16: It's always been wrong to blame Lao Jiu!

Zhu Yuanzhang's whole person was numb!

He didn't think about Lao Jiu before, but he quickly ruled it out!

That rebel son who only knew how to mess around and break into trouble could actually refine such a heaven-defying elixir?

However, after getting an affirmative reply from Zhu Biao's mouth at this moment, it made Zhu Yuanzhang have to accept such a result that made him unbelievable!

Moreover, the national transport system clearly said that this semi-finished longevity pill will only come from the hands of Taoist masters!

Doesn't this mean that Lao Jiu is the Taoist master?

But Lao Jiu doesn't look like a Taoist master!

And when he refined this semi-finished life extension pill, how old was Lao Jiu?

And so on....


Before his death, Lao Jiu predicted that his eldest brother Zhu Biao would die young!

It turns out that this is not a coincidence!

It was precisely because he calculated the fate of Biao'er that he painstakingly refined this semi-finished life extension pill, just to save Biao'er?

For this reason, he even almost set fire to the palace!

However, the inside story of this, I am afraid that only Lao Jiu knows it, and he and Biao'er have actually been kept in the dark all these years!

This sudden truth actually made Zhu Yuanzhang unacceptable for a while!

If he said so, wouldn't he always blame Lao Jiu?

"System, you make it clear to us! Is Lao Jiu that Taoist master? "

The incredible Zhu Yuanzhang could only hurry to inquire about the national transport system!

[Sorry host, this can't be deduced for the time being, because the state of the ninth prince Han King Zhu Li at this moment cannot be verified! ] 】

The explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned!

But soon he reacted!

Yes, Lao Jiu has been dead for three years!

Not true....

Lao Jiu has been dead for three years, even if he is really that Taoist master, but people can't be resurrected after death!

Lao Jiu is dead, what about Biao'er?

Who can save our target?

Zhu Yuanzhang, who reacted, suddenly panicked!

This feeling of falling into despair again after grasping hope made him go crazy!

Originally, he thought that as long as he found this Taoist master, he would hope to save his Biao'er, but who would have thought that the person he found was actually Lao Jiu, and he was already dead!

And so on....

"System, what does it mean that there is no way to verify? Isn't Lao Jiu dead? "

Zhu Yuanzhang soon realized the wording of the national transport system, and couldn't help but ask suspiciously!

[Maybe you can see some things about the ninth prince Zhu Li in the dream life of other princes, according to the detection of the system, Han King Zhu Li seems to have shielded himself from this world! ] 】

The subsequent explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang even more confused!

"Shield? And what does this mean? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked a little impatiently, since he got this national transport system, he began to contact some new words that he had never heard of before, usually poured well, only found it interesting, and could gain insight!

But now at this time, he really doesn't want to study these things anymore, he just wants to figure out the whole thing in the simplest and most direct way!

[Simply put, it is that Han King Zhu Li was consciously evaporated by others, or others consciously let others evaporate, even if it is as powerful as this system, it cannot directly detect his current situation! ] 】

[Of course, if the host insists on verifying, it needs 3,000 national fortune points, which can allow the system to spend a certain amount of money to determine the state of King Zhu Li of Han at this moment! ] 】

The explanation of the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned in place!

What does this mean?

[The host can also be understood that all the heavenly machines about King Zhu Li of Han have been blocked, even the system can't calculate it! ] Perhaps because Han King Zhu Li himself is involved with Taoism, if you want to forcibly calculate, it will cost a lot of money! 】

The national transport system explained again.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang nodded understandingly.

Is it impossible to calculate that the heavenly machine is blocked?

It turns out that there really is a cultivation immortal in this world, and the so-called cultivation path is indeed real, otherwise all this cannot be explained!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang only felt that he was a father, as if he was meeting Lao Jiu Zhu Oak for the first time!

Lao Jiu's body was also shrouded in a thick fog!

In addition to the words, Zhu Yuanzhang could feel that Lao Jiu, who had been dead for three years, did not seem to be simple!

All this time, I have mistaken my son!

"Father... You...... What's going on here? "

Zhu Biao looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's changing expression, and asked with some heart.

He knew that the old man was worried about his physical condition, but he didn't want to let the old man fall into the magic disorder because of this!

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he came back from his shock!

"You all give us a step back!"

Zhu Yuanzhang did not answer Zhu Biao directly, but turned his head and glanced at everyone present!

The Lu family and Zhu Yunjiang brothers were all present, as well as a group of subordinate officials of the East Palace, as well as a group of bachelors from the Hanlin Academy, they were also most concerned about the physical condition of Prince Zhu Biao on weekdays!

Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiang are also okay, but in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, those civil officials are also embarrassed, and their shyness can make him sick to his stomach!

Do they really care about Biao'er's body?

They should be more concerned about their own interests, right?

If something happens to Biao'er, then their interests will inevitably be damaged!

To put it bluntly, if the identity of this layer of crown prince were not here, who would be so concerned about Zhu Biao's life and death?

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, who can love Biao'er more than our Zhu Yuanzhang?

As soon as they heard Zhu Yuanzhang's words, everyone did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly responded and all retreated!

Including the Lu Clan and Zhu Yunjiang brothers, they didn't dare to continue to stay here!

Everyone can see that the old man should have something to say to Zhu Biao alone!

Soon, only he and Zhu Yuanzhang's father and son were left in Zhu Biao's dormitory!

"Father... What do you have to tell your sons and daughters? "

Zhu Biao naturally also saw the old man's intentions, and although he was very weak, he still insisted on asking.

"Biao'er, listen to us!"

"The elixir left by this old nine is the only thing that can save your life at present!"

"It's a pity... Lao Jiu died early, if he were still alive..."

Zhu Yuanzhang held the half-finished longevity pill with a straight face and explained it to Zhu Biao.

But speaking of Lao Jiu Zhu Oak, Zhu Yuanzhang's face unconsciously showed a look of remorse and self-blame!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's words made Zhu Biao's eyes widen directly!

He never expected that these words would actually come out of the mouth of the old man, and the shock in his heart can be imagined!

Is this old man serious?

Didn't Father Emperor always hate these alchemists and side doors?

What's more, the person who refined this elixir was still Lao Jiu!

He actually said that the elixir refined by Lao Jiu could save his life?!

Shouldn't this old man be a savior and start to rush to the hospital?

................... The dividing line........................

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