156: Ready to move? Then take it!

While several of them were discussing their next move, a patrolling general spotted warships on the South China Sea border.

Preliminary inference is that this is not a strayal into the South China Sea, but a precursor to a premeditated preparation for battle.

Zhu Li immediately counted the 30,000 generals~, and set off with Zhu Di.

When he arrived in the South China Sea Territory, when the other party saw Zhu Li, the ninth prince of the Ming Dynasty, he was immediately frightened and weakened, and he climbed down the deck and kowtowed to Zhu Li continuously.

What's the matter, this is an admission of defeat?

At this time, Zhu Di also saw clearly the mark depicted on the opposite flag, which was obviously the symbol of the Mandala country.

It's just that the other party may really just come to explore the truth, not deliberately provoke.

Zhu Li doesn't care about that.

Originally, I was worried that no one sent it to the door by himself, and since this warship took the initiative to send it to the door, then he can't be blamed for being ruthless!

"Pass on the order, the Mandala Kingdom deceives people too much, vainly trying to sink our warship, my Daming National Prestige is inviolable, so I fight back and fight the king!"

In an instant, ammunition and bows and arrows brushed in unison to attack the warships of the Mandala Kingdom, and the group of people were so frightened that they forgot to fight back.

When the leading general returned to his senses, he found that the warship had been sunk and there was no chance of victory.

Zhu Li easily captured this group of people, swung his division south, and arrived near the sea area of the Mandala Kingdom, firing a cannon to warn.

The monarch of the Mandala Kingdom was frightened, if this continues, then what will be the matter?

Quickly packing up the letter of surrender, the monarch of the Mandala Kingdom also knelt down towards Zhu Li and the others with a fawning face.

"The former king of the Mandala Kingdom meets the Prince of Daming!"

This guy is smart!

Zhu Li knew from the tone of this monarch that he belonged to the category of Mingzhe who protected his life.

Since this is the case, there is no need to suppress this person extraordinarily.

Zhu Li waved his hand at him and took the edict.

"Since you are willing to become a submissive citizen of the Daming Dynasty, then you will be the prime minister of the Mandala Kingdom, as for the position of the king, it is naturally owned by the Son of Heaven of my Daming Dynasty, I hope you will not be out of proportion!"


The mandala monarch's legs were soft at the moment, for fear that Zhu Li would solve him by swinging his sword.

Now that there is a lesson from the past of the monarch of the country of Jiaotoe, where else dares to make a mistake?

When you think about it, the king of the mandala is glad that he is alive. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, Zhu Li also repeated his old skills, so that all the people signed the petition of ten thousand people, and at the same time replaced all the soldiers and horses of the Mandala country with Daming soldiers.

Generals with different intentions are also unstable to use, which is something that Zhu Li has always considered.

Zhu Yuanzhang's side had just finished the celebration banquet, and the edict of the mandala country here arrived.

The group of Daming courtiers immediately began to kneel on the ground and shouted at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Congratulations to His Majesty Hong Fu Qi Tian, and get the territory again!"

Good fellow, Zhu Yuanzhang called a love for this old nine.

Zhu Li's wave of operations directly shocked the world again in the Ming Dynasty.

It seems that the national fortune will continue again.

The mandala flowers that Zhu Que found in the Mandala Kingdom had anesthetic effects, and he began to have a new plan for this.

"Second brother, you let people pick all the mandala flowers and send them to our military camp."

Although Zhu Shu was a little puzzled, he still did so.

When all the bouquets were piled up in the cabin, Zhu Li smiled and spoke.

"From now on, soldiers are injured, and they can use this thing to remove the damage. As for the various details, I'll talk to you when it's done! "。

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