114 Zhu Li: The old man actually wants to establish the Imperial Guard Academy!

The tiger squat cannon is also a name, and the tiger squat cannon made by Zhu Li here and the tiger squat cannon of the Ming Dynasty in history are completely two concepts!

Among them, they borrowed the principle of making mortars in later modern society, and even the shells were made of specially made rigid cast iron with tail wings, that is, made of steel!

"What is it? Cannonball?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at a large long conical shell with a tail in front of him, and asked with surprise on his face.

"That's right, this is the warhead, this is the tail, there is a primer at the bottom!"

"As long as the shell is dropped into the mortar, and the striker hitting the bottom of the barrel stimulates the bottom fire, the mortar can shoot directly!"

Zhu Li first explained to Zhu Yuanzhang the structure of the mortar shell and the specific firing steps, and then handed the mortar shell to Zhu Yuanzhang.

To put it bluntly, after aiming the cannon at an angle, he directly stuffed the shell through the muzzle, and waited for him to shoot it himself after hitting the bottom!

"How far can this thing shoot?"

With the experience of the flintlock gun, Zhu Yuanzhang also began to look forward to the range of this shell, and hurriedly asked.

"The effective range is about ten miles!"

Zhu Li explained lightly.

About ten miles is the maximum range of the current simple version of the mortar, that is, about five kilometers.

Just this range, compared with the range of more than ten kilometers or tens of kilometers in later generations, it is simply a small witch!

But in the Ming Dynasty, it was definitely a super long-distance existence!

"Ten miles!"

"The Hongwu cannon only has a range of two or three miles at most!

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his eyes widened in shock!

This range is at least three or four times that of the Hongwu cannon!

In Zhu Yuanzhang's opinion, this is an incredible thing!

"Although this tiger squat cannon looks small, whether it is the range or power, it is not comparable to the Hongwu cannon!"

"Father Emperor can personally test fire a shot!"

"The angle and range have been adjusted for you, you just need to launch directly!"

Zhu Li pointed to a small hillside about eight miles and explained to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The hillside over there was originally a barren mountain, and all around it had been guarded to prevent ordinary people from insulting it and causing unnecessary casualties.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also itchy at the moment, so he directly stuffed the mortar shell directly into the muzzle according to the method that Zhu Li handed over to him.

Immediately after that, there was the sound of shells sliding down the breech!


There was a loud bang in the chamber, and then an afterimage flashed from the cannon port, and Zhu Yuanzhang saw that something had flown out of the cannon port!


With just two breaths, on the hillside eight miles away in the distance, a violent explosion suddenly erupted, and the ground shook the mountain, and even Zhu Yuanzhang could clearly feel the tremor under his feet!

I don't know that I thought it was the Earth Dragon that turned over!

"This... The explosive power of this shell is actually so great!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the scene of a mess and dust on the hillside, and his old face was full of shock!

"This shell is filled with special yellow powder, which is naturally much more powerful than black powder!"

"In addition, the uses of this shell are also divided into many types!"

"There are solid armor-piercing shells specially used to attack cities, and with this elixir, a mountain head can't withstand a few bombardments, let alone city walls and gates!"

"In addition, there are shells specially designed for large-area destruction, which contain a large number of iron pieces and steel nails, which will scatter out after explosion, and can cause lethality within a range of dozens of steps, and the power is not much weaker than the bullets of a flintlock gun!"

"In addition, the impact force generated by the explosion is enough to overturn everyone within twenty steps, making people's internal organs displaced, and instantly losing their combat effectiveness!"

"In addition, it can also make special incendiary bombs, which can turn into a sea of fire within the explosion range!"

"Using this incendiary bomb in the deep mountains and forests will also have a miraculous effect!"

Zhu Li explained with a smile.

Listening to Zhu Li's explanation, Zhu Yuanzhang was even more shocked.

When he heard Zhu Li say that he wanted to study firearms before, although Zhu Yuanzhang was also very looking forward to it, his previous inherent impression of firearms was not very reliable, and he was a little chicken, anyway, he disliked it!

The reason why I look forward to it is just for Lao Jiu Zhu Oak!

But he didn't expect that the firearm made by this old nine could actually be so sharp!

"Baby, this is a real baby~~!"

"Not to mention the flintlock gun, this tiger squat cannon alone can be regarded as a real heavy weapon of the country!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's excitement can be imagined, and even his voice trembled involuntarily!

"This is just the beginning!"

"As long as the research on firearms and gunpowder continues to deepen, after the breakthrough of technology and the update and iteration, the range and power will only increase!"

