Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 102: Spirit Pulse Upgrade

"Armored", a blue card with a red effect, doubles the number of layers of your armor.

"Strike +", a gray card with a red card, the effect is: active skills, cooling time 0 seconds, each time you can hit the target with a critical strike, and must attack the weak spot.

Finally, nature is a super-evolving card-

"Anthropomorphic", a colorless card, has the effect of allowing creatures to imitate human beings, and the upper limit of attributes is increased to human level. You can freely switch between 'body' and 'humanoid'. Each conversion takes 0 seconds and the cooling time is 2 hours.

Colorless card, Ren Suo is the first time to see this super evolution card.

There is no doubt that "anthropomorphism" is also okay, but the human cap is actually not strong in nature. If there are other types of superevolution of "mimic tiger" and "mimic whale", then the attribute cap is really called breakthrough horizon .

However, the beast state will not be more practical in the city. Therefore, Ren Suo did not hesitate and chose "anthropomorphism" directly.

"Anthropomorphic" was of little help to the pangolin at the beginning, but the extreme limit was increased. Later, when you choose to increase the cards such as "Minions" and "Consolidate", you can continue to strengthen the pangolin's ability.

Moreover, Ren Suo has faintly found the panic of pangolin: its physical quality is almost equal to a strong human athlete, but its body is so small, which means that its reaction speed and unit destructive power are far beyond human beings. Cement walls are basically fine.

The next few evolutions have nothing to say, but one of the ordinary evolutions is just practical--

"Cold-blooded animal", a red card with a gray bar, the effect is: you can switch from a constant temperature animal to a warming animal. The temperature-changing animal is absolutely consistent with the ambient temperature. When resting in a warm place, the recovery ability is increased by 30%.

There are "dirty concealment" and "cold-blooded animals." This incumbent finally reassured the pangolin to continue to open the mysterious spirit possession. If that doesn't work, you can only run away with "afterimages."

Only the "residual image" is indispensable. If the "residual image" is used, the personnel near the monument will definitely know that the way is wrong, so Ren Suo is not sure enough and does not want to let the pangolin take risks.

The pangolin easily crossed the full 3 meters high color steel fence, and many scholars, dark vests and soldiers and rows of tents appeared on the screen with various instruments, such as the temporary research institute.

Interestingly, the black vests in the picture all look fierce and fierce, and they can make Ren Suo laugh.

It seems that this game treats members of the game as villains.

Carefully reach the edge of the Aura beam of light, fast forward for 2 hours, complete the second turn on, and then another red lotus aurora descends on Tianjing.

There was a lot of noise in the temporary research institute. Many instruments were screaming. The dark vests and scholars gathered around the monument. The pangolins took the opportunity to slip out and went back to the Guozijian Museum to continue the stone monument.

For the third, fourth, and fifth times, the monument ’s temporary research area is getting bigger and bigger, but they still do n’t seem to know that the monument ’s aura is related to a small animal.

Tianjingli seems to have a lot of foreign friends around Zhengyangmen Square. It seems that the Red Lotus laser incident has become a rare astronomical scene in the world in just a few days.

The last time he opened it, Ren Suo rubbed his palms, watching the pangolin hiding in the noon sun, touching the aura beam of light at the monument.

Fast forward, 2 hours!

The picture changed from day to night, and when the fast forward was over, it was no longer red.

In the eyes, all are glorious, looking up, all meteors!

In the monument, a dazzling array of star dust scattered like golden sand scattered in all directions, and the entire sky was rendered as day.

"You have opened the mysterious spiritual possession."

"Xuan Guo Ling Mai Level +."

"Mystic mortal awakening probability increases."

"Practitioners of the mysterious state who practiced when the mysterious spiritual treasure was opened have a high probability of receiving gifts from the spiritual veins."

"The world's Reiki rises slightly."

"Because of the opening of the mysterious spiritual treasure, the other eleven spiritual treasures on the earth will also open automatically after thirty days."

"You get 5 evolutions."

A long stream of information passed through, and the entire screen suddenly stopped, and the hours, minutes and seconds that passed in the upper right corner were completely paused.

"You got an ace evolution!"

In the picture, the monument of the dazzling golden mansion slowly shrinks, shrinks into a painting, and merges into a red card back.

"You get the Crimson Ace: Immortal Legacy."

The crimson ace turned, revealing its front: an arm dripping with blood and clenched by the right fist, in which the blood dripping from the wound fell into the neat book pages and turned into blood-red deep text.

"Immortal inheritance: the active skill, the spirit that devours the world can inherit a creature whose will is far lower than itself, and the inheritor gets all the evolution times of the inheritor, but does not inherit the evolutionary effect of the inheritor (the red trump card must be completely inherited ).

According to the number of evolution times, the inherited will be able to select (the number of evolution times) of all evolution cards (3 * evolution times), and the cooldown is 72 hours. "

Without choice, it seems that the evolution of the trump card hidden by the mysterious spirit can only be "immortal inheritance".

However, Ren Suo has no time to study deeply, because this trump card is different from other evolutions. Other evolutions are only known by pangolins. When the trump card evolved, a monumental pangolin hidden in the crimson meteor 'Duang' flew directly from the monument.

This is so obvious!

Select "Residual Shadow" immediately, and turn into smoke in the dark and run outside!

"Catch it!"

The speed of the pangolin is already extremely fast, but the speed of other dark vests is not slow! Several black vests ran their guns while running, and the marksmanship in the mobile design actually shot the pangolin extremely accurately!

The members of the Tianjing Countermeasure Bureau are too high! ?

After all, it was difficult to choose armor evolution, but the 0-layer armor on the pangolin could not carry the bullet, and it broke instantly!


Although I don't know why they would persuade a pangolin to go down to ~, Ren Suoke has no intention to explain to them-non-ethnic, he must understand this truth.

Even if he let the pangolins surrender, Tianjing will certainly put the pangolins under house arrest until the truth about the monument is asked.

But the problem now is that Ren Suo cannot let the pangolin waste so much time in the game.

Because, after he opened the Xuanguo Lingzang, the combat data of the world's strongest in the upper right corner has soared by more than 10,000! ..

It's already 500!

Only then did Ren Suo understand what the game hint "will lead to a series of unpredictable consequences" when opening the Lingzang.

When Lingzang is opened, the characters under his control can get a chance to increase his strength, but the strongest in the world will also benefit from it!

Consuming the spirit of the world, and seeking the source of aura in order to plunder it, is both plunder and open source!

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