112: Zhu Yuanzhang: These sons of ours all have to learn from Lao Jiu!

On the evening of the same day, there was another family banquet in the Han King Mansion!

In fact, since Zhu Yuanzhang came to Hanzhong, he has been setting up a family banquet almost every day, and the family is happy together.

But this time there is one more Jin King Zhu Huan!

This meal was a happy meal, which made Zhu Huan, who was still apprehensive, breathe a sigh of relief, but he was a little confused!

But look at the meaning of the old man, he is in a good mood, and he should not deliberately reprimand himself for something!

Otherwise, with the old man's violent temper, it is estimated that he will not have to wait until tomorrow, he should have made a difficult attack just after arriving in Hanzhong!

After eating the dinner, Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Li and the brothers Zhu Hui and left the Han King Mansion directly, and the father and son brothers all changed into civilian clothes and planned to visit Hanzhong at night.

"Third man, what do you think of Hanzhong Mansion?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's sudden inquiry made Zhu Huan's heart burst!

Sure enough, the old man really mentioned this matter!

But it seems that there should be no intention to blame him or anything.

"To be honest, the biggest gain from Erchen's visit to the northwest this time is to see what Xi'an Mansion and Hanzhong Mansion look like today!"

"When I was in Xi'an Mansion yesterday evening, my children were amazed at the prosperity of Xi'an Prefecture today, but I didn't expect that when I came to Hanzhong today, I saw a more shocking scene!"

"Lao Jiu is stronger than our third brother, and this third brother is ashamed of himself!"

Perhaps guessing what Zhu Yuanzhang meant, Zhu Hui simply held Zhu Que directly.

But this remark was not entirely to deal with Zhu Yuanzhang, or to Zhu Li, but Zhu Huan's heart at this moment had really changed his opinion of Zhu Li, and even said that he was quite impressed!

Because even if he was given another life for Zhu Huan, Zhu Hui did not dare to say that he could build Taiyuan Mansion into such a situation as Hanzhong!

This alone is enough to prove that Lao Jiu's ability is worthy of his heart's "two, three, three" service!

Therefore, Zhu Hui is not exactly saying good things, but also telling the truth!

"Third brother is serious, in fact, governing the fiefdom is more the credit of your younger brother and sister, we don't dare to grab the credit!"

Zhu Li chuckled.

Zhu Huan: "..."


You mean that we are a clan king, and even a lady can't compare?

Before changing it, Zhu Hui may really be so angry that he directly scolded!

"Okay, you have also seen the scene of Xi'an Prefecture and Hanzhong Mansion today, and you should also have heard about the situation in Chengdu Prefecture and Beiping Prefecture!"

"They all know how to learn from Hanzhong to develop the fiefdom, but your Jin King Zhu Hui is still playing Qinggao!"

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Huan's embarrassment, and also scolded with a smile.

"Father, don't be sarcastic about your children!"

"The children know that they are wrong, after the children return to the Taiyuan Mansion, they will definitely learn Hanzhong immediately and build the fiefdom as soon as possible!"

"It just so happens that in Hanzhong these days, the children can also consult with the ninth brother more!"

"Ninth brother, you must help the third brother!"

"The third brother admits that it was the third brother who underestimated you before, and the third brother now realizes that he is wrong!"

Zhu Hui smiled bitterly, and what he said was really quite sincere.

What is the biggest advantage of King Zhu Hui of Jin?

That is to listen to advice, know that mistakes are corrected!

In the past, he was also a violent bastard like the second elder Zhu Shu, but after being reprimanded by Zhu Yuanzhang, he immediately knew to converge!

In these years in Taiyuan Mansion, although he didn't say how well he managed the fiefdom, at least he didn't dare to go to the Huohuo people!

This is enough to satisfy Zhu Yuanzhang!

After all, the nine sons of the dragon are different, and Zhu Yuanzhang can't expect all the sons to be as capable as Zhu Li and the fourth Zhu Di!

