170: Planning for brothers

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Huang Zicheng was roared by his prince brother, and his heart was also happy.

This guy simply deserves it, and he is still smearing himself over there at a time like this, that is not looking for death?

Don't say that Zhu Biao now trusts himself very much, even if he has no friendship, as a big brother, his strength and chest are not comparable to ordinary brothers.

Huang Zicheng, a subordinate, actually stirred up discord over there, and this behavior really made him feel shameful.

More importantly, Huang Zicheng, this kid has also lived long enough, if he is allowed to continue, Zhu Yunwen's piece will probably be set off by him again.

For this reason, Zhu Li still sent a letter to his eldest brother, suggesting that Huang Zicheng often abducted his nephew Zhu Yunwen with some unfavorable remarks.

190 When Zhu Biao learned the news, he became furious, and immediately asked the relevant people to question Zhu Yunwen, and at the same time sent Huang Zicheng to prison.

After Zhu Yuanzhang knew this, he had some doubts in his heart, after all, Huang Zicheng was the founding minister, but since he had already involved the majesty of the royal family, then this person could not be kept.

Huang Zicheng was restless after entering the prison, and he still had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, the two brothers Zhu Biao and Zhu Li had already made arrangements, and after he repeatedly used the so-called Qing monarch's side as a reason to make irresponsible remarks, he directly confiscated as much as 300,000 taels of greedy gold and silver from his house.

(AGBJ) Faced with this situation, Zhu Yuanzhang was also heartbroken.

Such a person really betrayed his trust in him.

In order to revive the dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately arranged a knife and axe hand and directly cut Huang Zicheng.

After Qi Tai saw that Huang Zicheng was dead, he also converged instantly, after all, he didn't want to become Huang Zicheng's second.

Zhu Li settled everything there and immediately began to attack Donghu.

Because it had already been deployed, it had already been deployed, so this time it took several small stations in the surrounding Donghu.

That group of people were very afraid of everything in the Ming Dynasty, and knew that if they had to mess around at this time, they would definitely not be able to eat and go.

Zhu Li is also simple, as long as he obeys, then he can definitely get a piece of the pie.

Meide is now a prime example, now with the oak to have meat to eat, there is a beloved woman, don't mention how happy.

No, he also intimately proposed to Zhu Li that the prefectures and counties could be divided according to the size of the clan king, so that each one could be supervised. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Li thought about this method more thoroughly, and let the old seventeen take care of it.

Old Seventeen is a general, he can definitely suppress that group of people, Old Fifth and Second Old have a bad temper and do not know how to be flexible.

Zhu Di is a good candidate, so Zhu Li also proposed to give Zhu Di a sea area, which can be regarded as maintaining the dignity of the clan king.

After all, among the clan kings now, Zhu Di has been greatly restricted because of Qi Tai and these old guys.

With this kind of good thing, Zhu Di certainly will not miss it, and immediately agreed.

Zhu Li also said hello to Zhu Yuanzhang, after all, even if he knew that his father absolutely supported, he could not leave any handle.

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang was domineering to suppress the opposition of that group of local elders, and each son shared the world equally, so that the world could not be chaotic.

What a king of a country wants to suppress all brothers, that's bullshit.

In order to give his brothers a few opportunities to take drastic actions, Zhu Yuanzhang issued an amnesty order, indicating that he fully supported Zhu Li in this matter, and no one was allowed to refute it.

With the holy will, Zhu Li was also proud.

Finally, you can have a good fight, just wait for those stupid opponents to cry wolf!

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