72: The iron-eating beast sent by Shu King Zhu Chun, the thousand-year-old ginseng was also found!

Millennium ginseng?

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes began to light up when he heard this!

How to refine longevity pills, do you need thousand-year-old ginseng?

This thing is naturally a luxury for ordinary people, and it is indeed very difficult to find, but as long as it is found in the palace, it is not difficult!

We Zhu Yuanzhang is the founding emperor of Daming, whether it is accumulated over the years, or all kinds of rare treasures harvested from the Tyranny Yuan Imperial Court, there are countless things, what is not?

Isn't it thousand-year-old ginseng?

"We thought this longevity pill needed such precious medicinal herbs! If it is thousand-year-old ginseng, then we have it in our palace! "

"Elder Li Dao, wait a moment, let's send someone to the inner pocket immediately to get it for you now!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said, and directly gave Jiang Ying who was waiting on the side a look!

The latter understood it and hurriedly sent the brocade guard below back to the palace to get the thousand-year-old ginseng!

"If there really is a thousand-year-old ginseng, it is not impossible to refine the Life Extension Pill. However, thousand-year-old ginseng is only one of the most important medicinal herbs, not just a thousand-year-old ginseng! "

Li Xiuyuan explained with a smile.

In fact, Zhu Li had sent him news some time ago, saying that he was in Yingtianfu, and he had already had a good relationship with the emperor and the prince, and it was best to try to find a way to inquire about the whereabouts of the thousand-year-old ginseng!

This was also the reason why Li Xiuyuan suddenly proposed to refine the Longevity Pill.

The main thing is to find a thousand years of ginseng for Zhu Que!

He originally thought about how to open this mouth with Zhu Yuanzhang, but today Zhu Yuanzhang himself sent it to the door, Li Xiuyuan naturally couldn't ask for it!

Of course, for Zhu Yuanzhang's vow that there were thousand-year-old ginseng in the palace, although Li Xiuyuan was looking forward to it, he was also ready for disappointment!

Because of the ginseng year, ordinary people can't see it at all!

The so-called thousand-year-old ginseng in the palace is really "two eight three" that has reached the thousand-year-old year, that can only be known if you have seen it!

"Chief Li Dao doesn't seem to be very interested?"

"Don't worry, the ginseng in our palace can not be fake!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Li Xiuyuan's noncommittal look, and immediately patted his chest and assured.

Li Xiuyuan just smiled and didn't say anything, anyway, he would naturally know after seeing the so-called thousand-year-old ginseng!

The thousand-year-old ginseng naturally cannot be fake, after all, using fake ginseng to fool the emperor, unless he thinks that the heads of his nine clans are too strong!

But it is the year that may be fake!

The year of this thing, even if it is him Zhu Yuanzhang, the so-called treasure connoisseurs or imperial doctors in his palace can't see the exact one, they can only estimate it!

And these people also have a characteristic, that is, good things, that is naturally boasting for the better!

In order to coax the upper position to be happy!

Even if he thinks that this ginseng is only eight hundred years old, it must have been said for a thousand years, and it is better to say it, right?

Although Li Xiuyuan is not in the court, after all, he has lived for more than a hundred years, and his grasp of human nature is still very accurate, and things like this can be guessed to some extent.

Therefore, he can only say that he holds the judgment of the thousand-year-old ginseng that Zhu Yuanzhang said, and he is ready to be disappointed at any time!

"By the way, Chief Li, we decided to tour the Hanzhong Mansion in the West this month!"

"Daoist Li is also from Hanzhong, I heard that your original Taoist temple is in Dingjun Mountain, right? I wonder if we can go to Hanzhong to see it for a long time? "

Zhu Yuanzhang asked at this time.

"Your Majesty is going to Hanzhong?"

Hearing this news, Li Xiuyuan was also stunned.

The main thing is that he doesn't inquire about these things on weekdays, so the civil and military officials in the court know about Zhu Yuanzhang's western tour of Hanzhong, but he doesn't know!

"That's right, it's already the beginning of the month, let's prepare to leave in the middle of this month, and it will definitely arrive before the end of the month!"

"We just happened to go to Dingjun Mountain to see the King of Han, and by the way, I also want to go to the Taoist Temple where Chief Li Daoist was before, I don't know if Chief Li Daoist has anything else to say, we can also help you convey one or two at that time!"

Zhu Yuanzhang explained with a smile, while also observing Li Xiuyuan's reaction.

Li Xiuyuan was also a little surprised, he didn't understand why Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly had the idea of touring Hanzhong to the west, and he also said that he would go to see the King of Han!

Is it to see the mausoleum where King Han has been buried?

This thing seems to be building the Tower of the Dragon Emperor!

If Zhu Yuanzhang really went to see it, would he find something strange?

In case the matter of Han King Zhu Li's fraudulent death is revealed, and the East Window incident occurs, then this matter can be big or small!

These thoughts flashed quickly in Li Xiuyuan's mind, but they were quickly left behind by him!

