51: Fengtian Jing difficulty, Zhu Li stepped on the sword and flew, born in the sky, Zhenwanjun


Lao Jiu didn't die at all?

Once this thought came up in Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, it couldn't be dissipated!

Lao Jiu is not dead?

That is to say, Lao Jiu is deceiving death, he has actually been alive and alive and well!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was completely dumbfounded, his mind was full of the idea that Lao Jiu was actually alive, and he didn't even care about looking at how Zhu Yunjiang was, his mind was all stuck in Hanzhong, stuck on Lao Jiu's body!

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't say what kind of mood he should have!


Glad that Lao Jiu is still alive?

But why did he cheat to death?

Doesn't this mean that everyone has been deceived~?

Even the emperor with him, the Nine Five-Emperor, was also played by Lao Jiu!

Why did he do this?

Zhu Yuanzhang's mind was full of such question marks, but no one could give him an answer!

The vermilion oak in the dream picture, dressed in a purple robe, the appearance of a fairy wind Dao bone, just look at the momentum, the proper demeanor of a worldly master!

What is even more exaggerated is that his imperial sword is flying in mid-air, and he can actually draw runes out of thin air with his fingers, while controlling those lonely troops who jump out of the coffin!

But soon Zhu Yuanzhang discovered something strange!

These lonely troops were actually all wearing the armor of the Hanzhong army, showing their blue-faced fangs, and under the volley control of Lao Jiu, they directly rushed into the army of the imperial court army, as if they had entered a no-man's land!

The soldiers on the side of the imperial court army were completely frightened and stupid!

No one knows what is going on with these things that pop out of the coffin, and can only subconsciously use weapons to constantly beckon at these terrifying lonely soldiers!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that these silent troops with green faces and fangs were actually invulnerable, immortal and immortal, and even the shells directly blasted over, which could not hurt them in the slightest!

This is still a fart?

For a time, the imperial court army was already in chaos, and countless soldiers were crowded and stampeded on each other in a panic, and there were countless deaths and injuries!

There are also many battles that win more with less, but those need to pay attention to tactics, pay attention to the right time and place!

And at this moment, on the battlefield in Hanzhong, it is completely 20,000 people against 3.5 million people of hard steel!

After these thousands of lonely troops joined, they directly defeated the lineup of the imperial court army!

"The system ... This monster... What exactly are these monsters? "

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly pressed the pause, and at the same time woke up the national transport system!

[Judging by the situation, King Zhu Li of Han should have a tomb of the lonely army! ] More afraid that the host can only continue to explore, and the system cannot probe for the time being! 】

The explanation of the national transport system suddenly made Zhu Yuanzhang scratch his heart!

Half of this was said, and the result told him that he had to study it on his own, isn't this a hanger?

"Then you tell us, Lao Jiu Ming has already died violently in the twenty-second year of Hongwu, why did he still appear alive during the Jianwen year?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the question he was most concerned about.

[The answer to this question is not already in the host's mind?] It is clear that King Zhu Li of Han is not dead at all! 】

The reply of the national transport system almost didn't make Zhu Yuanzhang vomit blood!

Feeling that this national transport system will not reveal more information for the time being, Zhu Yuanzhang can only continue to watch Zhu Yunjiang's dream life!

And after Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the strong combat effectiveness of the lonely army, he still couldn't help but tremble in his heart!

It is a pity that there are only more than 3,000 people in the lonely army in the field, even if the combat effectiveness is strong, in the face of the 300,000 army, it still seems stretched!

At the beginning, under the sneak attack, the imperial court army did not react, and it was indeed embarrassed by these lonely troops!

But after the imperial court army gradually stabilized the formation and all reacted, it was obvious that these more than 3,000 lonely troops alone could not really say that these 300,000 troops would be solved!

Seeing that the imperial court army had gathered a formation and was about to charge and kill the Hanzhong army again, the old Jiu Zhu Li in the middle of the air raised his hand, summoned one after another heavenly thunder, and fell down the direction of his finger towards the imperial court army!

Before several generals in the imperial court army understood what was going on, they were directly scorched by this sudden heavenly thunder!

Geng Bingwen, the main general of the army, fell directly off the horse, but he was not directly struck by the thunder that day, and he was able to pick up an old life, and was quickly carried down by the people under him!

For a time, the imperial court army lost several generals who commanded in battle, and once again there was chaos!

And Zhu Yuanzhang was already dumbfounded at this moment!

Raising your hand can actually bring down heavenly thunder!

Is this a fairy art?

This thunder down, no one can withstand it!

The means displayed by Zhu Li in the dream picture even made Zhu Yuanzhang feel a pang of fear!

If this heavenly thunder fell on his body, then how could he still have a small life?

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang finally understood why the national transport system said that this time to deduce Zhu Yunjiang's life, he could see a scene worth more than 3,000 national fortune points!


What a surprise!

It's not so much a surprise as a combination of surprise and fright!

Lao Jiu is still alive, which really makes Zhu Yuanzhang feel surprised!

But these methods that Lao Jiu showed really scared him!

Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was about to take a look at the situation on this side of the battlefield in Hanzhong, the picture of dream deduction suddenly switched to Zhu Yunjiang's side!

