162: Step by step, and then get the country high

Zhu Li's side was not complacent because of the momentary victory, and he now had a bigger goal to do.

Near the two small islands is a small island with rich real estate, and that small island also has some aquatic resources that are not available in Daming.

Now as long as you take it down, in the future, the Ming Dynasty will take these aquatic products to various countries to sell, then it will be a huge wealth of property. "Four Two Seven"

Thinking of these Zhu Li, he also quickly sent troops to Gao Liangguo.

When the monarch of Gao Liangguo learned of his attack, he immediately became frightened and immediately summoned the minister.

But these ministers can only squeak over there, but there is nothing they can do.

It seems that in the face of this god of war-like figure, none of them have the courage to face it.

At this time, the monarch of Gao Liangguo was basically about to cry, if there was no way to calm this guy, then his country and his own life would be over.

The cold sweat on his forehead continued to come out, and the king of the Gao Li Kingdom even thought of pretending to be sick to hide, but the prime minister felt that doing so could only show that he did not respect the other party, and immediately persuaded him to face it directly.

The king of the Gao Lian Kingdom directly complained to him, if he could avoid it, how could he have waited like this.

Think about this matter is because the people around him have been making trouble, it will affect the national fortune of their high-ranking country, and now he hates the country of Java to the bone, but unfortunately he did not clear up with them earlier.

And such a cowardly monarch also made the prime minister feel hopeless, and quickly went to find Zhu Li, and when Zhu Li knew that this prime minister took the initiative to come to surrender, he naturally allowed him to surrender, and gave him generous treatment, let him open the city gates, and let his army in.

In order to survive, of course, the prime minister did so, and he even thought in his heart that as long as he could get a chance to change, even if he killed his own father and mother, it didn't matter.

And all this is also under the control of Zhu Li, people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, everyone understands this truth, so as long as you firmly control the minds of these people, everything can be done.

After settling these things, Zhu Li also understood the minds of the people in the city, they just wanted a stable life, so when the army entered the city, Zhu Li distributed some food to each of them, which was also regarded as giving them some compensation0... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Such a gift also allowed the common people to accept the entry of the new troops without complaint.

Zhu Li's move was also supported by the minister of Chinese and military affairs, and some even proposed that Zhu Yuanzhang give him a title.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself was willing, but after Zhu Li learned the news, he stopped it, so he didn't bother to get these false names.

Now Zhu Li is expanding the city land in addition to cultivation, which is the only thing he wants to do, and the rest is not important at all.

Zhu Yuanzhang now does not think that his son is so humble that he can bully him like this, so he simply raised Zhu Li's son another 1.6 times.

This time, Zhu Xianqiu was already on an equal footing with Zhu Yunwen, and he didn't even need to salute.

This move also made the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wudu feel that Zhu Yuanzhang's preferential treatment of this young grandson was also equivalent to giving Zhu Li a special honor, in order to bolster him and continue to fight.

The second elder, Zhu Shu, couldn't help but congratulate Lao Jiu, "Ninth brother, now your son is more majestic than you." "。

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