110: There is no possibility of peace talks, either surrender or be destroyed!

Give children free education, not only popularize education, but also earn money?

This is simply an incredible thing in Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion!

He had never thought of such an operation before, or he had never thought much about it.

The imperial court also has a national superintendent, and then there are some local educational units, such as county schools and other educational institutions, and this kind of institution often has a very high threshold, and ordinary people simply cannot enter such institutions to get the opportunity to study!

This kind of education method proposed by Zhu Li that specializes in cultivating students' professional skills can not only cultivate a large number of professional skills, but also achieve profits through cooperation with employers and employers in the later stage, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but move.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang, for these suggestions put forward by Zhu Li, with at least half of the elements of blind listening and blind obedience, is mainly because of the limitations of the cognition of the times.

Is what Zhu Li said feasible?

Will it become a reality?

Of course it works, and it will become a reality!

But this feasibility will only be within a certain period of time, when Daming's talents are more and more and more and tend to be saturated, such a model will not work!

It is necessary to change to another model, or simply rely on state financial expenditure!

The premise is that by that time the country has developed and can afford such educational investment!

And when the country has so many talents, the income created is enough to cover such expenditures, which is a virtuous circle!

"Okay, then first in your man... No, first implement your method of running a school in the northwest and even the western regions in the future, if it is indeed as you say, then promote the entire Daming!"

"Presumably, by that time, as long as the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu saw the achievements on this side of the northwest, he would not be able to say anything against it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered for a long time, and immediately decided to use the northwest region as a pilot.

Although he was very excited about Zhu Li's proposal, if he really wanted to promote it to the entire Daming, he didn't need to think that he would definitely be boycotted by the civilian clique!

The interests of literati and doctors will be fundamentally impacted in this educational reform, and it is strange that they do not oppose it!

For example, a scholar who has worked hard for ten years to come out of the cold window has finally obtained a reputation, and the effort and effort in it are naturally not small!

But ordinary people's children can read for free, which makes those literati who have paid a huge price to succeed in their studies feel?

How do these officials in the imperial court who have only been able to rise through the imperial examination feel?

Don't look at these readers one by one opening and closing their mouths is thinking of the world, in fact, they are all 353 is just a mouth, more people only worry about their own fame and fortune, let alone see the good of others!

If we take the northwest and western regions as a pilot first, and speak with practical achievements, we can directly block the Confucian officials and scholars who are full of reason at every turn!

This is also the safest way!

If you take too big a step, you will still pull the egg!

"Children obey the order!"

When Zhu Li heard this, he immediately laughed.

He knew that the old man was really fooled by himself, as long as he had his support, it was only a matter of time to promote compulsory education to the entire Daming!


Turpan region of the Western Regions.

Qin Wu and Yang Hui had set off from Hamiwei for Turpan a few days earlier.

Because the army had sufficient supplies and cotton clothes specially distributed to them, the marching speed was not slow at all!

Especially the ten Hongwu cannons, because of the rubber tire carriage pull, that speed is much faster.

Although there is no cement road, Zhu Li specially used a solid tire to transport these Hongwu cannons this time!

Although the road surface is rough and hurts the tires, solid tires are much more wear-resistant than inflated tires!

Each car is also specially equipped with spare tires, so transporting Hongwu cannons is not a problem at all.

"Old Qin, His Highness means that as long as these tribes are willing to surrender, they can not be killed. They will also be the people of Daming in the future, you can relax!"

Seeing that he was about to arrive at Hamiwei, Yang Hui reminded Qin Wu uneasily.

The main thing is that Qin Wu has never had a good impression of people of different races, and if he encounters it on the battlefield, he may be killed crazy!

Over the years, fishing for law enforcement outside the customs and catching a large number of vara tartars as tribute to the tomb of the lonely army were all done by Qin Wu and his people, and they would only be handed over to Geng Qing after returning to Hanzhong!

Under Qin Wu's sword, there is no difference between those aliens and livestock, if it is really a killing eye, Qin Wu can do not leave a single man, woman, and child!

"Don't worry, I remember everything that His Highness explained before, as long as these tartars obediently surrender, then nothing will happen!"

"If they want to resist, then it's no wonder Qin Mou is ruthless!"

Qin Wu nodded slowly.

Among the three generals under Zhu Li, Yang Hui was the oldest and the oldest one!

Geng Qingji is the youngest, but he was pulled up by Zhu Li!

And Qin Wu, who can sit in this position, is killed abruptly!

He was one of the first generals to follow Zhu Li, and the tartar that died in his hand was estimated to be more than Yang (AGDJ) Hui and Geng Qing combined!

The main reason is that Geng Qing is more often with Zhu Li, while Yang Hui is mainly responsible for defense.

He handled many things on the front-line battlefield, including several battles facing the tartar, and he also led the charge!

At night, the army camped on a flat terrain.