This should be the problem that Han King Zhu Li is worried about, the emperor wants to tour the west to such a big thing in Hanzhong, the news must have already passed through!

If Zhu Li knows, there will naturally be corresponding arrangements!

In other words, if even Zhu Li can't figure it out, then he can only worry blindly here, and he can't do anything at all!

In that case, what does he want to do so much?

"The old Dao has also explained everything that should have been explained in the original Taoist temple, but there is nothing else to say! It's just that the Taoist Temple in the mountains is dilapidated, and it wouldn't hurt if His Majesty just went to see something fresh, but I was afraid that it would disappoint His Majesty! "

Li Xiuyuan quickly recovered his expression and shook his head with a smile.

Seeing that Li Xiuyuan did not have any special performance, Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it either.

Not long after, Jin Yiwei, who returned to the palace to get ginseng, returned to Li Xiuyuan's Taoist temple.

And the ginseng brought by that Jin Yiwei is not just one, but a bunch.

Basically, the ginseng that has been in the palace for a long time has all been brought over!

Among them, there are about ten ginsengs that claim to be thousand-year-old, and there are many seven or eight hundred years old!

"Chief Li Dao, this is the treasure of our palace, the vintage ginseng is here, do you have the thousand-year-old ginseng you need?"

Zhu Yuanzhang had a proud look on his face, to put it bluntly, he wanted to show his strength in front of Li Xiuyuan!

What you all think is rare will definitely be found in our palace!

This is the confidence of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor!

"Chief Li Dao, these are all thousand-year-old ginseng, take a look!"

That Jin Yiwei sent the boxes containing thousand-year-old ginseng directly to Li Xiuyuan!

Li Xiuyuan's eyes lit up when he saw this!

He didn't expect that there were so many thousand-year-old ginsengs in the palace!

Even if there are exaggerations and errors, the probability of finding a real thousand-year-old ginseng among so many ginsengs is much higher!

"Hmm... Your Majesty, this is not a thousand-year-old ginseng, this ginseng is only seven hundred years old, and it is almost three hundred years old! "

"And this... Eight hundred years old! "

"This one is also more than seven hundred years old!"


Soon, those so-called thousand-year ginsengs were all checked by Li Xiuyuan, but none of them could really reach the standard of thousand-year ginseng!

And Zhu Yuanzhang's original confident look began to become ugly!

What a shame!

He just promised that he would definitely find thousand-year-old ginseng in the palace!

As a result, these so-called millennium ginseng are not at all less than a thousand years old, all of which are at least two or three hundred years apart?

This slap in the face came a little too quickly, right?

"Your Majesty, in fact, you don't need to be angry, it's normal for such a situation to occur!"

"Ordinary people can't tell the exact year of this ginseng at a glance, they can only estimate!"

"These valleys of the people and the various places that supply the imperial court, saying that it is a thousand years of ginseng, it can only be used as a reference, and it cannot be very accurate!"

Li Xiuyuan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's ugly face, smiled and opened his mouth to persuade.

He also didn't want to cause Zhu Yuanzhang to be angry with others because of his actions today!

If Zhu Yuanzhang turned around and asked those who offered ginseng to settle the account, it would be really a sin, he didn't want me not to kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!

The most taboo thing for cultivators is such a causal relationship!

Grow good causes and get good results!

If there was really any life because of his words and deeds, or even a big case, then Li Xiuyuan would really not find a place to cry!

"What Chief Li said is to let you see the joke!"

"It seems that this thousand-year-old ginseng is really rare!"

"But don't worry, let's go back and make an order, we must find this thousand-year-old ginseng!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his ugly face eased a lot! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That's right, how many people in the world can see the exact year of ginseng at a glance like Li Xiuyuan?

If the gang in the palace had this eyesight, then everyone would be Li Xiuyuan!

What's more, most ginseng is still obtained from the people!

The common people can't see this thing even more!

It's rare to be able to estimate an approximate year!

Zhu Yuanzhang was indeed very angry, but after realizing this, he no longer had the idea of finding those people to settle accounts!

"In this way, take a look at the ginseng old way over there!"

Li Xiuyuan's gaze was now on another pile of ginseng!

This gang of people in the palace have a bad eye, and the year is easy to misread, but he won't!

These ginsengs are only hundreds of years old, and there is also the possibility that others will look away!

"Chief Li Dao!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's side almost didn't hold out any hope, Li Xiuyuan said to see, then let him see it!

Li Xiuyuan was also based on the principle of not letting go of a trace of possibility, and then looked it up again!

"Hmm... Six hundred years! "

"This five hundred years!"

"This is three hundred years old!"

"This seven hundred years!"

"Huh? This..."

But soon, Li Xiuyuan found a very thin ginseng, which was much smaller than all ginseng, but the root whiskers were very long!

"Chief Li, is there something wrong with this ginseng?"

Looking at Li Xiuyuan's suddenly excited look, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise!

Because this looks at the skinny ginseng, the year written on the box is 500 years!

"Thousand-year-old ginseng! I didn't expect it to really be! "

"Your Majesty, this ginseng is the thousand-year-old ginseng that the old way is looking for!"

