34: Lao Jiu's prophecy was fulfilled, and the Jin king Zhu Hui also died young!

Soon, Zhu Shu came to the Fengtian Hall, ready to say goodbye to Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Biao did not follow, he still felt that it was good to let the old man and the second man talk alone, and there was no need for him to join in!

"Emperor, His Royal Highness King Qin asks for a meeting!"

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was reviewing the folds in the imperial study, heard the news of Wang Chen's report!

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, and then remembered something and put down the brush in his hand directly.

"Today is the day when the second eldest goes to Huai'an to join the clan, right? Let him in! "

Zhu Yuanzhang simply waved his hand!

Zhu Shu is leaving again, and this son still has to meet before parting!

Mainly for this stinky boy, Zhu Yuanzhang is still a little uneasy, worried that he will repeat the same mistakes after arriving in Huai'an Mansion, so he inevitably has to give some advice!

Not long after, Zhu Shu came to the imperial study room and saw Zhu Yuanzhang on the dragon chair.

This is also the second time he has met Zhu Yuanzhang after returning to Beijing this time.

It is obviously different from the last time the state of mind.

And this time, after Zhu Shu saw Zhu Yuanzhang, his body obviously trembled again!

But this time it was not because he was afraid or worried, but he found that the old man was really much older, and he was no longer as strong and tough as he remembered!

"The sons and daughters meet the emperor!"

Quickly walked to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Shu directly knelt down and bowed a big gift!

"Well, get up, stop kneeling!"

"You used to kneel in front of us, and every time we hit and scolded you, we really thought, how good it would be to have no such thing in the future?"

"We also want to be able to laugh every time we see you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly and said.

These words can also be regarded as his expectations for his son as an old father!

Is this demanding?

It's really not high!

He also didn't expect Zhu Shu to be able to do much and make great achievements, he only hoped that this kid would stop causing trouble for himself, then burn high incense!

"Daddy... The son is wrong! "

"My son didn't understand things before, and I disgraced you!"

"My son promises that he will never let you down again in the future!"

When Zhu Shu heard this, he couldn't help but have a sour nose, and almost burst into tears!

"Good boy, this is like our son Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"After arriving in Huai'an, remember to change all your stinky problems, let's tell you the truth, Huai'an is close to us, we will also send people to watch!" If you do anything to oppress the common people, we will not spare you at that time! "

"You, if you have any requirements, you can tell us, you can also mention it to your eldest brother!" If you can be satisfied, we will definitely satisfy you! "

"So good?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said to Zhu Shu in a consultative tone as much as possible.

"My son is truly repentant, thank you dad for giving my son this opportunity again, my son will never let you down again!"

Zhu Shu hurriedly shook his head and said.

In fact, even if he had any requirements, he didn't dare to raise them to Zhu Yuanzhang!

If you want to build a mansion in Huai'an Mansion that is comparable to the Qin Palace in Xi'an, is that possible?

It is estimated that if you say it, the old man will have to change his face on the spot!

Don't talk about the old man, even if he tells his eldest brother Zhu Biao, he won't agree!

"If you really want to say the requirements, my son only hopes that your father can take care of your body, I haven't seen you in so many years, we have found that you are much older again!"

Zhu Shu's words can be described as sincere, and even Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but show his emotion after listening to it!

Zhu Yuanzhang did not doubt Zhu Shu's filial piety at all, although this kid messed with outsiders a little, but for his own old man, it was still quite filial!

"Our body is clear in our hearts, we are tough, there are still many years to live, you don't need to worry about us!"

"You can do well in Huai'an, let us be in a hurry, maybe we can live for a few more years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed with a wry smile, and then instructed.

Looking at his elderly father, Zhu Shu's eyes turned red again!

"Dad, you must cherish it!"

Zhu Shu couldn't help but kneel down again and kowtowed three more times at Zhu Yuanzhang!

"Okay, we will, you must also remember our instructions, be good, stop making trouble, don't let us worry anymore!"

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes also began to fog, and he nodded slowly and said.

In this way, Zhu Shu quickly retreated and left the Fengtian Temple!

This time, he seemed to have untied his heart, and he felt relieved!

There is no need to go back to Xi'an Mansion, either....

And Zhu Yuanzhang also stood up and came to the outside of the imperial study, watching the back of the Qin King Zhu Shu gradually move away, until he disappeared outside the gate of Mukden, Zhu Yuanzhang only withdrew his gaze!

"Since Father Emperor can't bear it, why don't you stay for two days longer and let him accompany you to talk more?"

At this moment, Zhu Biao's voice suddenly sounded.

"Don't worry, we're afraid that the two sentences are wrong, we can't help but smoke him again!"

Zhu Yuanzhang simply waved his hand.

When Zhu Biao heard this, he was dumbfounded.

The old man is like this, hard mouth and soft heart!

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking far more than Zhu Biao imagined!

Zhu Biao was just thinking about Zhu Yuanzhang, but Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking about all his sons!

In fact, although the second kid is a little messy, he is also his son Zhu Yuanzhang!

Maybe changing his fiefdom may make him feel resentful because of this, but in order to save his life, there is no way to do it!

Resentment is resentment, we Zhu Yuanzhang don't care about his resentment, we just hope that he can live well, at least not die in front of him Zhu Yuanzhang!

Now that the problem of the second is solved, what about the third old?

On the same day, the King of Qin, Zhu Shu, set out from Yingtianfu, took hundreds of guards arranged for him by Zhu Yuanzhang, and headed towards Huai'an Mansion!

In the evening, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to his dormitory early!

The problem of the second Qin king Zhu Shu has been solved, but there is still a third old!

Once again, I remembered what Lao Jiu said before his death!

The eldest Zhu Biao, the second Qin king Zhu Shu, and the third Jin king Zhu Huan, these three sons will all die young!

Now the eldest and the second eldest have all fulfilled, fortunately, they have been solved for the time being!

But there is also a third old!

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to quickly deduce the life of the old third Jin king Zhu Huan, how could he continue to deal with the twists and turns?

"System! Let's deduce the old third Jin King Zhu Huan! "

Zhu Yuanzhang lay on his dragon bed and said directly to the system.

To say that the Jin King Zhu Hui is actually not much stronger than the second Zhu Shu, he is also a violent character, doing things wrong in the fiefdom, and there are no less Huo Huo people!

For this reason, Zhu Yuanzhang did not reprimand him!

The only thing that is stronger than the second Zhu Shu is that the third is that he listens to the advice!

................... The dividing line........................

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