150: Summation?

At the same time that Zhu Li and the King of San Francisco were discussing properly, an urgent report reached Zhu Li's hands.

After looking carefully, Zhu Li knew that this dispatch of troops to the country had alarmed more than a dozen neighboring countries, and they sent envoys one after another, hoping to ask Zhu Yuanzhang to recall the princes.

This request is simply ridiculous.

Zhu Li carefully looked at the countries on the sophistication, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Will be outside, military orders are not subject to it. Pass the order down, go all the way south, and first destroy the country of Java, the reason is that along the way, they encountered the assassins they sent, asked for evidence, and destroyed it!"


Zhu Shu smiled happily.

This is called fighting poison with poison, and the words spoken by the so-called noble nations are nothing more than to exonerate them of their sins810.

Of course, Zhu Li was also kind enough to deliver a letter to Zhu Yuanzhang, in which the words earnestly showed the depth of the influence of the Java State on the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao directly refused to talk deeply with the envoys, and at the same time, he said that everything about Zhu Li was left to him to dispose of himself, even if he was the emperor, he would not interfere.

Good guys, this whole one is absolute trust!

After Zhu Li got Zhu Yuanzhang's reply to the envoy's words, he rushed towards the Javad Kingdom even more boldly.

The people of Java, who had already received the news, even more dramatically tied up their (AGCC) monarch, waiting for Zhu Li's army to arrive.

It may take more than ten or twenty years for people to conquer a sea area, but Zhu Li's move is to obediently give the territory with both hands.

In fact, this is the effect that Zhu Que wants, starting from the heart, where the heart wants, it is easy to get an island.

At this time, the monarch of the Javad Kingdom was cursing in a language he couldn't understand, and in the next second, Zhu Li sealed his throat with a sword.

Watching the monarch fall, the group of people began to tremble, wondering if they would become the next revenant under the knife.

At this time, Zhu Li had already achieved the effect of killing a hundred people, so he put away the matching sword directly.

"King Ben only kills those who are recalcitrant and resistant, as long as they are obedient to my Ming Dynasty, they are obedient people, and King Ben will naturally arrange for you to be good. "

"Thank you to His Royal Highness Prince Daming!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this group of people prostrate and kowtow, Zhu Li was also relieved, and immediately decided to officially incorporate this Javaland country.

In order to show the great power, Zhu Li's army patrolled around the Javawa country, and the shells sounded in unison, even if there were small countries watching the tiger before, they were all shrunken turtles at this moment, and no one dared to come out.

When the documents of ten thousand people in the Java Kingdom petitioning to return to Daming were sent to Zhu Yuanzhang, it was a lottery for Zhu Yuanzhang, and he felt that he could live for hundreds of years.

Lao Jiu, this kid really has brains, and knows that after receiving the Java Country, he will make a petition.

With the petition, it is a legitimate subjugation of the country, not aggression.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was also sitting in the Golden Luan Hall, looking at the group of guys who still wanted to make high talks, and directly reprimanded.

"The Ninth Prince of Xu is loyal and honest, and he has no ambition as Er and others say! Seeing that this group of guys of yours is malicious and wants to smear Daming Jiangshan, come on, blast this group of guys out!"

After doing this, Zhu Yuanzhang also repaired the book, and told Zhu Li to do it boldly, and he supported it indefinitely.


The old second-class people who were far away in the sea and Zhu Li were happy after seeing Zhu Yuanzhang's personal letter.

The group of turtle grandchildren still thought that they could hold the Buddha's feet, but as a result, they kicked the iron plate, which was really self-inflicted! .

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