Because the army is equipped with charcoal fires for heating, the cold of the night in the Western Regions this winter is not a concern for the generals and soldiers of the Hanzhong Army!

Bonfires were also lit in the camp, and Qin Wu gathered all the officers around the bonfire to discuss the plan for tomorrow's attack on the surrounding tribes.

General Qin, this is a secret report sent back by Tanma!"

At this moment, a soldier hurriedly came and directly handed a note to Qin Wu.

Qin Wu took a look, but he showed a disapproving look.

"What's going on?"

Yang Hui couldn't help but ask.

"That khan of the royal family of Eastern Chagatai sent a guy named Hamaliddin to negotiate, saying that he was twenty miles away and wanted to meet us tomorrow!"

Qin Wu directly handed the note to Yang Hui.


Yang Hui was also stunned when she heard this!

Why didn't the royal family of Eastern Chagatai understand the purpose of the Hanzhong army's western expedition?

To put it bluntly, it was aimed at the royal family of Eastern Chagatai, but other small countries and tribes in the Western Regions gave the opportunity to return!

Of course, the royal family of Eastern Chagatai can also choose to surrender, but since sending someone to negotiate is obviously not intended to surrender!

"Then listen to what this messenger will say first, if the royal family of Dongchagatai is not willing to return to Daming, it will not be too late to start fighting!"

Yang Hui pondered for a moment, then proposed to Qin Wu.

"Have you ever seen an envoy bring tens of thousands of cavalry to come and talk?"

Qin Wu sneered disapprovingly.

Yang Hui was stunned again when she heard this.

Negotiate with tens of thousands of cavalry?

I'm afraid this is not some kind of moth, right?

Indeed, the khan of Eastern Chagatai, the black son of the fire, had just taken the throne, and Hamaliddin was his henchman, who had also sent an envoy to Daming and knew Daming best.

The Black Fire Man sent him to lead 30,000 cavalry to the Turpan region, and it was absolutely impossible to negotiate just for negotiations!

They are also ready to go to war directly once the negotiations fail!

Early the next morning, when Qin Wu and Yang Hui's army advanced again, it didn't take long to encounter this cavalry unit led by Hamaliddin.

The two sides directly lined up and put on a posture that they could go to war at any time, but Qin Wu still gave that Hamaliddin a chance to speak at Yang Hui's suggestion.

The main generals of the two sides did not bring extra people, and in front of the two armies, they merged in one place.

However, this time it was not the imperial army of Daming who went to the Western Regions, but the Hanzhong army!

Hamaliddin has no bottom in his heart, mainly because Han King Zhu Li has never been a person who plays cards according to common sense! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!)

These generals under King Han, Hamaliddin has also inquired a long time ago, whether it is Qin Wu or Yang Hui, they are famous existences in the northwest, which also makes him have a lot of pressure!

"Since you want to negotiate, let's talk first!"

"Choose to surrender or choose to go to war, you have the final say!"

Sure enough, Qin Wu didn't mean to prepare nonsense as soon as he met, and his tone was quite unpolite.

When Hamaliddin heard this, he immediately frowned.

"Is Your Excellency's statement a bit excessive, since it is a negotiation, it must be fair!"

"The royal family of Eastern Chagatai has no intention of surrendering, but they also never want to fight with Daming!"

"Two years ago, on behalf of the royal family of Eastern Chagatai, he also went to Yingtianfu to pay tribute to His Majesty the Daming Emperor, and may the two countries have good relations for generations!

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is going to start a war against the Eastern Chagatai without asking questions, is it too bullying?"

Hamaliddin said with a somewhat ugly face.

"Be bold!"

"His Royal Highness King Han is also something you can argue?"

"You actually dare to raise the emperor to suppress the king of Han, are you afraid that you don't know that the emperor is now in Hanzhong Mansion?"

Qin Wu originally didn't plan to beep with this guy, but he didn't expect that the other party actually dared to complain about Zhu Li, his face immediately sank, and he scolded in an unkind tone.


Hamalidin's face suddenly changed!

He really didn't know that Zhu Yuanzhang had also arrived in Hanzhong!

Originally, the Western Regions side received the news that the Hanzhong army was going to attack the Western Regions, thinking that it was the meaning of the Han King Zhu Li himself, and it should have nothing to do with the Daming court!

But they didn't expect that Zhu Yuanzhang would actually be in Hanzhong!

Isn't that equal to the move of King Zhu Li of Han, and that was also agreed by the Emperor Daming?

Originally, the black firer sent him over, but also wanted to bring out the Daming Imperial Court to restrain the Hanzhong army, so that the Hanzhong army could have some scruples, but if the Hanzhong army's invasion of the Western Regions this time was approved by Zhu Yuanzhang, then talk about a fart?

"You can make a choice!"

"Surrender or war, a matter of words!"

Qin Wu said unceremoniously.

