"Sure enough this ..." ..

When the distance was a hundred meters away, the pangolin stopped, not only because the front was closed, the ground was clean without dust, and the concealment of dirt was almost ineffective. It was also because of the invisible barrier in front that was blocking the entry of the pangolin.

"Spirit Vision" can never be turned on, there is no effect other than turning the screen into gold. Many people visited the square. Ren Suo found that the pangolin's 5 layers of armor were almost kicked by the crowd.

The armor is actually similar to the "clothing". It is a special energy gauze attached to the surface of the body. However, when the pangolin evolved for the first time, it can choose "hard support" to obtain 5 layers of armor. Force, but in fact is the level of pangolin-

Humans can step on a layer as soon as they step on it.

Mixed in the crowd, Ren Suo could hear the pangolin kicking on the screen and shouted: "Who brought the dog here? Hurry up!" "Wow, what are the hard things to drill down?" "

Ren Suo had to let the pangolin go all the way, but broke the armor and suffered minor injuries before breaking through the crowd to the edge of the closed line. This position is exactly the edge of the crowd, no one stepped on it, and it is natural to have stains.

Ren Suo took out his mobile phone and checked the building in the picture to confirm that this is the strongest aura in Tianjing-maybe the strongest in Xuan Kingdom.

I saw that the building covers an area of ​​3,000 square meters and is divided into a pedestal, a Xu Bei pedestal, and a monument. The pedestal is divided into two floors. The upper floor is square, surrounded by white marble railings. The Xumi seat is divided into two layers. The upper layer is engraved with eight different types of garlands, and the lower layer is inlaid with eight huge white marble reliefs, with the eight revolutionary movements of the Xuan Kingdom as the main body.

The monument is engraved with the four large inscriptions of "forever immortal".

Yes, this is the Xuanguo Martyr Memorial at Zhengyangmen Square. It was built 0 years ago. As the earliest monument in the country, it has accepted the worship of countless people in the past decades, both in meaning and time. All meet the standards of spiritual things.

It's just that Ren Suo never thought that buildings can be spirits, after all--

How can architecture devour aura?

Even if Ren Suo wanted to let the pangolin **** the aura, because the golden pillar of the aura of the monument is almost condensed into the essence in the closed line, ordinary people can go in and out freely, but like a pangolin, half of the creatures step into the extraordinary creature, do n’t Ya Yu has a wall blocking it.

How to do? Just give up?

Ren Suo was uncomfortable, but after 5 minutes of pangolins, "Ling Vision" automatically started.

"You have found the mysterious spirit of the mysterious kingdom!"

"Do you open up the mysterious spiritual treasure? As a spirit that devours the world, you can open the mysterious spiritual treasure in advance. As a reward, you can get the most powerful evolutionary ability."

"Note: Opening the mysterious spiritual possession will lead to a series of unpredictable consequences."

"Note: After you open the Mystic Spirit Hide, you will get an ace evolution."

"Note: Xuanguo Lingzang will automatically open within 200 ~ 400 days."

"Xuanguo Martyrs Monument"

"Aura Volume: ???"

"Time required for opening: 2 times, 2 hours"

"Townland: ???"

"Believe evil: ???"

Ren Suo blinked, naturally choosing to open Lingzang. Playing a game, are you looking forward?

Very serious consequences? Then ... open a new archive.

During the opening period, the pangolin must be in contact with the aura beam of light of the monument. This is not a problem. The problem is that every two hours after opening, the Xuanguo Lingzang will explode, just like the red half of the sky when the flag-raising ceremony was just held. The monument's Aura Radiation will extend to half the city.

After Ren Suo fast-forwarded for 2 hours, he saw the pangolin continued to drop blood in the crimson crest of the night——

Originally, this game did not have a blood drop mechanism, but when Xuanguo Lingzang broke out, the strong suppression of aliens could have a similar effect-the recovery ability was suppressed to -5, and the pangolins quickly weakened and died!

In the pangolin's field of vision, even if it is not in the state of "spiritual vision", we see strange arc-shaped red lights in the night sky, just like the aurora in the polar regions.

This red lotus aurora has a very large range, covering almost the entire Tianjing. When the pangolin ran out, it was found that many people came out of the street and raised their mobile phones to take pictures of the sky.

It took me half an hour to run out of the Crimson Cricket Zone, quickly fast forward to noon the next day, and the monument broke out to close the beam. So Ren Suo controlled the pangolin and wanted to continue sneaking in.

However, the surrounding area of ​​the monument at this time was erected with colored steel fence, which was three meters high, just like the construction area was isolated.

A notice was posted on the fence saying, "The martyrs monument will be urgently repaired, please forgive me."

How many days to repair and when to reopen without mentioning a word.

Yesterday, the pangolin opened the mysterious spiritual treasure in the monument, and repairs started today. Ren Suo, even a fool, knew that it was wrong.

It must be that this time-space national practice unit detected that the source of yesterday's astronomical vision was a monument, so an emergency blockade was carried out in just half a day.

Ren Suo didn't dare to let the pangolin explore. The optical camouflage is not a panacea. If there is an infrared temperature detection device in it, the pangolin will be cold when it enters.

This is automatically archived, if it is against ordinary people, if it is targeted by the army and practitioners, based on the current strength of the pangolin, come back.

Since you can't pass the level, naturally you have to go back and level up. Tianjing is full of spirits and museums. Ren Suo found a museum with a slightly smaller column of Aura light to sneak in.

As for whether the secret of Xuanguo Lingzang will be discovered by others, Ren Suo is not worried, after all, it is written in the game that "As the soul that devours the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ you can open the Xuanguo Lingzang in advance. In other words, others should not be able to turn it on.

And, even if found, can pangolins use other hands to stop others?

However, most of the Tianjing Museum is closely guarded, and the valuable exhibits must be separated by glass cabinets. Unless Ren Suo wants to let pangolins die into a dish, otherwise pangolins cannot break through the glass cabinets to contact the exhibits, and naturally they cannot be absorbed. Reiki.

Ren Suo looked for a while in reality before he found a good goal.

Guozijian Museum, there is a stele forest consisting of 89 tall steles. The steles are engraved with Confucian classics. There are no protective measures. Even if there are no glass cabinets, there are not many people who usually go. The stains of pangolin camouflage are very dirty. Hard to find.

The Aura beam of light inside is much smaller than other museums, but each stone monument is a small amount, a small amount, and even a few 'medium' appear, the accumulation is less and more. In just one day, the pangolin sucked the most aura. 5 stone monuments, got 4 evolutions!

Of these 4 evolutions, the most important is naturally the first time, the ‘super evolution’ brought by extreme values!

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