14: Biao'er actually has a longevity pill in his hand!

Lu Shi is indeed a bit dead-faced!

She naturally heard what Zhu Yuanzhang said just now, but she directly chose to ignore it, or pretended not to understand, and thought that Zhu Yuanzhang just said it to those princes and ministers!

But obviously, the Lu family still overestimated his weight in front of Zhu Yuanzhang!

Or in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, the Lu family is not even as good as those princes and ministers!

Speaking of which, I have to thank her Lu Clan for giving birth to such a good son as Zhu Yunjiang!

Hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang directly issued an eviction order to her, and also directly took Zhu Biao to talk about things, Lu Clan immediately had no reason to stay, even if he was reluctant in his heart, he had nothing to do!

She immediately put down the freshly stewed chicken soup in her hand, and after instructing Wang Chen to drink it for Zhu Yuanzhang, she took Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi brothers and left directly!

Soon, in Ruoda's dormitory, there were only a few eunuchs such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Wang Chen left!


Zhu Yuanzhang sighed lightly, and then stood up from the edge of the bed tremblingly!

Seeing this, Wang Chen and a few small eunuchs hurriedly wanted to step forward to help!

"Go away, we don't need your support yet!"

Zhu Yuanzhang immediately waved his hand and said with a cold hum.

What Lan Yu said just now was still deafening in his ears!

Our Daming is not easy to fight down, and if you want to keep it, it is also extremely difficult!

He Zhu Yuanzhang, in front of anyone, shows a particularly strong side!

Because as long as he fell, like the gang of fierce generals like Blue Jade, who else could calm them?

There was originally a prince Zhu Biao!

But now Zhu Biao may fall before him!

As for Zhu Yunjiang... He can't!

Zhu Yunxi was barely able to suppress Lan Yu's group of Huaixi Lords, but it was only because of his status advantage!

Because of Chang's premature birth, Zhu Yunxi was a little stupid, and even sometimes he was nervous and had a problem with his mouth!

In his heart, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't think that letting Zhu Yunxi be the emperor would be reliable!

This is also the reason why he ignored Zhu Biao's obstruction and directly corrected the Lu family in the first place!

At least in terms of reputation, Zhu Yunjiang, the imperial grandson who satisfies him, is at the same starting line as Zhu Yunxi!

"Blue Jade! You'd better beg our target to live well!" "

"Otherwise... No wonder we're ruthless! "

Zhu Yuanzhang was secretly ruthless in his heart at this moment!

But thinking about it, he returned his attention to Prince Zhu Biao!

How should we save the standard?

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang remembered Lao Jiu again!

I remembered that when Lao Jiu Zhu Li was alive, he once said that Zhu Biao would die young!

This can't really be calculated by him, right?

No way!

Maybe it's just a coincidence!

That rebel son is a mediocre person who can only cultivate!

It is also said that the second Qin king Zhu Shu and the third Jin king Zhu Hui will also die young!

Will our three eldest sons of Zhu Yuanzhang die young?

Who believes this?

But even if you don't believe it, it is inevitable that you will feel sorry when you hear such words!

Just like the old fourth kid, when he heard this remark, he also struggled with a number of geniuses to slow down, for fear that this old nine would curse him to death!

That's right!

In addition to the imperial grandson, we also have a son!

Benchmark if......

Zhu Yuanzhang finally remembered all his sons at this time!

This shows the weight of Prince Zhu Biao in his mind!

He had subconsciously skipped all his sons directly, and immediately set his sights on the two grandsons, so he didn't think about the question of whether there was a suitable candidate among the princes at all!

Among our remaining sons, the only one who can hope to suppress the killing talents of Lan Yu is only the old fourth Yan King Zhu Di, right?

For a moment, Zhu Yuanzhang had mixed feelings!

In fact, to say that the rules for standing up for a long time are still formulated by him Zhu Yuanzhang!

According to reason, if you don't choose one of Biao'er's heirs and choose from among your sons, then it won't be the turn of the fourth Zhu Di!

After all, there is also the second eldest Zhu Shu and the third eldest Zhu Di on top!

They are also concubines!

Zhu Yuanzhang's concubines have a total of five, starting from the eldest Zhu Biao to the king of Zhou, Zhu Wei, all of them are Empress Ma's concubines!

But the second bastard, he can't even be a clan king, so that the people in the fiefdom are boiling, really want him to become the emperor, and he must not die in the country?

As for the third elder, Zhu Huan, compared to the second old, he is just a lost one, and he is also a very violent person by nature!

In recent years, because of his own beating, the third has changed a lot, but who knows if he will be the same after he is gone?

As for Old Fifth Zhu Yu, he is a literati, and what he likes to study the most is medical skills, or he is more suitable as a doctor!

Therefore, among these five sons, in addition to the eldest Zhu Biao, the most suitable for this position is only the old fourth Yan King Zhu Di!

At least it can be called both civil and martial!

Over the years, the land of Beiping has been under the governance of King Yan, and it is not bad!

But if you want to directly establish the fourth old, it is undoubtedly a bad rule, after all, there are still the second and third olds above!

Unless it is really as Lao Jiu said, the second and third are also ...

Blah blah... What are you thinking!

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait to give himself a mouth!

I really believe in the evil of that kid in Lao Jiu!

"System! Is there really no way we can save the standard? "

"You help us save Biao'er, no matter how difficult it is, let's give it a try!"

"You are the national transport system, the national fortune that protects our Daming, you must have a way to save our biaoer, right?"

In the end, Zhu Yuanzhang could only pin his hopes on the national transport system!

The reason why he was so entangled, the cranky thoughts in his mind, was completely based on the previous dream deduction, based on Zhu Biao's death not long ago!

But once Zhu Biao can be revived, then these problems will be solved!

[There is a way to save Prince Zhu Biao, because he has a life-saving elixir on him! ] 】

A reply from the national transport system directly made Zhu Yuanzhang stunned in place like a lightning strike!

What's the thing?

Zhu Biao himself has a life-saving elixir on him?

[After systematic testing, there is a semi-finished life extension pill over there in the East Palace, which can increase the life span for two and a half years after taking it! ] 】

The national transport system added another sentence!

Life Extension Pill?

These three words immediately made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes light up!

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked again!

"You can't be mistaken, right? How could there be such a fetish on Biao'er? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked with some unease.

[It's not certain yet, maybe I got acquainted with a certain high-ranking person by coincidence, right?] The person who can refine this kind of longevity pill must also be a Taoist master, and only those who have reached a certain realm of Dao can do it! 】

The explanation of the national transport system instantly made Zhu Yuanzhang think of a person who was absolutely impossible!

Taoist masters?

Old Nine?

That kid is a cultivator, and because of alchemy, it caused a fire in the palace!

................... The dividing line........................

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