"So, does Daming have to go to war with Eastern Chagatai?"

Hamaliddin asked with an ugly face.

"Smart, so you won't surrender?"

Qin Wu chuckled.

"In that case, see you on the battlefield!"

After Hamaliddin finished speaking, he pulled the reins and turned the horse's head, intending to rush back to his army immediately!

"Did I let you go?"

Qin Wu snorted coldly, and then the halberd in his hand was directly thrown by him like a javelin!

Although both sides had separated from the army and gathered to negotiate, they were also on horseback, separated by more than a dozen paces from each other.

Hamaliddin never expected that Qin Wu's amazing arm strength was so strong, and at a distance of more than a dozen steps, the halberd could directly penetrate the back of his heart!

Hamaliddin didn't have time to beg for mercy or call for help, and was directly inserted by Qin Wu, and the corpse was directly turned off the horse, leaving only the war horse that was still galloping back!

Seeing this, the camp of the Western Regions army immediately became chaotic.

Although Hamaliddin was not the main general of these 30,000 cavalry, he came to negotiate with the Daming army on behalf of their khan!

Before this negotiation lasted for a while, he was directly killed by Daming's people!

These people in the Western Regions never thought of going to war with Daming, including these soldiers who also had the same idea, it was naturally best not to fight!

But Hamalidin, the messenger, was killed by Daming's generals, so this battle is inevitable!

Looking at the Hanzhong Army's side, they originally came to take down the Eastern Chagatai, and after seeing that Qin Wu actually directly killed the envoys sent by the other party, they immediately became excited!


Qin Wu didn't give the 30,000 cavalry on the opposite side a chance to react, and after a roar, the generals of the Hanzhong Army rushed towards the 30,000 troops on the opposite side!

Without saying a word, he started to work, which caught the cavalry troops of Eastern Chagatai, who were still ready to negotiate first, a little unprepared!

The generals on this side of the Western Regions subconsciously gave the order to retreat, and even Turpan did not dare to stay for a long time, but fled directly in the direction of Urumqi!

And Qin Wu and Yang Hui each led 10,000 horses, chasing and killing the 30,000 cavalry from two directions!

The 20,000 Han Chinese army, chasing 30,000 cavalry running all over the desert, the scene is still spectacular!

The main thing is that the Hanzhong side is as imposing as a rainbow, wearing cotton clothes and battle armor one by one, while these tartars in the Western Regions only have thin clothes, and there are only a handful of people who can wear armor!

Many people are frozen in this extremely cold weather, how can this battle be fought?

After just one round of rushing down, those Western Regions Tatars who were chased by Qin Wu and Yang Hui were killed to pieces!

The main thing is that the weapons and equipment in the hands of the generals of the Hanzhong Army are sharp enough!

Especially the slingshot gun that can reach about five hundred paces, for these Western Regions cavalry, it is simply a nightmare!

The swords in their hands must not be counted on, but even their bows and arrows have a range of only about a hundred paces, which is several times worse than the Hanzhong Army's side!

None of them could touch the Hanzhong Army, and the arrows of the Hanzhong Army had already pierced their bodies!

After a big battle, the 30,000 cavalry brought by Hamaliddin lost more than 10,000 people!

At least eighty percent of them were directly shot by the long-range slingshot guns of the Hanzhong Army!

Within three hundred steps, even the soldiers who passed the armor would also be directly shot through by the slingshot guns of the Hanzhong Army!

This also shows the power of this slingshot gun!

Compared with the three-force slingshot gun in Hanzhong City, it can be pulled away with your hands, and the slingshot guns in the hands of the Hanzhong Army must be used hand and foot!

If you want to be loaded, you have to rely on foot strength to kick open, and you know how perverted this elasticity and rate of fire really are!

A few hours later, the Hanzhong army began to clean up the battlefield, mainly collecting the heads of these Western Regions Tatars.

The army's method of poleming battle merit is very simple, whoever hacks and kills the most heads on the battlefield, then whoever has the greatest merit!

The two of Qin Wu and Yang Hui cut off the heads of more than a hundred people, and the total number of heads of the two exceeded three hundred!

"It's a pity, a total of 30,000 people, only more than 10,000 were destroyed, and more than half of them let them run!"

Qin Wu looked in the direction of Urumqi, obviously still unfinished.

"If you are not in a hurry, where else can they run?

Yang Hui said with a smile.

Compared to Qin Wu, although Yang Hui is much more mature and stable, if he really wants to kill, it is also not ambiguous at all!

"I'll leave it to you here, I'll go and write a war report for Hanzhong!"

"The first battle in the Western Regions is a great victory, so that His Highness will be happy and happy!"

Qin Wu said, patted Yang Hui's shoulder, entered the military tent, and wrote to Zhu Li to report the work!

PS: Ask for flowers!! ask for a monthly pass!! ask for an evaluation ticket!!!。

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