Of course, you can't be as messy as the second Zhu Shu!

"You can say this to prove that you are not stupid, to tell you the truth, this time to let you come to Hanzhong, it is Lao Jiu who intends to take you to dare a big thing!"

"As for what the specific things are, let's talk about it tomorrow, don't think about it too much tonight, just open up and play in Hanzhong!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with great satisfaction and ordered.

The so-called play, naturally does not really let Zhu Hui play purely, just like now visiting the night market in Hanzhong, that is in the hope that Zhu Hui can really see it, and can also copy the model of Hanzhong to Taiyuan!

Even if it's playing, it's a learning, not a pointlessness!

"The children understand!"

Although Zhu Hui was very curious about what Lao Jiu wanted to let himself do, it should be a good thing to look at the attitude of the old man, even if he was itchy, he did not dare to ask more.

The old man said so, he can't dig into the bottom anymore!

But this evening, Zhu Hui is difficult!

The main thing is that I have been speculating about what Lao Jiu will let him do?

Of course, it is not torment, but with a touch of excitement and anticipation, that sense of urgency that scratches your ears and cheeks!

This also caused Zhu Hui to not sleep well all night, and when he got up early the next day, he couldn't wait to come to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li!

After the father and son had breakfast together in the dining room of the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang directly summoned Chen Gong, the general of Datong Shou, together!

"Chen Gong, how many imperial court border troops are deployed in Datong today?"

After Zhu Yuanzhang saw Chen Gong, he directly asked.

"Counting the garrison troops of some nearby counties, and the 30,000 troops stationed in Datong City, a total of 55,000 people!"

Chen Gong hurriedly returned to the road.

"After that, your 55,000 people will be transferred by the King of Jin for the time being!"

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered straight to the point!

"No, Father, Emperor, aren't you planning to be a fief for your thirteenth brother?"

"Seeing that the thirteenth brother is about to die!"

Zhu Hui asked with a surprised face.

In fact, if Zhu Yuanzhang had not come to Hanzhong, the acting king Zhu Gui would have been in the domain a long time ago!

"That's right, we originally planned to let Old Thirteen go to Datong, but now we have changed our minds and directly let him go to Xuchang!"

"In addition, Datong Mansion will also be handed over to you in the future, and you will also have to manage Datong well!"

"As for how to do it specifically, you discuss it with the old nine brothers!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand disapprovingly, and then directly threw the ball to Zhu Li, and simply acted as a palm cabinet!

In fact, in these matters, Zhu Yuanzhang really didn't know what he should say, because he had to listen to Lao Jiu!

After all, he doesn't understand Lao Jiu!

When Zhu Hui heard this, his gaze towards Zhu Li became more and more surprised.

Of course, the most shocking thing in my heart is still Datong Shou General Chen Gong!

Listening to the meaning of these words, it is equivalent to handing over Datong to the two clan kings of Jin and Han to govern together!

Even if the King of Jin is concerned, now Hanzhong and Xi'an Mansion are both under the rule of the Han King Zhu Li, if it extends to Datong's side, can this Han King Zhu Li be busy?

"Third brother, take a look at this first!"

"General Chen, take a look too!"

As Zhu Li said, he directly took out two copies of the materials prepared in advance and handed them directly to Zhu Hui and Chen Gong!

This information details the coal reserves and specific locations near Datong Province!

It's basically the kind of place where you can definitely find a coal mine in a few days if you send some people to the site!

Looking at this information in his hand, both Zhu Hui and Chen Gong were stunned!

This Han king Zhu Li was far away in Hanzhong, how did he know the specific coal reserves and distribution of Datong there?

Could it be that someone was specially sent to investigate?

But they didn't hear the wind either!

"Ninth brother, the information you gave is true?"

But after carefully reading the information given by Zhu Li, Zhu Hui was shocked again!