Li Xiuyuan did not hide it, and directly said to Zhu Yuanzhang 0...

"But this is obviously so skinny, it looks at most three or four hundred years!"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that after Li Xiuyuan's appraisal just now, it seemed that his eyesight had also increased a lot, and he subconsciously shortened the year marked by all the ginsmen by one or two hundred years!

"Your Majesty doesn't know something! The age of ginseng does not depend on its size! "

Li Xiuyuan explained with a smile.

"So it is! So, DaoChang Li is sure to find someone to refine the Life Extension Pill? "

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked.

Since Li Xiuyuan has confirmed it, then he naturally will not doubt it, and this means that the Longevity Pill has fallen!

"That's right, but I'm afraid it will take a few months, at least three months later, before His Majesty can come to get the pill!"

Li Xiuyuan nodded and agreed.

"Then there is Chief Lao Dao, I just don't know if we will come back from Hanzhong in three months!"

"Also ask Daoist Li to send a message in time when the time comes, even if we are not in Yingtian, we will let people come and pick it up in time!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more overjoyed when he heard this, and he did not forget to explain two words to Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuanxin said that if you go to Hanzhong and Han King Zhu Li is willing to show up to meet you, then there is no need to come to Laodao to get it here!

The person who can refine pills will appear in front of you at that time!

Of course, Li Xiuyuan was not sure whether Han King Zhu Li would meet Zhu Yuanzhang, so he could only put these words in his heart, and it was impossible to say them to Zhu Yuanzhang!

This time to come to Li Xiuyuan, it can be said that it is full of harvest!

Zhu Yuanzhang was happy, and also sent several additional ginsengs of seven or eight hundred years to Li Xiuyuan, and then he went back with Zhu Biao satisfied!


Hanzhong Mansion, among the Taoist temples of Dingjun Mountain.

Zhu Li had already left the customs a few days ago, and his original intention was to calculate through the retreat whether there were any worldly masters who he had never noticed and were secretly watching him!

But after calculating for half a day, I calculated a loneliness, and the result was nothing!

Zhu Li felt that even if there was a human act on him, he would not be able to count a trace at all, and the probability was that he was overhearted!

But he has always trusted his instincts, so why did his intuition go wrong this time?

Just when Zhu Li was a little confused, an iron cage was sent to him in Hanzhong City!

At this moment, in front of Zhu Li, there is a huge iron cage in it, and a black and white exotic beast is locked inside, and it is also holding some bamboo shoots and bamboo and nibbling!

This is sent to Hanzhong by Zhu Chun, the king of Shu over there in Chengdu!

Because this eleventh brother of Zhu Li also has business dealings with Hanzhong, he will often send some things over on weekdays!

And this time he actually sent a so-called iron-eating beast to Hanzhong, saying that it was for the princess of Han and the son of the king of Han to see, just as a picture!

This kind of iron-eating beast, in fact, many people have seen it, because many products made in Hanzhong are affixed with the trademark of the iron-eating beast!

It is estimated that Zhu Chun saw that the Yang family, the princess of Han, seemed to like the iron-eating beast very much, and this time he simply sent one over!

"Let's raise this thing first!"

"There is a bamboo forest just behind, and there is no shortage of food for it!"

Zhu Li looked at the iron-eating beast in this cage, and he was also a little interested!

Because this thing has another name in the later life, called giant pandas!

In the later life 1.9, this is a proper national treasure!

As a traverser, Zhu Li naturally has a special feeling for this former national treasure, or seeing this stupid cute guy known as an iron-eating beast easily reminds him of many things in the later life!

It's a thought!

However, the panda, which was regarded as a national treasure in later generations, was the pet of the princes and nobles in ancient times!

They don't have any idea of protecting wildlife!

This panda is like Shu King Zhu Chun, that is, if you want to catch it, doesn't this also send one to Hanzhong?

"There is also good news, this is Ying Tianfu over there Li DaoChang sent someone to send back quickly!"

"It is said that it was a thousand-year-old ginseng plant found in the palace!"

Geng Qing took out another box at this time and handed it directly to Zhu Li!

"Oh? Let Ben Wang see! "

Zhu Li's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this!

This thing makes him happier than the giant panda!

If other people say what kind of thousand-year-old ginseng, Zhu Li still doesn't believe it, at least they have to put a question mark!

It's all profiteers, in order to exaggerate it is said to be a thousand years of ginseng, to earn more money!

But what Li Xiuyuan said was different!

This old Taoist priest can tell the exact year of the ginseng, and more importantly, he will not lie to himself!


After opening the box and seeing the ginseng plant inside, Zhu Li suddenly laughed!

"It seems that letting Li Xiuyuan go to Ying Tianfu this time is the most correct choice made by this king!"

"This old Taoist priest actually helped King Ben find a thousand-year-old ginseng!"

Zhu Li was able to determine that Li Xiuyuan really didn't look away, and the ginseng in front of him was indeed a thousand-year-old ginseng!

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