06: The Tomb of the Silent Army, the last barrier between Hanzhong and Emperor Jianwen!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao would not have thought at this moment, in fact, all these changes in Hanzhong were all because of the manipulation of Lao Jiu Zhu Li behind his back, and the Han Princess Yang Clan was just an executor on the surface!

"Biao'er, you still have to pay more attention to this body!"

"Go back and let the imperial doctors check it out for you, don't be too busy these days!"

After sighing at the daughter-in-law of the Yang family, Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze was on Zhu Biao's slightly pale face again, and he couldn't help but instruct with distress.

"Father and Emperor rest assured, the sons and daughters are fine, but it is just a wind chill, and it will be fine soon!"

Zhu Biao's side did not realize the seriousness of the problem, and he swore and said.

Zhu Yuanzhang always felt restless, and he couldn't let go of his heart!

But in front of Zhu Biao, he was not good at acting too obviously, and the words that came to his mouth made him swallow back!

I hope I feel wrong and think too much!

There was nothing to do originally, this has to be a fuss, maybe it will have to stimulate Zhu Biao, but it will be self-defeating!


Hanzhong Mansion, among the Taoist temples.

Zhu Li sat quietly on the futon, chanting words in his mouth!

At the same time, in the mid-air in front of him, there was a Ling Qi that was about a foot long!

This is the magic weapon he recently refined, don't look at this Ling Qi is more than a foot long, but when it is taken back, it is only the size of a palm, and it is very convenient to carry!

The whole Ling Qi is bright yellow, and it is engraved with strange runes, which looks very strange!

"Soul Suppression Flag! Finally refined! "

"In this way, it should be able to calm the restless Silent Army Tomb!"

Zhu Li opened his eyes, his right hand leaned forward, and he saw that Ling Qi, which was originally suspended in mid-air, trembled, and while flying back to his palm, it quickly turned into the size of a palm, and then the blue light disappeared, and it stayed directly in Zhu Li's palm!

The so-called Silent Army Tomb is a cemetery where the fallen soldiers of the Hanzhong Army are buried after their deaths!

Of course, not everyone is qualified or qualified to enter the tomb of the lonely army!

From those Hanzhong Army generals who died in battle, Zhu Li specially selected the kind of soldiers who were full of strength and murderous aura before death, and still had to maintain an unwilling obsession after death to be buried in the Silent Army Tomb!

Like Xin Jiu of the Northern Song Dynasty, he was still shouting three times when he was dying: Kill the thief!

Only with this obsession, even if they die, they are still thinking about the soldiers who continue to kill, can they agree with the standard of burial in the tomb of the lonely army!

Over the years, a total of more than 3,000 soldiers' remains have been accumulated!

And these more than 3,000 lonely troops, one day in the future, may be the last barrier to protect the entire Hanzhong and even the Han people!

In the future, once the day of his death, he will also be buried in this lonely military tomb!

"Geng Qing, follow King Ben to the tomb of the Hanzhong Silent Army!"

Zhu Li put away the soul calming flag, only then stood up and slowly spoke.

As soon as the words fell, a figure appeared on Zhu Li's side!

Geng Qing is one of the thousands of officials beside Zhu Li, and one of the three major henchmen!

In addition, there are Qianhu Qin Wu and Qianhu Yanghui, who are mainly responsible for the garrison of Tianshui Pass and the training of the Hanzhong Army on weekdays, only Geng Qing is an exception!

He is like the shadow of Zhu Que, almost always guarding Zhu Que's side!

Even after Zhu Li's fraudulent death, he has always accompanied Zhu Li in the Taoist Temple, and he has always been loyal to Zhu Li!

As soon as he heard that Zhu Li was going to the Silent Military Tomb, Geng Qing's originally ancient well-free face showed a little move!

For that place, Geng Qing was instinctively full of awe, and at the same time, he also knew that if he had a day to die in battle in the future, he would definitely be buried in this lonely military tomb!

The tomb of the lonely army in Hanzhong is in the Dingjun Mountain ten miles northwest of Hanzhong City!

And the Taoist Temple where Zhu Li lives on weekdays is at the foot of Dingjun Mountain!

It didn't take long for Zhu Li to take Geng Qing to the outside of the Silent Army's tomb!

There are Hanzhong troops guarding around this Dingjun Mountain all year round, preventing someone from accidentally breaking into it and disturbing the rest of the soldiers of the Silent Army, and at the same time, it is afraid that the often restless Silent Army will scare the people who break into it by mistake!

More importantly, if everything in the tomb of the lonely army is spread, it will inevitably cause shocks, and even spread to the imperial court, which is not the result that Zhu Li wants to see!

The tomb door of the Silent Army's tomb is on a smooth cliff in Dingjun Mountain!

The entire tomb is in the belly of the mountain behind the cliff, and the semi-artificial and semi-natural huge space can accommodate at least tens of thousands of people for joint burial!

Although there are only three thousand Hanzhong soldiers buried in this silent military tomb at this moment, before the tomb door is opened, you can feel a thick anger and yin wind coming through the bones!

It seems that you can faintly hear the endless roar and fighting sound on the battlefield!

If the unknown people appear here, they may be scared on the spot!

Generally, the tomb sealing stones of the mausoleum can no longer be opened after falling, but the Silent Military Tomb is an exception, Zhu Li activated the mechanism, and soon opened the tomb door directly, and then took Geng Qing directly into the somewhat dark Yong Road!

Geng Qing, who followed Zhu Li's side, felt a piercing chill rushing straight from the depths of this Yong Dao, and the whole person involuntarily snorted!

At this moment, the long lanterns on the stone walls on both sides of the Yongdao were lit again in the face of the large amount of air that suddenly poured into the tomb!

Immediately afterwards, you can see the yellow talisman in the sky, which is covering almost the entire huge tomb space inside!

At the end of the road, there is a large joint tomb!

As far as the eye can see, there are 3,000 mouthfuls of coffins that have been affixed with various talismans!

"Gentlemen, King Ben has come to see you!"

Looking at the thousands of coffins in front of him, Zhu Li's heart was also full of mixed feelings, and he slowly spoke.

Inside these coffins lie are the generals and soldiers of the Hanzhong Army who followed him to the battlefield in the past!

They are all Daming's warriors and Daming's loyal souls!

In order to protect the land under their feet, in order to protect the common people of Daming from the bullying and plundering of the tartar, they left their lives on the battlefield!

Regardless of the status of the highlands, every soldier here deserves his respect and admiration!

However, the soldiers who had already died in these coffins seemed to be able to sense the words of King Zhu Li of Han, and many coffins began to shake one after another, emitting a very strange red light!

Accompanied by the roaring neighing of the undead, thousands of coffins that were restless, as if corpses were about to break out at any time, making people feel numb in the scalp!


Seeing this, Geng Qing's face changed slightly, and then he shouted angrily!

................... The dividing line........................

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