33: Retreat again, Zhu Li wants to break through the realm of real people

Zhu Li is not a rotten good person, he has family and country feelings in his heart, and he also attaches great importance to family affection like Zhu Yuanzhang, but only to the people he cares about!

Even if it is his brothers of the clan king, he does not have the so-called brotherhood with anyone!

After all, Zhu Li is just a traverser, even if he inherits the memory of the original owner, but when it comes to feelings, it is!

What's more, the love of the imperial family was originally weak!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao may be an exception, but his sons and grandchildren do not have such a strong concept of family affection!

Zhu Li can remember Zhu Biao's goodness, because Zhu Biao really helped him too much, so the half-finished life extension pill was given to Zhu Biao, and it should be rewarded!

He can also help Zhu Shu, but not because of any brotherly feelings, just out of neighborly relations!

Hanzhong wants better development and can't bypass Xi'an Fu!

For Concubine Zhou, it is out of family affection, and that is also because the relationship between mother and son is pure, and there is no more entanglement of interests involved!

Concubine Zhou herself is not the kind of mercenary character who does not compromise means for her own interests.

So Zhu Li is also willing to be filial to this biological mother!

As for Zhu Yuanzhang, the father...

Zhu Li felt that he did not owe him anything, but Zhu Yuanzhang, who was the old man, owed him!

If you want to divide these people into ranks, Yang Shi, Zhu Xianqiu, Zhou Guifei, and Mumu belong to the first echelon, and they are also the people that Zhu Li cares about the most!

Followed by Geng Qing, Qin Wu and Yang Hui, who had followed him and had always been loyal subordinates, they belonged to the second echelon!

And Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, and many royal relatives of the Zhu family, that can only be classified as the third echelon!

Secondly, ordinary people, a total of these four grades, in Zhu Li's heart, clearly distinguished!

Therefore, if he refines the Longevity Pill, Zhu Li can't think of giving Zhu Biao them, but to the Yang family!

Unless Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao can do something, they will also join this first echelon and raise their weight in Zhu Li's heart!

This is the human nature of reality!

Zhu Li didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his thinking like this!

"When will such a day end?"

"The concubine really wants to be by His Highness's side at all times as before!"

Yang Shi stared at Zhu Li expectantly and asked.

"Soon! Don't worry, it won't be long before it's all over! Days like this won't last forever! "

Zhu Li was helpless, he also knew that he would definitely owe a lot to his family after all these years, but this was also for their good, and for the family to live together better in the future!

"By the way, after you go back, let Qin Wu notify Jinyiwei's side, and continue to give King Ben an eye on everything that happened on the imperial court's side!"

After thinking about it, Zhu Li continued to instruct.

Mainly at the beginning, basically something will happen in the future, which can be expected by Zhu Li!

For example, in the years when he first crossed over, the development of history still went in the direction he knew!

But these things that happened recently, especially since the crown prince Zhu Biao continued his life because of his elixir, and the Qin king Zhu Shu was also changed to a fiefdom, the development of history began to shift greatly!

This also made the history that Zhu Li originally knew can only be used as a reference information, and he needs to grasp more information about the imperial court!

"Okay, the concubine understands!"

Yang didn't say much and nodded in response.

"Go back, King Ben is tired!"

After eating, Zhu Li rubbed his stomach, wiped the corners of his mouth, and directly gave an eviction order to the Yang family.

Although the Yang family was reluctant, he also knew that now was not the time to be willful, so he could only clean up and leave the Taoist Temple!

Looking at Yang's departing back, Zhu Li did not go directly to the ground as before, but sat down directly with his knees crossed.

He had recently discovered that his Dao had improved a lot, and the bottleneck to the realm of real people had begun to loosen!

He has been stuck in the half-step realm for many years!

Maybe if you close again, you can really break through to the realm of real people in one fell swoop!

Of course, breaking through to the realm of real people is not the ultimate goal, Zhu Li's goal is to break through to the realm of Heavenly Master!

Only after breaking through to the realm of the Heavenly Master can he truly become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people!

Or once Zhu Yuanzhang dies, no one in this world will be able to stop him, because he is not invincible in the realm of real people!

Thinking of this, Zhu Li did not hesitate, and directly arranged an isolation array in the Taoist temple!

When breaking through, it is easy to cause huge movement, and Zhu Li is also afraid that the vision here will cause too much movement and attract others!

With his current ability, compared to the imperial court during the anti-Hongwu period, it is definitely not enough!

If he changed to the lineup of the Jianwen Dynasty, then Zhu Li was absolutely confident that he could wrestle with the imperial court at that time!

But this is not a thing, because he still has enough time, the old man will live to Hongwu thirty-one years at most, and he can still afford to wait for this year!

Of course, because his appearance also produced a lot of butterfly effects!

Qin King Zhu Shu should have changed his fiefdom, and his eldest brother Zhu Biao also took the semi-finished longevity pill he refined and was able to live for more than two years!

In fact, the future development of Quercus vermilion is not accurate, and I don't know to what extent this butterfly effect continues to expand?

In this way, Zhu Li began to retreat, preparing for the impact on the realm of real people!

This time, Zhu Li was not sure whether he could succeed in one fell swoop, or how much time it would take!

But if it doesn't work once, twice, he is confident that it will always succeed!


Ying Tianfu.

After a period of preparation, King Zhu Shu of Qin was also ready to go to Huai'an Mansion!

"Second elder, this time the father emperor changed the fiefdom for you, and you can also be regarded as a blessing in disguise!"

"You don't need to worry about it over there in Xi'an Mansion, the eldest brother has already arranged for someone to send the letter, and the people in King Qin's Mansion will move to Huai'an in the near future!"

"For the time being, you will live in the palace first, and then move in after the Qin King Mansion in Huai'an is built!"

"Also, you must remember that after you arrive in Huai'an Mansion, you must no longer act like Xi'an Mansion!"

Seeing the day when Zhu Shu was about to join the domain again, Zhu Biao specially found Zhu Biao and told him again!

"Don't worry, big brother, we have learned our lesson, and this time we will definitely not disappoint big brother and our father!"

Zhu Shu nodded vigorously and assured with conviction.

Of course, whether it can be done or not, I am afraid that he will only know after he really clans Huai'an Mansion!

"Let's go, go and say goodbye to my father before leaving!"

"Remember to have a better attitude, say more nice things, don't let the father and emperor worry about your affairs anymore!"

Zhu Biao sighed lightly, there were some things he couldn't tell Zhu Shuming, but he knew that the old man was also heartbroken in order to save the second old!

................... The dividing line........................

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