05: Hanzhong has developed by leaps and bounds in three years!

Although the original owner of Han King Zhu Li is obsessed with alchemy cultivation, he also has a very high talent in military affairs, and he has been familiar with military books since he was a child, even in Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, although his impression of Zhu Li is greatly reduced because of cultivation, but it still cannot hide his military ability and talent!

This is also one of the reasons why Zhu Yuanzhang chose to seal Zhu Li to the northwest land, and at the same time, he also wanted him to see how poor the people in the northwest land were, and how the grassland tartar attacked these people, so as to awaken his bloody nature and make this kid repent!

Because there is one thing that Zhu Yuanzhang is still relatively sure, that is, although Lao Jiu has mixed up a little, he is still very kind-hearted!

But what Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect was that Zhu Li died violently after only going to Hanzhong for two years!

In Hanzhong, King Zhu Li of Han also took charge of Tianshui Pass, an important pass leading to the Hexi Corridor!

This is also the first barrier against the southward movement of the Vara army, so the Han King Zhu Li naturally became a clan king with heavy troops!

With the current military strength of Hanzhong, even if Zhu Boxqiu does nothing, when this son of the Han king inherits the prince when he becomes an adult, and then waits for Zhu Yunjiang, a narrow-minded person, to become the emperor, how can he allow the next Zhu Boxingqiu with heavy troops and the rich Hanzhong City?

Regarding the details of this, Zhu Li did not make it clear to the Yang family before, and he didn't want her to worry too much!

And with these three magic weapon rings, it can maximize the combat potential of the three generals of the Hanzhong Army, and can exert miraculous effects at critical times, which can be regarded as a step for Zhu Li to prepare for the rainy day!

In addition, in the past three years, although he Zhu Li has been deceived, what he should do is still going on!

He couldn't come forward, but most of the things in the fiefdom were also handled by the Han Princess Yang Shi to assist the Han prince's son Zhu Xianqiu!

For example, the reconstruction of Hanzhong Mansion, the firing technology of red bricks, the production technology of cement, including the layout planning of the entire Hanzhong Mansion, are all provided by Zhu Li in secret!

Including the various books that Yang read on weekdays, Zhu Li also bought them from his system supermarket!

These books are the books of later modern society, and for the Ming Dynasty, books with advanced insight and technology are simply priceless!

Like salt making, cement technology, etc., Zhu Que himself does not know, but he can buy relevant books from the system supermarket and learn!

Therefore, the development of Hanzhong Mansion to this point is all the credit of Zhu Li's secret layout and planning, and Yang's time is just an executor on the surface!

And after his death, Zhu Yuanzhang put all his hopes on the body of Zhu Boxqiu, the son of the King of Han, and also ordered the Princess Yang of Han to try her best to assist his youngest son Zhu Boxqiu, until the son of the King of Han, Zhu Boxqiu, could inherit the title of King of Han and be able to take care of himself!

In fact, from this point of view, Zhu Yuanzhang is not completely cold to Zhu Li, he is really so ruthless!

Even if Zhu Li messes with the account and disappoints Zhu Yuanzhang again, it is also his own son!

And the son of the King of Han, Zhu Xianqiu, is now the only bloodline of the King of Han Zhu Li in this world, and he is also the imperial grandson of his Zhu Yuanzhang!

What Zhu Yuanzhang hopes is that the daughter-in-law of the Yang family can teach Zhu Xianqiu, the grandson, well, and don't learn from his old son Zhu Li like cultivation alchemy!

"Time is running out, it seems that you have to improve your Dao practice as soon as possible and reach the realm of a real person!"

Zhu Li looked at the three magic rings in the palm of his hand, let out a long breath, and then slowly spoke.


Ying Tianfu, Imperial Palace Ouchi!

It has been two or three days since Zhu Biao's return from the western tour!

Because considering Zhu Biao's physical reasons, Zhu Yuanzhang did not allow him to talk to him about business, and he was stunned to let the imperial doctor circle Zhu Biao for two days and help him condition his body, before allowing him to leave the East Palace on the third day and come to his imperial study!

However, what surprised Zhu Yuanzhang a little was that it was obviously Zhu Biao, who was infected with wind and cold, and after two days of recuperation, it seemed that there was not much improvement, and the whole person still looked a little sluggish!

This couldn't help but make Zhu Yuanzhang think of what Lao Jiu Zhu Li had said, and there was a faint premonition in his heart!

But soon, such thoughts were directly left behind by Zhu Yuanzhang, and he secretly blamed himself for not wanting to be good, his own standard must be fine, can live a long life!

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters are infected with the wind and cold, and they only need to be conditioned for some time to recover, and please Father Emperor don't worry too much!"

"This is the summary of the son's son's western tour, and I also ask the father to look at it!"

"Although the other second brother did a lot of wrong things in Xi'an Mansion, Nian also had meritorious efforts against Wala, give him another chance!"

Zhu Biao solemnly handed the music in his hand to Zhu Yuanzhang, and at the same time began to intercede for Zhu Shu, the king of Qin, who was still grounded in Yingtianfu!

In the end, it is his own second brother, an old nine has died young, he does not want his second brother to repeat the same mistakes!

"You! Just get used to him, I hope the second bastard can read your good! "

"Lock him up for a while to let him remember, and when he can realize his mistake, let's let him go back!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed secretly in his heart, looking at Zhu Biao like this, he really couldn't bear it!

Qin King Zhu Shu's affairs did not toss their eldest brother!

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that if he didn't let go, maybe Zhu Biao would be entangled again!

"The son-in-law thanked the father and emperor for the second brother!"

When Zhu Biao heard this, he was even more overjoyed!

"By the way, you came back this time and delayed in Hanzhong for so long, let's talk about the situation in Hanzhong!"

"Our daughter-in-law there, how has Hanzhong been handled in the past three years?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked at this time.

In the past three years, although Zhu Xianqiu, who is nominally the heir of the King of Han, should preside over the work and inherit the prince, who makes Zhu Xianqiu still young, he can only let the Yang family take care of it!

However, according to the news reported back by Jinyiwei, it is not an exaggeration to say that the development of Hanzhong in the past three years has come in by leaps and bounds!

He also wanted to hear what kind of evaluation Zhu Biao would have after he had personally visited!

When Zhu Biao heard this, he immediately began to talk about what he had seen and heard in Hanzhong Mansion, and praised this younger sibling of the Yang family!

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again when he listened, but it was similar to the situation reported back by Jinyiwei!

Such as what kind of salt making technique, potatoes and corn and other rare fruit planting techniques, it seems that this daughter-in-law tossed out!

There is also the reconstruction and planning of Hanzhong Mansion, and the technology of red bricks and cement, all of which made Zhu Yuanzhang have to sigh!

"Lao Jiu, this kid doesn't know what blessings he cultivated in his previous life? Actually married such a good wife! "

................... The dividing line........................

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