"This is also why the children should vigorously cultivate talents!"

"If Daming does not study these, it can only wait for other countries in the West to study them, and then aim their muzzles and guns at our Daming's cities and people!"

"I believe that Father Emperor doesn't want to see that day, right?"

Zhu Li said with a straight face.

"Those small countries in the West can actually develop such sharp firearms?"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his face changed slightly!

"According to the calculation of the children, in a maximum of one hundred to two hundred years, Western firearms technology can also be upgraded to this level!"

"Backwardness is to be beaten, as long as Daming's firearms technology is always ahead of those Western countries, then there is no need to fear them at all!"

"On the contrary, if Daming still thinks that those Western countries are barbarians and don't care at all, the day they really grow, Daming's fate can be imagined!"

"More than a hundred years later, why do the fleets of those small countries in the West dare to invade our Daming territory?

Zhu Li's words made Zhu Yuanzhang realize the importance of studying firearms!

Knowing everything that happened in the middle and late Ming period in the original history, Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew about the battles between Daming and the fleets of Western countries!

Although Daming won the battle at that time, he also paid a huge price!

You must know that the army on Daming's side is tens of thousands!

And the fleets of those small countries, the total number is only hundreds!

Tens of thousands of people fought hundreds of people, and the victory obtained in the case of huge losses was equivalent to a great shame for the Ming Dynasty!

That is, the fleets of Western countries have not yet been able to form a scale, and if the number is several times more, it can deal a heavy blow to the Daming court at that time!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who knew all this, naturally couldn't let such a thing happen again!

"Well, you're right!"

"We will never allow such a thing to happen!"

Zhu Yuanzhang had not yet realized that he had been instilled by Zhu Li in the recent period of time with a lot of ideas that he had never agreed with before.

Whether it is vigorously developing commerce and improving the status of businessmen, or abolishing the primogeniture system, abolishing the yellow book system, etc., they have begun to fundamentally reverse the national fortune of Daming!

After returning from the test site, Zhu Li went to work on his own business.

Zhu Yuanzhang was full of thoughts about the research and development of firearms!

It is no exaggeration to say that the power of the flintlock gun and the tiger squat cannon made Zhu Yuanzhang open his eyes once, even after returning to the palace, the shock in his heart could not fade for a long time!

Thinking of such a sharp firearm, those countries in the West can also study it in the future, Zhu Yuanzhang's heart tightened for no reason, and he couldn't help but have a sense of crisis!

This is also what Zhu Li wants to achieve.

"System, what you said to us before, will it be true?"

"Can those small countries in the West really manufacture such sharp firearms?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the national transport system at this time.

With the development of the times, industry has gradually risen, and thermal weapons will gradually replace traditional cold weapons, whether it is Daming or Western countries, it is no exception! ]

[What King Zhu Li of Han said is definitely not alarmist! Remember the nuclear bomb this system told you?]

The national transport system explained as a matter of course.

"You mean, those small Western countries can even make that kind of big killing weapon?" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart suddenly sank!

[That's right, and the original historical trajectory was that Western countries first invented the nuclear bomb, but the Han people made it later!]

The national transport system went on to explain.

"No, such a sharp big killer, how can those barbarians in the West develop it first?

Zhu Yuanzhang still remembered that the national transport system told him that a nuclear bomb was enough to bulldoze the entire Yingtianfu, and it was still the kind that could not inhabit human beings for a hundred years!

[Don't worry, host, as long as Han King Zhu Li can continue according to his ideas, the history of Daming will inevitably change, and the things you are worried about will not happen again!]

The national transport system reminded in due course.

"Well, you're right!"

"We must support Lao Jiu, but the hateful thing is that we don't understand these things at all, otherwise we can also help Lao Jiu!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded again and again with deep understanding.

However, what made Zhu Yuanzhang helpless was that it seemed that he could not do anything except unswervingly support Lao Jiu!

In these aspects, he was like a layman, and even many of the concepts that Lao Jiu said were something he had never heard of or thought about at all!

[The host can't do anything!]

[King Zhu Li of Han has set up a Wang Wei Academy, and the host can directly set up a Royal Wei Academy to come out!]

[If you don't do it, King Zhu Li of Han will also do it after he ascends the throne!]

The national transport system proposed to Zhu Yuanzhang at this time.

"Imperial Guard Military Academy, can we do it? Those ideas of Lao Jiu, we still have to learn from them, and we can also hand them over to others?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned when he heard this.

[Even if you can't, you can try your best to help King Zhu Li of Han do this!"

