too real!"

"We saw everything that happened to you since you were a child, and we also saw your mother, our good girl!"

"Originally, according to the development of the deduction, you will not live for this month! But the national transport system also said that you once received the guidance of a Taoist master and obtained a semi-finished longevity pill, which should be the pill in our hands now! "

"We originally thought that as long as we found this Taoist master, we could cure you, but we didn't expect that this person would actually be Lao Jiu!"

"But it's okay, we still have hope!"

"At least this half-finished life extension pill in front of you can still help you extend your life for two and a half years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang explained later, and his tone became eager!

Semi-finished life extension pill?

Zhu Biao was completely unsettled when he heard this!

The name of this elixir was indeed called the Semi-finished Life Extension Pill, and he hadn't mentioned it to anyone other than Lao Jiu!

He hadn't even mentioned to anyone that Lao Jiu had given him this pill!

The old man actually knew what the name of this pill was!

When Lao Jiu gave it to him, he said that this was a semi-finished longevity pill, and it was verbatim!

Could it be that the national transport system mentioned by the old man really exists?

"Father... You mean... Is it true that Lao Jiu calculated that we would die young? "

"It is also because he calculated that we have this calamity in our life, so he refined pills in the palace, and almost burned the palace with a fire?"

After listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's story, Zhu Biao suddenly felt like a knife in his heart!

Back then, he just felt that Lao Jiu was more naughty and didn't understand things!

But he never thought that there would be such a hidden secret in this!

This smelly boy is all because he wants to save him, who is a big brother, so he broke into such a catastrophe!

"He... Why didn't he say it earlier? "

"Why didn't he say it?"

"If he had said it, it wouldn't..."

Zhu Biao said this, but he couldn't say it anymore!

Zhu Yuanzhang also shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard this!

Say it then?

Who would believe it?

Say that he Zhu Biao will die young?

I'm afraid that I will have to be abolished by Zhu Yuanzhang at that time!

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang did not have any national transportation system!

If Lao Jiu really said it at that time, maybe the misunderstanding would be even greater!

And at this moment, after learning the truth of everything, Zhu Biao only felt that his heart was blocked in panic, and finally understood the good intentions of this ninth brother, understood the elixir he had worked hard to refine through the catastrophe, but finally chose to give it to himself on the wedding day!

"That's right, it's our father and son who blame Lao Jiu!"

"Lao Jiu is a good boy!"

"It's just a pity..."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with bitterness on his face!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world to give him medicine!

"Lao Jiu, big brother thank you!"

Zhu Biao said softly with a face full of emotion.

"Biao'er, this semi-finished life extension pill is an elixir that Lao Jiu painstakingly refined to save your life!"

"The only thing that can save you now is this half-finished life extension pill!"

"You hurry up and obey!"

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang directly handed the semi-finished longevity pill to Zhu Biao's mouth, and also sent a glass of water!


Zhu Biao nodded slowly, he was not worried that Zhu Yuanzhang would use such a method to deceive his own son, and the old man could not harm him!

Since this is the case, he will not have the slightest doubt, and immediately according to Zhu Yuanzhang's meaning, he directly swallowed the half-finished Longevity Pill!

Sure enough, after Zhu Biao took the half-finished longevity pill without hesitation, he felt a warm current suddenly rise in his lower abdomen!

The vitality and energy that were about to be lost seemed to have all begun to recover in an instant!

The extreme feeling of collapse and powerlessness obviously began to dissipate, and the hands and feet gradually regained their strength!

Looking at Zhu Biao's original pale face, which turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but widen his eyes!

He knew that it must have been this half-finished life extension pill that worked!

This elixir really works!

It really worked!

The national transport system did not deceive us!

Lao Jiu is really that Taoist master!

This anti-heavenly medicinal effect directly shocked Zhu Yuanzhang to the point of being beyond belief, and at the same time confirmed that all his judgments were actually true!

"Biao'er, can you sit up?"

"How do you feel physically?"

Seeing that Zhu Biao had actually sat up, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more overjoyed and hurriedly asked.

................... The dividing line........................

ps: The new book sets sail, do not dare to ask for monthly passes and flowers, as long as readers can greatly urge the book review to change, I will add more!

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