164 What the people want

Zhu Shu is a big old man, and he can't understand such a strategic thing.

In his view, the people of Gentile and Daming were originally different and could not speak the same at all.

Zhu Li smiled helplessly.

The arrogant temper of his second royal brother really hasn't changed at any time.

Although he knew that every clan king would have his own stubbornness, this matter was very important, and Zhu Li was also moved by the royal brother and knew it.

Although Zhu Shu was a little hesitant in his heart, seeing that Zhu Di and Lao Wu both said that Zhu Li was right, he was instantly relieved.

"That's it, since they all say so, this king does not discriminate. However, if it is said in advance, they will mess around, then I will not forgive. "

Zhu Li couldn't help but laugh.

"Under the whole world, it is not the royal land. What do you think their people can do? "

This sentence really made Zhu Shu let down his guard.

Perhaps, Zhu Li's victory is not luck, he fully knows that the people's hearts are important.

This matter was quickly transmitted back to the imperial court by Zhu Yuanzhang's spies, and Zhu Yuanzhang still appreciated Lao Jiu's long-term vision.

The second eldest has been a self-righteous guy since he was a child, so it is reasonable to have these rebellious actions.

Zhu Biao was a little worried about his ninth brother at this time, for fear that he would be too tired if he was busy all the time, so he took the initiative to invite Ying to visit Zhu Li.

Huang Zicheng, who supported the crown prince Zhu Biao in the court, expressed danger and categorically could not go.

For this, Zhu Yuanzhang was directly annoyed and decided that the two old guys wanted to sow discord and let people beat them fifty sticks.

It was not unusual for Zhu Li to learn that these two diehards had ended up here.

It is only useless Confucians like Zhu Yunwen who will be led by their sugar-coated shells, and even finally attack their own uncles.

At present, Zhu Li knows that there will be no problem with Zhu Yuanzhang's pressure, so he does not plan to start rectifying.

It's just that if the two old guys don't do personnel in the future, then they can't blame him.

Zhu Di was a little moved by Huang Zicheng, a despicable villain.

"Ninth brother, in order to achieve his goal, this person has done something that framed us casually."

Zhu Li said otherwise.

"Think about it the other way around, Huang Zicheng is digging his own grave."

Zhu Di was very surprised and wanted to hear about it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Li immediately showed that this matter was actually not difficult to understand.

If Zhu Yunwen, whom this person turned to, took the throne, then they would be able to go smoothly.

Unfortunately, now that the Ming Dynasty is in full swing, plus Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor, suppressing it, they have a hundred guts, and they definitely can't do anything.

Therefore, Zhu Li did not want to bother with the conspiracies of the old courtier.

Nowadays, the power of the sea has been formed, according to the division of military strength, each clan king is unstoppable, just a few of them, there is nothing to fear.

Old Seventeen Zhu Quan was born desperately thirteen langs, gritting his teeth.

"'Ninth brother, you can endure it, change me, 10,000 can't stand it!'

Zhu Li patted him on the shoulder, not without arrangement in his heart.

Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai are two people who sing and harmonize, and they smell the same, so finding a machine (good Zhao) will make them lose their so-called pride, and it can be regarded as severely punishing the machine.

In contrast, Zhu Li also expressed his attitude with several brothers.

Zhu Di was straight, and he immediately shook hands with Zhu Li, "Brother must take your horse's lead, brother, despite the order!" "

The other three brothers saw that the fourth man expressed his position so quickly, and they also went up one after another.

"In addition to him, we will also stand with you, you can rest assured."

Zhu Li smiled and nodded.

"Well, brothers are of one heart, their strength is broken!"

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