The main thing is that the reserves of these coal mines near Datong are too large, and they have to be shocked!

"I wonder if the third brother is interested in working with us to make Datong the coal capital of the entire Daming?"

"We brothers cooperate, each benefit three percent, and the remaining forty percent go to the imperial court!"

"Datong is entrusted to you to manage, and I will be responsible for the technology!"

Zhu Li was straight to the point and directly picked out the words! (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Upon hearing this, Zhu Hui and Chen Gong's eyes widened even more!

Can this coal business still do this?

You must know that the minerals of Daming are controlled by the imperial court, how to cooperate in front of the old man, and divide the benefits?

"Don't look at us, what Lao Jiu says is what it is, you just listen to him!"

Seeing Zhu Huan's gaze looking towards his side, Zhu Yuanzhang simply waved his hand directly!

Zhu Huan: "..."


Even the eldest brother Zhu Biao can't let the old man achieve this level, right?

There were rumors before that the old man was ready to pass the throne to Lao Jiu, was it true?

"How about third brother? Interested?"

Zhu Li asked with a smile.

"Father and Emperor have said so, we naturally have no problem. But the governance of this Taiyuan Mansion..."

Zhu Hui couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Originally, he was afraid that he would not be able to handle the governance of Taiyuan Mansion, and now he was busy going to the coal mine with Zhu Li, and he didn't dare to take it lightly, where did he get so much time?

"Don't worry, we will also help the third brother over there in Taiyuan Mansion. Factories and theaters in Hanzhong can also open branches and branches in Taiyuan Prefecture!"

Zhu Li naturally understood what Zhu Hui meant, and such a promise could be regarded as solving Zhu Huan's worries!

Among the many clan kings, Zhu Huan's treatment should be regarded as the only one!

It is equivalent to Zhu Li going to help Zhu Hui govern the fiefdom!

In the future, Taiyuan Prefecture will be equivalent to the situation of Xi'an Prefecture, except that there is no clan king in Xi'an Prefecture today!

But no one can ignore the influence of King Zhu Li of Han on Xi'an Prefecture!

It is not so much that after the King of Qin Zhu Shu left Xi'an Mansion, Xi'an Mansion belonged to the imperial court, but it was actually controlled by Zhu Li, the King of Han!

Zhu Hui was overjoyed at first, but soon realized the problem!

If it is really like what Lao Jiu said, when the day when Taiyuan Mansion really develops, it is not expected to be like Hanzhong Mansion, even if it is similar to Xi'an Mansion, I am afraid that Lao Jiu's influence in Taiyuan Mansion will not be smaller than that of the Jin King of his own fief in Taiyuan, right?

"Look at your little bit of appearance. Do you think Lao Jiu will look at you as a Taiyuan Mansion?"

Zhu Yuanzhang, however, knocked out Zhu Huan's thoughts, and reprimanded with some dissatisfaction...

Upon hearing this, Zhu Hui suddenly reacted!

Oh, yes!

If Lao Jiu was just a clan king, then such a worry was indeed necessary!

But if Lao Jiu really wants to ascend the throne in the future, wouldn't his worries become a joke?

At that time, the entire Daming will be his, will he still need to compete with his third brother for this benefit?

"The lesson of the father emperor is that the ninth brother and the third brother will listen to you. What you say in the future, the third brother will do it!"

Zhu Huan, who reacted, hurriedly marked his attitude.

"This is decent, in the future, follow Lao Jiu to learn more, you can also take the long insight of Hanzhong and learn from the scriptures!"

"After the New Year, we are ready to change the rules!"

"The lord of the clan is not allowed to leave the fief without permission, but he can come to Hanzhong Mansion at any time!"

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang nodd in satisfaction and said.

And Zhu Hui and Chen Gong glared at them again!

Mainly surprised by Zhu Yuanzhang's last sentence!

