180: Don't fight uncertain battles

A lot of things need to think twice.

After Zhu Li and Zhu Biao discussed things, they immediately turned around and left.

Zhu Di had been waiting for a long time, and he couldn't help but worry that Zhu Li would suffer a loss, so he subconsciously took the warrior to prepare for action.

"Fourth brother, you are too excited. "

Zhu Li laughed lightly, don't say that Zhu Biao's son is crazy, he can't move himself, even if Zhu Yunjiang dies one day, no one can act under Zhu Yuanzhang's nose.

So in fact, even if Zhu Biao really lost his temper with himself today because of Zhu Yunjiang, Zhu Li was not afraid at all, anyway, in the end, this big brother still had to admit defeat after all.

As for the rest, it goes without saying.

Zhu Di was still a little hesitant.

"Lao Jiu, don't underestimate our big brother, although he has a kind face, 233 is not a fuel-saving lamp. "

These words made Zhu Li understand that Zhu Di had careful thinking.

However, this brother will not be a person who does bad things, especially to Zhu Biao, who can be regarded as the most loyal.

The only change is that now Zhu Di is more inclined to protect his younger brother, which Zhu Li is also pleased with.

"It's not too early, Fourth Brother, let's get ready to go to sea!"

When Zhu Di heard Zhu Li's words, he was also instantly stunned.

"Why, where are you going to go?"

In response to this, Zhu Li immediately took out a sheepskin map, indicating that the only (AGCB) unoccupied nearby and most important sea area is the Bohai Sea.

The Bohai Sea is now divided by many forces, and pirates are constantly rampant, and if you want to take this field, you must be well prepared.

Zhu Di frowned, "Can't we do it together with a few brothers? I really don't understand, now Old Seventeen's combat strength is enough to choke, and Old Nine can also control any battle situation." "

"But the sea overlord Qian Zai still controls the place north of the Bohai Sea. "

What Zhu Li had to do was to control the entire battle situation and leave no danger. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Of course, such a thing could not stop Zhu Li, and three days later, a new battle situation appeared at sea, and Qian Zai's people directly gave Zhu Li the map of defensive forces because they couldn't stand the tyranny of this person.

After having the defensive force distribution map, Zhu Li immediately acted like a fierce tiger, and when Qian Zai was still asleep, he was directly cut off by Zhu Li's head.

In an instant, the title of the overlord of the Bohai Sea was completely ended by Zhu Li, and everyone also believed that Zhu Li would become the next overlord.

Zhu Di and Old Fifth Zhu Yu were sincerely convinced, this Old Jiu's plan was faster than his brain, originally thinking that something he was not sure of would definitely take some effort, who knew it would be so easy!

In addition to the traitor Qian Zai being killed, Zhu Li still gave those people a chance to choose, and if they wanted to continue to follow the old ministry, they would not get any supplies from the imperial court.

Following Zhu Li's words, Zhu Li can guarantee to give these masses 10 taels of silver a month in the future to make them a living use.

As for what plans they have, Zhu Li will not interfere, after all, people have their own aspirations and cannot impose their own ideas.

However, surprisingly, this group of people asked Zhu Li to give them the opportunity to get rich, because after Zhu Li's continuous expeditions in the past few days, most of them knew his ability and were willing to follow them all.

As for the others, these people do not dare to take risks, after all, Zhu Que can give meat to eat, others, who can be so good.

Looking at this group of people who believed in themselves as gods, Zhu Li also smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, if you want to learn from me, then I'll give you some ideas!"

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