39: I found hope to save Zhu Biao again!

In fact, for what Taoist master, Zhu Yuanzhang has no idea!

What he can contact in this life, who can be called a master, is estimated to be only sincere!

This Liu Bowen has a clever calculation, and he also has some medical astrology techniques, and he has the title of a master in Mingma, and he is also the number one military master beside him Zhu Yuanzhang!

It's a pity that he died more than ten years ago!

"Can you be specific? Do you know the identity of this noble man? "

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but ask.

[The identity of this person cannot be known for the time being, but the system has deduced the place where the purple light appears, as long as 3,000 national transport values, the system can directly tell the host the coordinates of the location! ] 】

The reply of the national transport system directly left Zhu Yuanzhang speechless!

3,000 points of national transport value actually only says a so-called coordinate?

And his current national fortune value is not much, even if he wants to give it, it is not enough, how to give this?

"That's it, if there is really any purple light as you said, Jin Yiwei will definitely be able to see it, and we can also find that worldly master!"

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang will not be entangled!

He still has Jin Yiwei in Hanzhong, and Jin Yiwei will also report to him when he sees it!

"By the way, I've been listening to what you said about a Taoist master, what is the level of this Taoist master?"

"We used to have a military named Liu Bowen, who can be regarded as a superior person, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the national transport system at this time.

[The host thinks too much! ] There are five realms of orthodox Taoism, which are different from those Daoists that the host sees on a daily basis, let alone what the so-called masters can compare! 】

[The five realms of Dao Tong, Daoist Priest, Dao Elder, True Person, and Heavenly Master, can only be barely called a master if they reach the level of Dao Leader or above! ] 】

[In addition, the Taoist masters mentioned in this system are not those Taoist priests that the host can see in any Taoist temple! ] It is the existence that truly possesses the profound Dao Law, and such a person can say that he can count ten fingers in the Daming Dynasty! 】

The explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes widen!

Good fellow, Dao Elders are so scarce, can anyone really reach the real person and the Heavenly Master?

"Then what realm will be able to refine a semi-finished life extension pill?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became a little curious, what kind of realm did Lao Jiu reach back then?

[Theoretically, only a Taoist master in the realm of a real person can refine it, but if you have touched the threshold of a real person and reached the Dao master of a half-step real person, you can also refine a semi-finished life extension pill! ] 】

[And if you want to reach the realm of real people, it is not an easy thing, this world has been around for about two hundred years, and there has not been a Taoist master who has reborn the realm of real people! ] 】

The next explanation of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang's heart tremble!

Only a half-step real person can refine a semi-finished life extension pill?

That means that Lao Jiu already possessed the realm of a half-step real person back then!

Moreover, there have been no masters of the realm of real people in this world for more than two hundred years!

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?

"Then the purple light Xia Xian you mentioned before is the vision of heaven and earth in which realm?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked again.

[Ziguangxia now depends on the scale, the system is still unable to determine how strong the scale is this time, but it is certain that at least it must be a real human realm to trigger such a vision of heaven and earth! ] 】

The national transport system went on to explain.

"Realm of real people!"

"It's really a real human realm!"

"In other words, the realm of a real person can refine a longevity pill, not some semi-finished longevity pill?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he was even more excited!

He seemed to have seen a way to continue his life for Zhu Biao!

[Let's just say that! ] Of course, the Longevity Pill is not so easy to refine! In addition to the requirements for refining people, more importantly, the required materials are difficult to find in the world! 】

[If there is no suitable material, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and a real person will also not be able to refine the longevity pill! ] 】

The calcite of the national transport system made Zhu Yuanzhang disagree.

"What rare treasures are there in this palace? We are still the emperor of Daming! "

"As long as we find this real person, what materials are needed, we can do everything to find him, in order to save the standard, we are willing to pay any price!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said as if he had made up his mind.

[It depends on whether the host can find the Taoist master first!] 】

The national transport system said noncommittally.

"Can find it!"

"We will definitely find this master!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded vigorously and said.

After knowing that a real person of the Taoist family was about to be born a few days later, Zhu Yuanzhang was not so anxious about what imperial grandson to make!

His mind now returns to Zhu Biao's body, deducing that Zhu Yunjiang is not in a hurry anyway, let's talk about it later!

If it weren't for the fact that the Northwest Land was too far away from Ying Tianfu, and the master's current life was only five days later, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't wait to run to the northwest and personally find out this master!

Of course, with such good news, he naturally wanted to share it with Zhu Biao!

Immediately, he asked Wang Chen to go to the East Palace and called Zhu Biao to the imperial study again.

Although Zhu Biao did not say anything, as a father, Zhu Yuanzhang could naturally feel Zhu Biao's unwillingness in his heart!

If they want to live, who would want to die?

What's more, Zhu Biao will still be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the future!

"What happened when the father summoned his children?"

Zhu Biao quickly arrived at the imperial study room and asked Zhu Yuanzhang with a curious face.

"Biao'er, we just learned a news, you will definitely be very happy to hear it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked a lot more energetic, and explained with a happy face.

"Oh? What kind of happy event can make my father so happy? "

Zhu Biao was also stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Of course, it's a happy event related to you, we finally found a way to save you!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Biao's face suddenly changed, and his eyes, which were originally a little dull, instantly began to brighten!

As Zhu Yuanzhang thought before, if there is really a way to continue living, who wants to die?

The ant is still alive, not to mention that he is still the prince of the Ming Dynasty!

"Father Emperor takes this seriously?"

Zhu Biao's breathing also became unconsciously rapid!

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly explained to Zhu Biao about the situation detected by the national transport system, and also explained that this master who was about to be born could refine the real longevity pill!

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know that even if Zhu Li really broke through to the realm of a real person, he couldn't refine a real longevity pill without finding a thousand-year ginseng, he could only refine a second-grade longevity pill!

And this time, Zhu Li was not ready to give Zhu Biao!

................... The dividing line........................

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