21: The Tomb of the Silent Army needs a sacrifice every month!

Although Zhu Li has been cultivating in the Taoist Temple for most of the past few years, he is well aware of everything that happens in the Hanzhong Mansion, and now the development of the Hanzhong Mansion is just as he arranged before, everything is in an orderly and step-by-step manner!

From this point of view, Princess Yang of Han is undoubtedly a qualified executioner!

Of course, in addition to planning the development of Hanzhong Mansion, Zhu Li also has to secretly manage military affairs, although he himself does not show up, but basically will be handed over to Geng Qing, Qin Wu and Yang Hui and the three of them to complete!

With the personality of these three people, they will complete the tasks assigned by themselves without discount, so in this aspect of the military, including the daily training and preparation of the Hanzhong Army, etc., do not need Zhu Li to do it himself, too much to worry about!

"Does His Highness have anything else to explain?"

Geng Qing took the initiative to ask at this time.

"There is nothing else, that is, you also need to pay attention to the movements of the Vara people outside the northwest border recently, counting the time, it won't be long before King Ben's fourteenth brother, King Su Zhu Yang, should also be in Ganzhou!"

"As the ninth brother, you should take care of your younger brother! Don't let those tartars bully him while the fourteenth brother has just arrived! "

Zhu Li thought of the historical Su King Zhu Yang, who was renamed the King of Su by Zhu Yuanzhang in the twenty-fifth year of Hongwu, that is, in March this year, and was scheduled to reign in Ganzhou next year, that is, the twenty-sixth year of Hongwu!

In fact, when Zhu Li said this, he didn't really care about Su King Zhu Yang himself, he was not the eldest brother Zhu Biao, he couldn't treat all younger brothers equally, and deliberately helped these younger brothers!

What he cares about is the tribute to the tomb of the Dingjun Mountain in the future!

Basically, as soon as Zhu Li's words came out, Geng Qing, who had been following him for many years, understood what he meant!

In fact, Zhu Li even thought about whether to wait for Su King Zhu Yang to really come to the Northwest Domain, and also control this fourteenth brother like he controlled those brocade guards!

It's just that Zhu Li has no psychological burden at all for Jinyiwei's use of these side door techniques!

But Su King Zhu Yang is different, after all, he is his own brother of his father, even if he has no brotherly feelings, but there is a difference between him and outsiders who always return it!

After all, Jin Yiwei is Jin Yiwei, and Su King Zhu Yang is Su King Zhu Yang!

So Zhu Li has also been hesitant in this matter!

Let's look at it then, it's not a last resort, and we don't want to use such shady means against our brothers!

Zhu Li sighed in his heart, and finally decided to take one step at a time!

In addition, the tomb of the lonely army in Dingjun Mountain needs to be sacrificed by a living person every month, and the Vara people in the north are the best tribute!

Zhu Li naturally would not use the common people of Daming to do such a thing, but the Northern Tatar is another matter!

Daming and Tatar are feuds, and now donating a little tartar every month to the Hanzhong Army generals who died in battle in the past as a tribute, in Zhu Li's opinion, it is also a matter of course, let alone there is no psychological burden!

Of course, in fact, in this world today, Zhu Li feels that there are more suitable tributes!

It's not as good as Dongying across the sea!

If it weren't for the restrictions of geographical conditions, it was not suitable to cross the sea to do something to those Yan people, and Zhu Li couldn't wait to stuff all the people into the tomb of the lonely army, then it was called relief!

Of course, someday in the future, there may not be such an opportunity!

It is precisely because the Hanzhong Silent Military Tomb has these living sacrifices every month, so his Silent Military Tomb is different from the general corpse raising place, in the Silent Army Tomb, basically raising for more than ten years, can be comparable to the effect of the general corpse raising place for more than a hundred years!

A hundred years of zombies have awakened a trace of spiritual intelligence, and Zhu Li will be more handy in controlling it!

What's more, the strength will also be stronger!

"The last general understands that he will definitely not let the northern tartar have the opportunity to disturb His Royal Highness King Su!"

After listening to Zhu Li's order, Geng Qing's heart was like a mirror, and he immediately agreed in a deep voice!

"Is there anything else going on your side?"

Zhu Li asked lightly at this time.

"By the way, Your Highness, the last general almost forgot one thing!"

Geng Qing suddenly remembered something, and then took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it directly to Zhu Li!

"This is an article written by Shizi, and the princess told the last general to personally hand it over to His Highness for inspection!"

Geng Qing hurriedly explained.

"Oh? Shizi wrote it? That king should take a good look! "

When Zhu Li heard this, he suddenly became interested, so he spread out the paper, and then a poem appeared in his eyes!

Zhu Li was somewhat crying and laughing.

What article did Zhu Xianqiu write?

It's nothing more than an oil poem!

"Huh... Reading this article of the son of the world, like drinking fine wine, it is intoxicating! "

"Turn back and bring the words of King Ben directly to the princess and the son of the world!"

Even so, Zhu Li still did not hesitate to praise!

Although the oil poems written by Zhu Xianqiu are nothing special in Zhu Li's opinion, they are obviously different from the current era, and they incorporate many modern things from later generations in it!

He didn't need to think about it to know that it must be Princess Yang of Han's weekday edification of Zhu Xianqiu!

It's good to let my son get more exposure to these, and being able to write such an oil poem also proves that his talent is still good!

Under such circumstances, Zhu Li naturally would not deliberately hit the enthusiasm and self-confidence of Yang and Zhu Xianqiu!

"The princess and the son of the world will be very happy to learn of His Highness's praise!"

When Geng Qing heard this, he hurriedly smiled and flattered!

"Okay, there's nothing else, you just step down first!"

"In addition, King Ben needs to retreat recently, as long as there is no news about the thousand-year-old ginseng, everything else must wait until King Ben is out of the gate, and no one can disturb it!"

Zhu Li put away Zhu Xiangqiu's oil poem at this time, and turned to Geng Qing with a straight face!

"The last will obey the order!"

When Geng Qing heard this, he hurriedly and respectfully agreed!

At the same time, in the Han King Mansion.

At this moment, under the teaching of the Yang family, Zhu Xiangqiu is checking some encyclopedic books that children often read in later generations!

These are also what Zhu Li consciously prepared for Zhu Xianqiu before, but he, the father, can't accompany his son for the time being, so the task of enlightening and educating his son can only all fall on Yang's head!

Zhu Xianqiu also has the careful teaching of the Yang family every day, plus this kid has been more or less intelligent since he was a child, needless to say, his learning ability is needless to say, and his progress is even more rapid with each passing day!

Originally, according to the royal rules, an age like Zhu Xianqiu who should study must be sent directly to the main hall of Yingtianfu to study with the princes and grandchildren!

However, because the Han king Zhu Li died young three years ago, Zhu Xianqiu was also exempted from going to Yingtianfu to study, and at the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also sent a special teacher to teach Zhu Xianqiu how to govern the fief!

................... The dividing line........................

ps: The new book sets sail, do not dare to ask for monthly passes and flowers, as long as there are readers who greatly urge the book review to change, I will add more!

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