27: Lao Jiu actually gave the Qin King Zhu Shu a talisman!

Zhu Yuanzhang did not say that these were all things he saw from the dream deduction, and it was impossible to tell Zhu Shu this!

Anyway, as long as you move out of Jinyiwei, everything can be explained!

The most important thing is also to let Zhu Shu know, don't think that anything can escape the eyes of Jinyiwei, as long as he dares to do it, Jinyiwei will definitely know!

"Sons and daughters don't dare!"

Zhu Shu's face suddenly turned pale, and he hurriedly kowtowed to admit his mistake!

"Don't dare? Let's see how bold you are! "

"Those shit things you did in the fiefdom, one by one, you dare not do it?"

"If we don't recall you to Ying Tianfu this time, do you really think that we will have nothing to do with you?"

"Aren't the letters we write to you on weekdays that you can't be controlled?"

"This time, we will recall you to Ying Tianfu and take care of you in person!"

"Let's see if the whip in our Zhu Yuanzhang's hand can still control you as a villain!"

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke fiercely, and even the whip was ready, and he was holding it in his hand, and he was throwing it out!

When Zhu Shu saw this situation, he was immediately frightened!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't really want to smoke Zhu Shu, he just saw the scene of Zhu Shu's untimely death in his dream, and he was too late to feel distressed!

He just wanted to scare this stinky boy first so that he could tell the truth for a while!


"Daddy, you can control your son at any time!"

Zhu Shu was already frightened by the six gods at this time, and he kowtowed vigorously like pounding garlic!

"Manageable, huh? Then tell us the truth, do you have the elixir that Lao Jiu gave you? You'd better tell the truth! "

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly, and then entered the topic!

Having said all this, Lao Jiu's elixir is the point!

Upon hearing this, Zhu Shu was dumbfounded again!

How can the old man even know this kind of thing?

The matter of the elixir is definitely only known to him and Lao Jiu, and there can be no one else next to him!

Even if he doesn't believe in himself, he should believe that if someone is watching, he will definitely be able to find out at the first time with Lao Jiu's ability!

But now Zhu Shu can't think much about it!

People already know, if you don't tell the truth, then the whip is going to be pumped on yourself!

"The son doesn't dare to hide it from his father, when Lao Jiu was alive, he did give his son three pills, one is a semi-finished longevity pill, and there are two Qingyuan pills!"

Zhu Shu naturally also knew that his eldest brother Zhu Biao took Lao Jiu's pill, and as a result, he got better!

Others may not believe the rumors in the palace, but he definitely believes them!

There really is a life-saving elixir in this world!

And it was refined by his own old nine!

Zhu Shu was not worried about this pill itself, because the eldest brother's illness had been cured by Lao Jiu's pill, which meant that the old man should also believe that this pill was indeed effective!

The only thing he was worried about was hiding this matter from the old man, and he didn't know how angry the old man could be in his heart!

"All with you, right? Let's see! "

Zhu Yuanzhang very simply stretched out his hand and ordered.

"Father... This longevity pill, the son has already taken it, and now there are only two Qingyuan pills left! "

Zhu Shu hesitated for a moment, then explained to Zhu Yuanzhang.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately smiled bitterly in his heart!


What about liars, right?

The national transport system clearly said that the longevity pill is on Zhu Shu's body!

This smelly boy said nonsense with his eyes open, this is for fear that he will rob him of his life-saving elixir?

However, as a father, he Zhu Yuanzhang is really embarrassed to covet things in his son!

"If Father Emperor likes Lao Jiu's elixir, the son is willing to offer a Qingyuan Pill! Maybe this Qing Yuan Dan can still be good for the eldest brother's body! "

"Lao Jiu introduced it to his children when he was alive, saying that this Qingyuan Pill has the effect of strengthening the body and can also suppress all diseases!"

Zhu Shu looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's uncertain face and hurriedly added.

"That's it, keep it yourself, we won't rob your own son's things!"

"What's more, this is still given to you by Lao Jiu, so you keep it as a thought!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and pretended to say slowly!

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang just has different hearts, pretending to be here!

But he, who is an old man, directly asked for his son's baby, which is obviously a bit shameful!

What's the matter, you have to make three resignations, right?

It depends on whether this second old man has that eyesight!

"Where did Father Emperor say?"

"This elixir was willingly offered to the father and emperor by the sons, and that is also to help the eldest brother!"

"What's more, Erchen still has two Qingyuan Pills, even if he sacrifices one, Erchen still has one!"


In terms of human affection, Zhu Shu still has a lot of experience!

Zhu Shu was very sensible, and insisted on offering this pill to Zhu Yuanzhang, putting on a posture of a dead beggar!

"Well, even if you kid has a heart!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended that he couldn't resign, and finally accepted it as if he was still Zhu Shu taking advantage!

However, in Zhu Shu's opinion, being able to escape this fight at the cost of a Qing Yuan Dan can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, and it is worth it!

"By the way, Father Emperor, there is still a talisman given to us by Lao Jiu here before his death, so let's dedicate it to Father Emperor today!"

Zhu Shu would also come, and suddenly remembered something, so he directly took out a yellow talisman from his arms!


Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this, and he was a little dazed when he looked at the talisman handed over by Zhu Shu!

[Yes, this is indeed a Taoist talisman, but it has expired! ] 】

The national transport system quickly gave Zhu Yuanzhang a result!

"Failed? Why does it fail? "

"Have you already used it?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked even more surprised when he heard this.

[This talisman, worn on the body, can have the effect of invincibility, if it were not for the invalidity of this talisman, King Zhu Shu of Qin should not be poisoned by the three poisonous women! ] 】

[Zhu Shu must have failed to keep this chapter talisman properly, causing this talisman to touch water, so it will be invalid! ] 】

The national transport system explained slowly.

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more shocked!

This is actually an invincible talisman!

When it touches water, it actually fails!

That's a shame!

This second old man is really careless, such a precious thing, he was actually trampled by him in vain!

But Zhu Yuanzhang quickly thought of something!

It seems that we were wrong to blame Lao Jiu before!

This talisman was obviously calculated by Lao Jiu to the end of the second elder Zhu Shu, and finally gave him a life to use!

It's just that I didn't expect to let the second kid save it improperly, and it eventually failed!

No wonder in the process of dream deduction, the second eldest Zhu Shu eventually died!

................... The dividing line........................

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