174 father and son join forces

Zhu Yuanzhang had long known what this kid was thinking, but he was a little disappointed, after all, this kind of heroic talent is really unconvincing if it is not a king.

Although Zhu Biao is indeed orthodox, Zhu Yuanzhang also heard some rumors in Mingma, saying that Lao Jiu deliberately let the crown prince in order to usurp the throne one day.

This statement is now a big joke for Zhu Yuanzhang to think about, because this kid doesn't care about these at all, and he has elixir and immortality in his mind.

Then again, Zhu Yuanzhang also hopes to live forever, because in this way, the Ming Dynasty can be eternal.

Thinking so, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately leaned into Zhu Li's ear and muttered softly.

"My son, has your elixir been refined?"

Zhu Li looked at his anxious look and smiled indifferently.

"Father Emperor has not forgotten, I have been fighting the world for you for a while, how to refine? Even if you want to refine, you have to wait for this time to pass. "


Zhu Yuanzhang now really finds that the years urge people to get old, although he has his own system, but compared with Zhu Li's son, it is nothing at all.

Besides, now that he came out this time, it is to prove the power of the great tomorrow, if he doesn't do something, how can he be worthy of the word royal driving family?

To this end, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Li immediately decided to continue to the southern seas.

To the south is the country of Mumbai.

The people of this country are very poor, and it can be said that even if they occupy this island, they will not necessarily gain anything.

Zhu Yuanzhang planned to give up, but he did not expect that Zhu Li arranged for the soldiers to attack immediately.

In this regard, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little puzzled.

"Son, you never trade at a loss, why do you want to take Mumbai this time?"

Zhu Li laughed lightly, reminding Zhu Yuanzhang that Mumbai people were cheap, and because there was no money, the men were willing to fill the army to kill the enemy, so that the power of the Ming Dynasty could be exploited from it.

Of course, some gifts must also be given to the people of Mumbai, and the families of the men who have joined the army must be properly taken care of, otherwise once these people have the intention of rebelling, it will be difficult to clean up.

Such a meticulous plan, but Yuanzhang did not come up with it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Also, although this son does not want to be the emperor, he has the ability to assist the emperor, so thinking about it, Zhu Yuanzhang is also happy.

In fact, in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, the lord of the world has long been Zhu Li, and there is no need to say more about this, those who surrender understand.

It's just that to the outside world, Zhu Li wants to give his brother Zhu Biao a respect, so he rejected the good intentions several times, and at the same time severely cracked down on these anti-prince remarks.

After making up his mind, Zhu Yuanzhang asked people to do it according to Zhu Li's method.

Sure enough, the people of Bombay acted viciously and resolutely, and soon killed their own king and submitted to Zhu Yuanzhang instead.

Getting Mumbai is also the meaning of Zhu Li, so Zhu Yuanzhang also specially gave Zhu Li the title of a little Meng King in this place.

The honor of being crowned king would never have been possible if it were not for the establishment of great merits, so at this time, the second and fourth elders had already begun to cast appreciative eyes towards Zhu Li.

Who knows, Zhu Li refused.

"'There is only one king in the world, and that is the father king. As for me, I just need to be a free king. Father, if you want your sons and daughters to continue to open up territory for you, please don't give me too many false names!" "

"Good boy, you can do it!"

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