31: Inferior Life Extension Pill, which can increase life expectancy by six years!

A few days later, Hanzhong Mansion.

A carrier pigeon landed in the abandoned house, and was directly intercepted by Qin Wu, who was waiting here, and took the bamboo letter tied to the foot of the carrier pigeon!

There are many ways to transmit news, many fixed lines, in order to reduce road delays, will specially domesticate carrier pigeons to deliver news!

Of course, the main thing is some news that is not a military secret!

Real state secrets, especially those involving the military, Zhu Yuanzhang's rule is that it must be believed in people, eight hundred li urgent!

After all, carrier pigeons can also have accidents!

After Qin Wu got this flying pigeon biography, he went straight to the Han King Mansion!

At the same time, in the Han King Mansion.

Princess Yang of Han was sitting at the table, looking at a rectangular brocade box in front of her, in which was lying a thousand-year-old ginseng!

It is said that it is a thousand years of ginseng, but whether there is a thousand years or not, Yang's heart has no bottom!

However, this time it was hard to find a ginseng plant of such a high year, and the Yang family did not dare to be careless, and decided to take a trip in person and send it to Zhu Que!

Of course, there is also a reason why the Yang family also wants to see Zhu Li!

After all, the husband and wife get together less and leave more, and they will always miss it!

Since the Han King Zhu Li came to the Han Domain, the couple has been sending people to look for a variety of ginseng that is more than 100 years old, and thousand-year-old ginseng is naturally the most ideal target!

But after so many years, the highest has only found a five-hundred-year-old ginseng!

Thousand-year-old ginseng is very rare, and even Quercus vermilion is suspected to be extinct!

Of course, it is not ruled out that there may be some animals accidentally eaten!

"Come, instruct the cook of the royal palace to make some food and pack it directly in a food box!"

Yang Shi thought about it, and then ordered directly in exchange for a frightening person.

At this moment, Qin Wu hurriedly came to ask for a meeting.

"Is there something going on with Qin Qianhu?"

Yang asked with some curiosity.

"Back to the princess, this is the news I just got!"

Qin Wu handed the news he had just obtained from Jinyiwei to Yang's hands.

After reading the news in the flying pigeon's book, Yang's face also showed a look of surprise, but he quickly calmed down again.

"Hard work Qin Qianhu, you retreat first. I'll go there in person later and tell him the news! "

After a moment of silence, Yang Shi waved his hand at Qin Wu!

"The last will obey the order!"

Qin Wu answered, and only after holding his fist and saluting did he retreat.

Not long after, the Yang family prepared wine and meals here, brought the thousand-year-old ginseng, and went directly to Dingjun Mountain under the escort of Geng Qing and others!

As soon as Yang Shi entered the courtyard of Zhu Li's Taoist temple, he saw Zhu Li lazily lying on a bamboo mat under a big banyan tree to take in the cold, looking slovenly, as if he had osteochondrosis!

In ancient times, the Confucian etiquette system was admired, and the influence of Confucianism covered almost all aspects of life!

Especially in the Ming Dynasty, Confucianism was even more prosperous!

After all, the world has come down, and Zhu Yuanzhang also wants to let the people rest and recuperate, and have books to read!

Confucianism is definitely needed, and even Zhu Yuanzhang invited the Great Ru Song Lian to be a teacher for Zhu Biao!

It can also be said that Zhu Yuanzhang can suppress the rise of Confucianism when he is alive, but as long as Zhu Biao becomes the emperor, Confucianism will inevitably usher in rapid development in Daming, and the etiquette is even more respectful of the Confucian etiquette system!

The various etiquette systems of Confucianism are quite cumbersome!

All kinds of salutes when you meet faces, salute when you eat, salute when you meet your elders, salute when you meet your boss, etc., and you can't wait to go to the toilet and also salute!

And what Zhu Li dislikes the most is this set of the ancients!

He is not completely negative of Confucianism, but he only accepts some of the ideas that can be used, which are relatively good!

For example, these cumbersome and conservative etiquette systems, conformist creeds, in his opinion, are undoubtedly all!

Zhu Li was definitely a model of deviance in the Daming Dynasty!

After all, he cultivates the Tao, and Taoism pays attention to the nature of the Tao, pays attention to doing whatever he wants, how to be comfortable and how to come!

The behavior that went against his heart was completely against the sky in Zhu Li's opinion!

Cultivation is also cultivation of the mind!

This is also the reason why in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, after Wang Yangming proposed his hard work, it would have such a huge influence!

Culture and thought are always about progress!

But now Zhu Li is definitely an outlier for Daming!

What's more, Zhu Li is still a modern person, so the last thing he cares about is this set of Confucian etiquette dogmas!

"Concubines see Your Highness!"

Yang Shi put the things on the stone table in the courtyard, and then saluted Zhu Li, who was still sleeping.

"Well, why is Concubine here?"

Zhu Li then lazily waistled, slowly stood up and asked.

"Our husband and wife haven't had a meal together for a long time!"

"In addition, I just found a thousand-year-old ginseng, and you have to see the specific year yourself!"

Yang explained to Zhu Li while laying out the wine and food at the table.

"Oh? Ben Wang take a look first! "

As soon as Zhu Li heard that he had found the thousand-year-old ginseng, he immediately became interested, and directly picked up the box with the ginseng and checked it.

"Hmm... Only more than eight hundred years, it is not a real millennium ginseng! "

"It's a pity!"

After a brief glance, Zhu Li directly gave the specific year.

Sure enough, thousand-year-old ginseng is not so easy to find!

Many treasure connoisseurs or medicine farmers can only roughly evaluate the year from their appearance and size!

But as long as Zhu Li glances at it and calculates it with one hand, he can clearly know the specific year of this ginseng!

More than eight hundred years, infinitely close to nine hundred years!

If only there were another hundred years!

The real thousand-year-old ginseng, that is what you give two eight-hundred-year-old ginsengs will not exchange for you!

The value is not the same!

Moreover, the value of ginseng, especially the year, is not piled up by quantity!

Just like ten years of ginseng, ten plants put together, it is impossible to say that it can be worth hundreds of years of ginseng!

The main thing is that there is a difference in medicinal properties!

"Isn't it a thousand years? That's a shame! "

"I thought I really found it this time!"

When Yang heard this, he couldn't help but look disappointed!

"It's a pity indeed, but these eight hundred years of ginseng can also be refined into a longevity pill!" At least be able to refine a second-grade longevity pill! "

Zhu Li turned his head and explained.

Second-grade longevity pill, that is also a real longevity pill, not a semi-finished product comparable!

But now Zhu Li is still in the realm of a half-step real person, and he can't refine a real life extension pill!

Inferior life extension pills can increase the life expectancy of users for about six years!

"This eight-hundred-year-old ginseng, refining five inferior longevity pills is not a problem!"

Zhu Li nodded approvingly.

................... The dividing line........................

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