12: The arrogant and iron-headed blue jade!

Outside the Fengtian Temple, a group of Ziwen Chen military generals could not wait for the emperor to come to the upper dynasty, but instead got the news that Zhu Yuanzhang fainted, and they began to exchange ears one after another!

"I heard that the upper position was in a coma last night? I wonder what the situation is now? "

"Cautious words! The affairs in the palace, especially involving the superiors, how can we inquire? Don't want the head anymore? "

"As a courtier, caring about the dragon body of the superior is the duty of a courtier, how did it become a matter of the palace?"


For a time, there was everything said among the civil and military officials!

However, things involving Zhu Yuanzhang are always secretive, and even if they are discussed, they dare not make a big splash!

After all, this is the palace inside, and the most important thing here is the brocade guard!

This thing is okay with the old man, and then it will be transmitted to the ears of the old man, and it will settle the account after the autumn or something, then who can withstand it?

Most of the people present still held a sense of awe and did not dare to be too presumptuous!

Of course, there are also some who are proud of their achievements, and they feel that they are iron-headed because they are the founding meritorious feats!

For example, the blue jade among the nobles of Huaixi!

Lan Yu was quietly taking everyone's private discussion into his ears at this moment, and slightly picked his thick eyebrows!

"Last night, the superior really had a nightmare, and what kind of dream words did the prince say about his short life?"

Lan Yu's words were directly asked to Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song Guo on the side!

However, after hearing this, the others nearby were all shocked, and subconsciously left the blue jade, eager to quickly flee this place!

Blue Jade is really arrogant!

The emperor's dream words are also what you can inquire about?

I don't know what converges, sooner or later a catastrophe will come!!

And as the object of questioning, Feng Sheng, the Duke of Song, was even more brainy, and a coolness went straight from his spine to the heavenly spirit cover!


You blue jade is looking for death by yourself, don't pull us as a cushion!

Feng Sheng also knew what kind of character Blue Jade was!

This guy has always been unafraid of the character of heaven and earth, but I never expected that this guy was so arrogant!

Where does Feng Sheng dare to squeak at the moment?

For Lan Yu's inquiry, he simply ignored it directly, pretending not to hear it!

Because of his son-in-law's affairs, Feng Sheng was no longer treated by Zhu Yuanzhang, and even Zhu Yuanzhang had already become suspicious of him!

If you are involved in this matter and still talk about the life and death of the prince, I am afraid that you will have to lose the festival later!

But it was also Huaixi Xungui, and he couldn't completely ignore the blue jade and fell into a dilemma for a while!

Now Feng Sheng only hopes that Lan Yu's killing talent will not ask further, this stubble can be revealed here!

Lan Yu naturally didn't know what Feng Sheng was thinking, he was arrogant and domineering, and he didn't feel that it was a big deal to inquire about the emperor!

Speaking of which, he can also be regarded as concerned about the situation of the emperor and the prince, right?

Outside the Fengtian Temple, the civil and military officials were still waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang's latest news!

And Zhu Yuanzhang has woken up at this moment!

Originally, it was a fainting caused by a little stimulation, and it is not unusual to wake up soon, the time of not being premature has been missed, and even if he did not miss it, where does Zhu Yuanzhang have any thoughts about the early dynasty now?

Zhu Yuanzhang's side had just woken up, and the first thing he saw was the Lu family and Zhu Yunjiang brothers waiting by his bed!

The daughter-in-law and the two grandsons all had concerned looks on their faces, which made Zhu Yuanzhang unconsciously think of his prince Zhu Biao, and remembered the life of Zhu Biao deduced before!

The dream deduced that the crown prince Zhu Biao would die on April 25, the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, doesn't it mean that his Biao'er only has about half a month to live?

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes turned red unconsciously!

"Father, are you all right?"

"On the prince's side, the concubine did not dare to tell him, and when he saw you wake up, the concubine was relieved!"

Lu's concerned voice followed!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang did not have the heart to deal with her!

All he thinks about now is his own good mark!

Of course, if your own good mark is really .


While Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was like a knife, his gaze was not on the brothers Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi in front of him!

"Grandpa Huang, what's wrong with you?"

"Is it because I'm worried that my father is too anxious?"

Zhu Yunjiang also asked with a look of concern and eagerness.

Regarding what Zhu Yuanzhang said before, even other officials had already heard about it, let alone Lu Shi and Zhu Yunjiang!

In their opinion, Zhu Yuanzhang was stimulated because of Zhu Biao's affairs, maybe he had a nightmare, dreaming that Zhu Biao died of illness, so he fainted!

"Yun Jiao and Yun Xi stay, and everyone else will go out for us!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand, but he ordered everyone in an unquestionable tone!

Hearing this, everyone present had different expressions!

But no one dared to disobey Zhu Yuanzhang's meaning, and then there were still two imperial grandsons Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi at the scene, and everyone retreated directly!

However, the Lu family still had a tangled look before leaving, and before leaving, he did not forget to give Zhu Yunjiang a look, which means that you must fight for anger and find a way to please your imperial grandfather!

Of course, Lu Shi has always been very confident in his son!

On weekdays, among these two grandsons, Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite is also his good son Zhu Yunjiang!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang left the brothers Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi, he did not say anything more to them.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was just quietly looking at the two brothers in front of him, and his mind was also spinning rapidly!

If Biao'er really has a good villain, then this prince's position....

In the depths of Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, he gradually found a glimmer of hope in the two brothers!

However, Zhu Yuanzhang has not yet realized that his thoughts are completely a manifestation of loving the house and Wu!

He just subconsciously transferred all his love and expectations for Zhu Biao!

This transfer will naturally be transferred to Zhu Biao's two sons as soon as possible!

Zhu Yunjiao and Zhu Yunxi are both Zhu Biao's heirs, and both of them have the title of concubines!

Even if Zhu Biao becomes the emperor in the future, the crown prince will definitely choose from among these two brothers!

But such a thought only stayed in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind for a short time, and he directly blasted it out of his mind!

After all, the Biao'er he cares about the most, and the most beloved Biao'er is not dead yet!

That's right!

We must find a way to save the standard!

Didn't the national transport system also say it before?

With its existence, it can help us change the national fortune of the Ming Dynasty!

................... The dividing line........................

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