No way, who let this be Zhu Yunjiang's dream life!

Zhu Yunjiang is the protagonist of this dream!

[You thought that this victory was in your hands, but what you didn't expect was that in less than ten days, the news of the eight hundred li rush had already reached Yingtian, and the 300,000 army of the imperial court attacking Hanzhong was actually defeated! ] “

[And you saw a shocking news in the war report from the front! ] It turned out that your ninth uncle, King Zhu Li of Han, did not die, but also appeared at a critical moment, defeating the 300,000-strong army of the imperial court with all kinds of magic powers! 】

[You are shocked and angry when you learn of this situation, you really don't believe what kind of demon art can directly defeat the 300,000 army, you just think that the front-line soldiers are making excuses for their incompetence! ] 】

[You thought that Xun's young age was easy to fool, and immediately became ruthless, and actually ordered to directly behead Geng Bingwen, the veteran who led the troops this time! ] 】


"Confused to the !!"

When he saw Zhu Yunjiang's will to behead Geng Bingwen, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more angry and cursed!

This stinky boy actually cut down all the veterans who can fight the most on this side of the imperial court!

Cut Geng Bingwen, who will help you guard the rivers and mountains?

You must know that Geng Bingwen's best at not attacking, but defending!

What's more, Geng Bingwen is still his old buddy of Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was one of the founding feats who first followed him Zhu Yuanzhang to fight the world!

Such a person, Zhu Yunjiang actually said that he would cut it!

[However, because you killed Geng Bingwen, none of the few remaining Huaixi lords in the dynasty are willing to support you to continue to use troops against the lord of the clan! ] 】

[Originally, you reused Fang Xiaozi and a few other civil officials, and also supported the new policy of Jianwen promoted by Fang Xiaozi, and you offended all the Manchu Dynasty culture and military! ] Now that he beheaded Geng Bingwen, he directly offended all the martial generals to death! 】

[When you search the entire court, you find that among all the martial generals, there is not a single one who is willing to go to the northwest to suppress the rebellion! ] 】

Deserve it!

This Zhu Yunjiang is simply stupider than a pig!

We are really blind, how can we take a fancy to this kind of waste and personally support him as the emperor?

This is simply equivalent to us Zhu Yuanzhang personally burying the rivers and mountains of Daming!

Does he Zhu Yunjiang still want to be a prince?

Still want to be an emperor? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you want to fart and eat!

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang has already made up his mind that he must not let Zhu Yunjiang be the emperor like a bully like the soft and afraid of the hard, and the black-hearted but wasteful thing!

It simply lost the face of the old Zhu family!

[There is really no way, you were forced to helplessly, you had to transfer Li Jinglong back, and let him lead the army to the northwest to calm the chaos, because the people who can still be used in the entire court are only Li Jinglong left! ] 】

[This time, without the slightest hesitation, you once again mobilized the national troops, fully gathered 500,000 troops, and claimed to be 800,000 troops abroad, and even most of the troops of the guards in various places were requisitioned by you! ] 】

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he shook his head vigorously again and again!

Can't beat it!

With just one Li Jinglong, even if you really give him a million army, this battle will definitely be lost!

As for the other martial generals, even if Zhu Yunjiang insists on sending them to the northwest, they will definitely go, but whether they will help you Zhu Yunjiang do things has to put a question mark!

Of course, this does not mean that Li Jinglong is a waste, and there is absolutely no shortage of Li Jinglong in terms of ability!

What kind of person has he never seen in his life?

Whether Li Jinglong has the ability or is a straw bale, he naturally knows it!

If Li Jinglong was a waste, he Zhu Yuanzhang would not have let Li Jinglong go to Huguang, Shaanxi, Henan and other places to train troops many times!

Moreover, Li Jinglong is in charge of the Zuo Military Governor's Mansion, or the prince Fu!

Li Jinglong has the strength of a first-class fierce general!

But this battle, Li Jinglong is destined to be unable to fight!

Who is Lee King Loong's opponent?

A first-class fierce general can fight against Zhu Di?

There are also the three tiger generals Geng Qing, Qin Wu and Yang Hui in Hanzhong, as well as the second son of the fourth old, who is a top ruthless person, and no one alone will lose to him Li Jinglong!

This is not even counting the old nine who cultivates immortals!

Let Li Jinglong, a first-class fierce general, go to confront a group of fierce immortals?

Didn't you see what happened to Geng Bingwen?

Don't look at the 800,000 army sounds majestic, in fact, whether it can step into the northwest is another matter!

[The entire court was in turmoil, and Geng Bingwen's defeat made everyone feel the crisis, so the military spirit of the imperial court army was also shaken, and the heart of the battle was powerless! ] 】

[But you did not pay attention to it, but continued to mobilize the country's troops, and were bound to take the northwest with a bang, in order to increase the majesty of the imperial court and correct your imperial throne! ] 】

[And you didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, and you didn't take the so-called demon art in Hanzhong to heart! ] You even suspect that your Ninth Uncle Han King Zhu Li is still alive, which is fake news! 】

[You directly gave Li Jinglong an order, asking him to pacify the northwest, the King of Yan, and the King of Han within five months, punish him for the crime of rebellion, and execute him on the spot without reporting it after he is caught! ] 】

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he was no longer angry!