The national transport system reminded.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned again.

That's right, I can't do it, isn't there still Lao Jiu?

Within the scope of his ability, as long as he can give Lao Jiu all kinds of help that he can!

There are also so many noble martial generals in the imperial court, when they don't fight, they know to cause trouble for him Zhu Yuanzhang, it's better to get an Imperial Guard Academy to come out, and let them collectively go to the Imperial Guard Academy to train more talents when they are not fighting!

It is certainly unreliable for them to train talents who can make firearms and make various inventions like Lao Jiu, but it should still be possible to bring out a large number of generals who can fight, right?

"'You're right, it seems that we also have to discuss with Lao Jiu about the establishment of the Imperial Guard Academy!'

"This Imperial Guard Academy, we will also hand it over to him in the future!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded deeply and said.

In fact, for Zhu Yuanzhang, everything he has done is to hope that the Daming rivers and mountains he has single-handedly laid down can be passed down forever, that the people of Daming can live and work in peace and contentment, and that Daming can stand on the top of the world!

The once Sheng Tang is the center of the world, and he Daming also wants to restore the prosperity of the coming dynasty of all nations!

At least in the future, you can't be bullied to your doorstep by those small Western countries, right?

"By the way, the system, you said that we should directly have a showdown with Lao Jiu and ask him about the system?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little undecided at the moment.

He wants to support Lao Jiu, but there is obviously a gap between father and son now!

It's not an emotional gap, it's a cognitive gap!

Some things, for cognitive reasons, Lao Jiu didn't seem to want to say more to him!

So what if both sides know that the other has a system?

Is it smoother for father and son to communicate with each other?

Can each other know what is going on in each other's minds, and there will be no more suspicions and doubts?

At present, only Prince Zhu Biao knows the existence of this system, perhaps the host can use Zhu Biao as a reference! ]

The national transport system responded unhurriedly.

Zhu Yuanzhang said in his heart that Zhu Biao and Lao Jiu were not a concept!

Zhu Biao still chooses to believe what he said as a Lao Tzu, but Lao Jiu may not be!

However, if Lao Jiu has a system itself, then there should be no problem that he is worried about!

In the evening, when Zhu Li returned to the palace and accompanied the family to eat, he was called to the courtyard by Zhu Yuanzhang alone.

"Father, what are you looking for your son?"

Zhu Li looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's obvious appearance of having something to explain, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Lao Jiu, let's think about it today, if we want the imperial court to also establish an Imperial Guard Academy, we will refer to and learn from your Wang Wei Academy (Wang Li Hao), what do you think?"

Zhu Yuanzhang directly mentioned the establishment of the Imperial Guard Academy.

"Father wants to establish the Imperial Guard Academy?"

Zhu Li was also speechless by Zhu Yuanzhang's sudden decision!

What is the core of Wang Wei College?

Wu Kesheng also said that if the imperial court wants to learn, then even if it is less than ten percent, it is no problem to learn eight percent!

The point is that as long as the rules and regulations are strictly implemented in accordance with the set of Wang Wei College!

But what about the liberal arts?

The most important thing is the problem of core knowledge points!

He Zhu Li has teaching materials in his hand, but the imperial court does not have them!

Moreover, the teachers who specialize in teaching liberal arts knowledge in Wang Wei College are also the same people who studied with Zhu Li from the beginning!

Just to cultivate these talents, Zhu Li has also cultivated for several years!

It is simply impossible for the imperial court to want to imitate!

"What do you think, we are ready to hand over this Imperial Guard Academy to you as well!

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and nodded.

"Shu Erchen bluntly said, other things are easy to say, the most important thing is the teaching materials of liberal arts, even if the children Chen take it out to the imperial court, but just cultivating teachers who can teach is not an overnight thing!"

"The children were also just in Hanzhong, and they deliberately cultivated dozens of such talents, and later Wang Wei College had teachers who could teach!"

"Otherwise, when Erchen had just arrived in Hanzhong, this Wang Wei Academy would have opened long ago!"

Zhu Li felt that what Zhu Yuanzhang thought was a little too simple, and couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head.

"Liberal arts can be done slowly, let's mainly cultivate martial arts!"

"Anyway, the imperial court still has an imperial examination, and engaging in a martial arts is equivalent to one more martial arts, so that people who practice martial arts in the world also have one more way out!"

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally knew the difficulties, so he spoke his thoughts.

"If the temporary training of the Imperial Guard Academy focuses on martial arts, the problem is not selfish!"

When Zhu Li heard this, he nodded slowly.

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