The lord of the clan is not allowed to leave the fief casually, but what the hell is it to deliberately come to Hanzhong Mansion at any time?

Not only is he Zhu Hui alone, but all the other clan king brothers have to come to Hanzhong to study with Lao Jiu?

As soon as he thought of this, Zhu Huan's heart suddenly balanced a lot!

After all, he was the third brother, and suddenly he wanted to let him listen to Zhu Li, the ninth brother, and he felt a little lost face!

But if all the clan king brothers are like this, then there is no need for him to be afraid of losing people!

"The children understand!"

"The son-in-law will definitely learn from the ninth brother humbly, please rest assured!"

Zhu Hui was very smart, and he also thought that Zhu Yuanzhang also wanted to take advantage of such an opportunity so that all the clan kings could have a good relationship with Lao Jiu!

Of course, this is also mutual, and it is also to pave the way for Lao Jiu, let him encircle as many clan brothers as possible, and getting the support of all the clan king brothers is the key!

Of course, if you see it and don't say it, even if Zhu Hui guessed this kind of thing, he definitely couldn't say it like this in front of Zhu Yuanzhang and Lao Jiu Zhu Li!

"Okay, then you and Chen Gong will go down and discuss it first to see how things in Datong Coal Mine should be handled!"

"These coal mines mentioned by Lao Jiu must also mobilize troops to defend them, if there is a shortage of people, we will replenish your troops from other places!"

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand at this time, which meant that an eviction order was issued.

Zhu Hui and Chen Gong were also interested, and after the two agreed, they retreated directly.

"Father, why are you here?"

"If all the brothers run to Hanzhong after three days and two heads, do we still want to retreat and cultivate?"

Zhu Li asked Zhu Yuanzhang a little speechless at this time.

He really didn't know about this matter in advance, and Zhu Yuanzhang didn't discuss it with him when he made this decision!

"We also want to let you brothers of the clan king accept your affection and support you in the future!"

"Even if they come to Hanzhong, how much time can they delay you?"

"Even if you are not there, don't you still have our daughter-in-law?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said disapprovingly.

In his opinion, it is absolutely necessary to let his sons come to have a good relationship with Zhu Li!

4.6 The royal family is thin, although Zhu Yuanzhang also thinks that his son can be like brothers, but he also knows that so many sons are unrealistic, there are always some good relationships and bad relationships!

He just wanted to use this way to bring the relationship between these lords and Zhu Li closer.

What is the strongest relationship?

If the family affection is not reliable, then only interests remain!

This is also why Zhu Yuanzhang made such a decision!

In the past, the lord of the clan did not have an edict not to leave the fiefdom, but in the future, he had one more choice, that is, to go to Lao Jiu's Hanzhong Mansion, which could be unrestricted!

And with the current development of Hanzhong Mansion, Zhu Yuanzhang estimated that all his sons would definitely yearn for it, and they would definitely come!

More importantly, in the future, he Zhu Yuanzhang also decided to come to Hanzhong often!

As long as the cement road is built, the travel time between Hanzhong and Yingtian must be reduced by at least half!

In the past, it took more than half a month to arrive, but it will only take about ten days to arrive!

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang returned to Yingtianfu, he could come if he wanted to!

This old son of him is in Hanzhong Mansion, and although the sons of those clan kings can't leave the fiefdom and return to Beijing to see him, they can also come to Hanzhong Mansion to see him!

"Okay, this matter is so decided, you have to listen to us!"

"Shall we listen to you for other things?"

Although Zhu Yuanzhang's tone was unquestionable, it could be seen that he cared about Zhu Li's attitude.

"Then the courtiers will thank the emperor a lot!"

Zhu Li smiled bitterly and nodded.

He naturally knows the old man's thoughts, on the one hand, for his own good, on the other hand, it is also for these sons, which can be regarded as a common human feeling!

PS: Ask for flowers!! ask for a monthly pass!! ask for an evaluation ticket!!!。

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