His old face was full of bitter smiles, and he didn't know what to say anymore!

It is estimated that Li Jinglong was stunned after hearing Zhu Yunjiang's order!

He even suspected that Emperor Jianwen had drunk several dishes like this?

Do you want to hear what Emperor Jianwen is saying?

Is this an errand assigned to normal people?

Obviously, Li Jinglong is also quite self-aware of his strength!

Originally, he was holding on to the plan, and it would be good to be able to hold the army of King Yan and King Han to attack Ying Tian!

As a result, he let him go directly to the line with King Yan and King Han?

Also said that without reporting, the King of Yan and the King of Han could be executed on the spot?

If he Li Jinglong really has such skills, he still needs to give you Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiang as an errand?

[In addition, you also ordered that the household department allocate funds to mobilize food and grass, and always supply the soldiers in front, because in this period, the King of Yan and the King of Han still have a place where the army is united, if these two join forces, then this battle will be more difficult to fight, so you know very well that you must take one of them in a short time! ] 】

[At the same time, you are also worried that the strength of the imperial court alone is not enough, and you also ordered the second King of Qin, the second King of Jin, and King Gu to send troops together! ] 】


"Why didn't we see that you Zhu Yunjiang is actually a shameless villain?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he couldn't help but scold again!

I don't know if it's to say that Zhu Yunjiang is too stupid or too naïve?

You cut the clan so happily, and now you still want to let the family send troops?

This is more or less an idea that can only be come up with a little brain disease!

Is it too big a heart or smelly and shameless, not ashamed or shameless?

[However, not long after, you already heard that King Yan's army had crossed the Yellow River and arrived at the clearance! ] When you learned the news, you were immediately furious, and issued eight gold orders, asking Li Jinglong to send troops to intercept and kill Zhu Di, the king of Yan, and not let the king of Yan step into Xi'an and Hanzhong! 】

[However, what you didn't expect was that Li Jinglong killed the herald on the spot, took the army under his command, and directly defected to the Hanzhong army of the Han King Zhu Li! ] 】

[When the news came back, you were completely stunned, and your reaction was full of anger, how could you not expect that Li Jinglong would actually choose to betray, and also throw himself into Hanzhong! ] 】

[You trust Li Jinglong so much, but you want to break your head, and you didn't expect that he Li Jinglong would actually betray the enemy! ] 】

[You thought of directly executing Li Jinglong's family in a fit of anger, but you didn't expect that the old and young people of the Li family had already raised troops to launch a public rebellion, and all the nobles of Ying Tianfu took advantage of the momentum, all turned against you, and controlled you in the palace! ] 】

And at this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang was completely stunned!

In the deduction of the dream, he saw it really earnestly!

Zhu Yunjiang couldn't think of it, and he didn't understand why Li Jinglong rebelled, but he knew!

Because Lao Jiu was actually alone, he directly entered Li Jinglong's camp, and grabbing Li Jinglong was to persuade people with virtue, understand reason, and move with affection, and then took out another longevity pill, and bought it with various talismans...

And Lao Jiu's means of flying the imperial sword, where has he seen such a scene?

Under the persuasion of Lao Jiu's means, Li Jinglong did not oppose Emperor Jianwen, that was a ghost!

After all, he is a normal person, how can he have the guts to compete with an immortal figure like Lao Jiu?

Moreover, since Emperor Jianwen killed Geng Bingwen, he had basically lost all the hearts of the people, especially the martial generals and nobles who were already cold to him, and it was obvious that the general trend had passed!

He Li Jinglong is not stupid, how can he follow Zhu Yunjiang to the dark?

But at this moment, Zhu Yunjiang has also been imprisoned in the palace!

All the deduction pictures are basically placed in this part of the northwest!

[Although you have become a puppet emperor without real power, you can also go to the dynasty normally, and I also heard that in the northwest, King Han and King Yan seem to bite each other! ] 】

[Everyone in the dynasty is also waiting for a result, especially all the nobles, who can finally come to Yingtian between King Han and King Yan! ] 】

[King Yan's army came to Hanzhong, but the Han King Zhu Xianqiu let Zhu Di camp outside the city, and did not mean to let him enter the city, but Zhu Di's second son Zhu Gaoxu was a violent temper and directly ordered to attack Hanzhong City! ] 】

[In this regard, Yan King Zhu Di did not obstruct, and it was equivalent to agreeing! ] However, just when all the Yan troops were gaining momentum, holding siege equipment and wanting to storm the Hanzhong city wall, a flying figure of the imperial sword suddenly appeared, which directly frightened the Yan King Zhu Di from his war horse! 】

"Lao Jiu!"

"It's our old nine who has appeared again!"

"Old Fourth has kicked the iron plate this time, how can he be Lao Jiu's opponent?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, his eyes widened suddenly, and his heart suddenly clenched!

Do you still have to witness the fratricidal brotherhood of the two own sons, Old Fourth and Old Nine?

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