142: Goodbye Han King Zhu Li, the Lu family is completely dead!

Hongwu twenty-five years and twenty-eighth.

After a day of hurrying, Zhu Biao and the others arrived outside Hanzhong Mansion before the sun set that day!

After arriving in the northwest, there is no need to worry about security at all!

Zhu Biao just led the team with carts and horses first, while the other people who walked or accompanied him followed!

With the arrival of Zhu Biao and others, except for Zhu Di, the king of Yan, who was still on the northern expedition, and the family of the Yan King Mansion, the remaining princes and grandchildren were basically all in Hanzhong Mansion!

"Big brother!"

"I haven't seen you for years, don't come unharmed!"

This time, Zhu Li personally came to the city gate to greet him!

After all, it is the prince Zhu Biao who came, whether it is out of respect for Zhu Biao's eldest brother, or Zhu Biao's status as a prince, there should be etiquette and attention!

"Zero one zero" "Old nine!"

After seeing Zhu Li, Zhu Biao also looked excited!

"Over the years, you have hidden from your eldest brother so hard!"

Zhu Biao stepped forward directly and gave Zhu Li a big bear hug!

For Zhu Li, the ninth brother, Zhu Biao's heart at the moment is more grateful!

He knew very well that if it weren't for Zhu Li's help, I am afraid that he would already be lying in the coffin by now!

"I'm sorry big brother, the younger brother has a last resort!"

Zhu Li sighed helplessly.

For Zhu Biao's eldest brother, Zhu Li is also quite respectful, and hopes to let him live for a few more years!

It's a pity that as best he can, he can only extend Zhu Biao's life span for about ten years at most!

Although I feel a pity, Zhu Li can at least do it with a clear conscience!

"Ninth brother!"

At this moment, Ning King Zhu Quan and Acting King Zhu Gui also stepped forward to say hello to Zhu Li at the same time!

As for the other young princes, they followed one by one, and for Zhu Li, the ninth brother, most of the young princes were still very strange!

After all, when they were still very young, Zhu Li was already in the domain, and he didn't even have any impression at all!

"Thirteenth brother, seventeenth brother!"

Zhu Li did not skimp on it, and also hugged the two younger brothers.

Zhu Quan and Zhu Gui are still good, they have played with Zhu Li in the palace before, and the relationship is quite good!

Especially the acting king Zhu Gui, originally he was going to be sealed to Datong, but because of the problem that the coal mines in Datong needed to be mined, Zhu Yuanzhang directly changed Zhu Gui's fief to Luoyang, so that he could be in the domain after the year!

Compared with Datong, Luoyang is naturally more prosperous and wealthy, after all, it is the hinterland of the Central Plains!

This is definitely good news for Zhu Gui!

From this point of view, Zhu Gui also has to thank Zhu Li!

And under Zhu Biao's order, Zhu Quan has more places to ask for Zhu Li, and naturally wants to maintain a good brotherly relationship with Zhu Li!

As for the other little guys, they don't have so much thought!

However, the brothers Zhu Yunjiang and Zhu Yunxi, for Zhu Li, the ninth uncle, their minds are much more complicated!

Fortunately, Zhu Yunxi resigned himself from the beginning, and he was more curious about Zhu Li, the ninth uncle!

If there is any strange thinking in it, it may be because this Ninth Uncle will directly replace his old son Zhu Biao in the future, right?

But he also knows that this is not to blame the ninth uncle, he can only blame his father's bad life!

But Zhu Yunxi was different, although he saluted Zhu Li respectfully with Zhu Yunxi and shouted Ninth Uncle, there was obviously a trace of fear in his eyes!

Zhu Li looked at the two eldest nephews in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but sigh!

Once upon a time, he also regarded Zhu Yunjiang as his own target to be eliminated!

But now, seeing Zhu Yunjiang's performance like this, he suddenly had a very absurd and ridiculous feeling!

Just such a cowardly imperial grandson, is it worth spending some effort to deal with it?

After losing the support of the old man, Zhu Yunjiang can say that he is not a fart!

In the future, he can only obediently become his King Wu!

"I have seen His Royal Highness the King of Han!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, the Lu family also appeared in front of the Zhu Yunjiang brothers, and also said hello to Zhu Li.

"Sister-in-law is polite!"

Zhu Li just nodded and answered, for this woman, Zhu Li will not put it in his eyes, and directly choose to ignore it!

In front of Zhu Biao, he might also save some face for the Lu family!

It depends on this face, whether Lu Shi can pick it up himself!

If this woman is not interesting, Zhu Li has hundreds of ways to make her die quietly!

Seeing this, Zhu Biao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was worried that the Lu family would become a demon again after arriving in Hanzhong, but now it seems that this woman at least knows how to converge!

In fact, after the Lu family arrived in Xi'an Mansion, there was something wrong with the whole person's state!

If before leaving for Hanzhong this time, Lu Shi still had a glimmer of hope in her heart that Zhu Yuanzhang could change his mind, then after arriving in Xi'an Mansion, the last glimmer of hope in her heart was also completely crushed by everything in Xi'an Mansion!

Not to mention that now that she came to Hanzhong and met the Han King Zhu Li Honzun, even if she didn't want to admit it, she had already realized that her son could not be the opponent of the Ninth Uncle in front of her!

Lu's heart is unwilling!

But more should be said to be panic!

She is really scared now!

Especially when Zhu Li's indifferent eyes glanced towards her, although Zhu Li's mouth was polite and gave her sister-in-law some face, she could feel Zhu Li's contempt for her in her bones!

This also made Lu Shi feel a deep sense of powerlessness!

It's ridiculous before, she actually thought that she could continue to wrestle with an existence like Zhu Li!

The Lu Clan even began to laugh at himself in his heart!

"Big brother, the father is still waiting in the palace!"

"It's better to enter the city first and settle down first, and then go to ask the father and emperor for peace!"

Zhu Li said to Zhu Biao again at this time0...

"Trouble the ninth brother is leading the way ahead, you can't let the father and emperor wait for a long time!"

Zhu Biao hurriedly answered, and then the large army began to enter the city!

Just like when the other clan kings arrived in Hanzhong, everyone first came to the residence arranged for them by Zhu Li to stay, and then everyone traveled lightly and simply to the Han King Mansion!

And today's Hanwangfu, 3.9 is also the most lively day these days!

In addition to the family of Yan King Zhu Di, the other princes and grandchildren, and even the princess and horse have already arrived!

This is also the first time in all these years that Zhu Yuanzhang has been able to gather so many heirs together for a reunion year!

Although Zhu Yuanzhang refused the requests of the clan kings to return to Beijing to celebrate the New Year together for various reasons in previous years, the older he gets, the more he also longs for reunion, so that all his descendants can gather together and share the joy of heaven!

In the end, although Zhu Yuanzhang is an emperor, he is also an old man!

He is a father and a grandfather!

I also hope that my children and grandchildren can be around me during the New Year!

It can also be said that it was Lao Jiu who contributed to all this now, so that Zhu Yuanzhang could still enjoy such a heavenly happiness in his late years! .

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