133: Spread the good news again, the Western Regions will finally be in the territory of Daming!

The eighth day of the twenty-fifth month of Hongwu.

Laba Festival, which takes place on the eighth day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar every year, is the main custom of drinking Laba porridge.

Laba Festival is one of the grand festivals of Buddhism.

According to Buddhist records, before his enlightenment, Shakyamuni practiced austerity for many years, but he realized that austerity was not the ultimate path to liberation and decided to give up asceticism.

At this time, I met a shepherdess offering chyme, recovered her physical strength after eating, sat under the Bodhi tree and meditated, and became enlightened on December 8.

To commemorate this event, Buddhists hold pujas on this day and make porridge with rice and fruits to offer to the Buddha.

Of course, this is just the Buddhist saying about the origin of La Ba Day!

In fact, in the pre-Qin period, some places already had the custom of La Festival, which was held in the month of La Yue, and the specific date was not fixed, and the custom of La Sacrifice was regarded by later generations as one of the sources of the La Ba Festival.

Zhu Li is not interested in the Laba Festival, or the entire Hanzhong does not feel anything about the Laba Festival!

The main thing is that there is no Buddha in Hanzhong!

After Zhu Li became in Hanzhong, he basically emptied all the local Buddhist temples in Hanzhong!

It's not that Zhu Li directly killed Buddhism with a stick, but the Buddhist temples here in Hanzhong, most of them are also some deceitful people, seeing these 06 temples, Zhu Li feels dirty his eyes!

There is no saying that Zhu Li suppressed Buddhism in order to prosper Taoism, and what he insisted on saying was that Zhu Li simply looked at the bald donkeys in this group of temples and was not pleasing to the eye!

I still remember when I first came to Hanzhong, the displaced people of Hanzhong Mansion, beggars were all over the streets!

The life of the common people is also a full meal, but these monks in the Buddhist temples eat one by one, and they are sorry for the common people in Hanzhong!

In the Ming Dynasty, temples were all under the management of the monks.

It is also because Zhu Yuanzhang originally served as a monk, so the imperial court also treated monks quite favorably!

Some temple fields are not counted as registered on the bright side, but secretly have a lot of land annexed by other means!

It can also be said that Zhu Li did these monks, and he was at ease with his heart, and he didn't lose his heart at all!

The imperial court can get used to these monks, but he Han King Zhu Li cannot!

Once because of Hanzhong's move to go to Buddha, Han King Zhu Li was also impeached by the imperial historian official, but later because of Zhu Yuanzhang's favoritism, it was finally gone!

The common people in Hanzhong also know good evil.

Many ordinary people pray to God to worship Buddha, completely because they are cornered and see no hope, so they will put all their spirit on the head of the so-called Heavenly God Buddha!

But while Zhu Li went to Buddhism, he also gave food to the common people in Hanzhong and gave them jobs, so that they could support themselves!

Under such circumstances, these ordinary people don't care about the bald donkeys in the temple at all!

They only knew that the King of Han had saved them, and the King of Han was much more reliable than the Buddha and Bodhisattva in that temple!

"Lao Jiu, today is the Laba Festival, let's see that the common people in your Hanzhong don't seem to have the habit of the Laba Festival?"

Zhu Yuanzhang walked on the street of Hanzhong and asked Zhu Li beside him with some surprise.

"It's just the people's own choice!"

"In Hanzhong, La Yue only sacrifices to the King of the Stove, but no one passes La Ba!"

"Of course, if someone crosses Laba, no one else will stop it!"

Zhu Li shook his head noncommittally.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought about it and immediately understood what was going on!

He knows the origin of the Laba Festival and Buddhism, and he also knows that Lao Jiu dislikes Buddhism the most, so it is reasonable that no one here in Hanzhong has passed the Laba Festival!

Who made Han King Zhu Li's reputation in Hanzhong so high?

He Zhu Li wants to go to Buddha, and he can get the support of all the people!

The monks in those temples could only knock out their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs!

"Counting the time, big brother, they should also leave for Hanzhong, right?"

Zhu Li did not wait for Zhu Yuanzhang to speak again, so he directly changed the topic.

Zhu Biao, they want to come from Yingtianfu to Hanzhong for the New Year, and when the cement road is not fully opened to traffic, they must set aside at least half a month to spend on the road!

"Hmm. The letter said that it was the tenth departure of the first year, and he would be able to reach Hanzhong before the twenty-eighth!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly.


"The Western Regions are successful! The royal family of Eastern Chagatai has collapsed!"

"The Western Regions are owned by Daming!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, a fast horse suddenly galloped from outside the city, and the man on horseback was still shouting!

For a while, the whole street was boiling!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li looked at each other, and an expected smile appeared on their faces!

"Sure enough, as you said, the Western Regions were defeated within three months!"

"That's what you can do!"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh.

"It's better to go back to the palace first, and see how the war report sent back is written!"

Zhu Li proposed with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally had no opinion, and the father and son directly turned around and rushed back towards the palace!

This good news did not end when it reached Hanzhong, but also had to reach the imperial court center of Yingtianfu!

After the messenger handed over Qin Wu's battle report to the royal mansion, he turned around and continued to set off in the direction of Ying Tianfu!

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li saw the good news sent back by Qin Wu in the palace.

After seeing clearly how Yili was captured, the father and son were somewhat speechless.

Obviously, he didn't expect that this black firer actually had such great courage and brought the entire royal family to self-immolation together!

But the father and son were a little surprised, and they didn't take it seriously!

For them, it doesn't matter whether the Black Fire Man and the Eastern Chagatai royal family are dead or not!

"Geng Qing, you send a letter to Qin Wu's side, let Yang Hui garrison Luntai City, and leave 10,000 Han Chinese troops!"

"The rest of the people let Qin Wu bring it back directly!"

"Another 650 imperial court will have 50,000 border troops entering the Western Regions, which will also be controlled by Yang Hui, let him watch the arrangement by himself!"

Zhu Li thought about it, and directly ordered Geng Qing.

The 50,000 imperial court border troops were asked by Zhu Li from Zhu Yuanzhang before.

As long as the Western Regions are defeated, these 50,000 people will be stationed in the most important regions of the Western Regions!

After all, the land is down, and it must be garrisoned!

The Hanzhong army only has more than 20,000 people in total, and it is impossible for all of them to stay in the Western Regions without moving!

And if Zhu Li wants to expand the Hanzhong Army, it will also take time!

The best way at the moment is naturally to borrow troops directly from Zhu Yuanzhang's side, stabilize the situation in the Western Regions first, and say everything else!

"What are you going to do next?"

"The Western Regions are initially under control, but it is not an easy thing to really want long-term stability!"

After Geng Qing left, Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Although Zhu Li proposed some methods to govern the Western Regions before, it would take time to reap the results!

Whether it is education or otherwise, it is simply impossible to precipitate without time!

In the past few years when the Western Regions have just been established, how to maintain the stability of the Western Regions, that is the most important thing!

"After the New Year, invite the leaders of these tribes of the Western Regions to come to Hanzhong as guests!"

Zhu Li immediately laughed.

Obviously, he has thought about this problem for a long time! .

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