Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 114: Ace of Dark Blue

After sending Carrian away, there is no obstacle to opening the British spiritual possession.

"You have opened the British spiritual possession."

"British Spirit Level +1."

"The world's Reiki rises slightly."

"Because of the opening of the Mysterious Kingdom and the British Spiritual Collection, the other ten Spiritual Collections on the earth will also be automatically opened within 30 days."

"You get 5 evolutions."

"You got an ace evolution!"

"You got an ace evolution!"

In the picture, the Big Ben, which is touched by a red fox, is bursting into a painting, and merged into the back of a dark blue card.

"You got the Dark Blue Ace: Mythical Knight."

Although the London Earth Spirit is a lot of money, it is still an honest businessman. After Red Fox opened Lingzang, she was directly sent to Heathrow International Airport, 25 kilometers away, which made Ren Suo's painful heart slightly calm. Come down.

The opening of the Lingzang started in the morning, and now it is exactly dusk and night, and a vast dark blue starry rain was passing in the sky. In the foggy day, the entire London seemed to be placed in a strange but dreamy Cthulhu world.

There is no doubt that the British official who now defends Big Ben must have scrambled around to check the surroundings, but the red fox that caused everything to happen has already patted his **** and left.

Originally, I wanted to fly directly to other countries, but Heathrow Airport urgently stopped all flights because of the weather.

So Ren Suo could only let Red Fox sit in the airport lobby and wait for the harvest.

Unlike Xuan Guo Ling Zang, British Ling Zang only provided 5 opportunities for evolution.

However, the British Lingzang can be opened only three times, unlike the Xuanguo Lingzang, which requires a full six times.

"It seems that spiritual possessions are divided into different levels. Stronger hidden possessions take longer to open and they have more evolutions; weaker spiritual possessions have shorter opening times but fewer evolutions ... but they can still get trump cards. "

"Just don't know, the level of this spiritual possession is based on land or population ..."

Ren Suo opened the evolution interface, and saw that above a large number of evolution cards, he had been alone at the top of the crimson ace. Now he has a companion, the ace of the dark blue card.

Click on the trump card, and the dark blue trump card turns to the front. A queen wearing a blue cape, blond hair, and silver sword with a sword sits on the throne. There is a round table in front of her.

"Mythical knight: passive evolution, devouring the spirit of the world

The sword of the knight, the devastating ability that devours the world to heal will be able to explode ten times (kill * 10), cool down for one day each time;

The knight's wind, the ability to swallow the spirit of the world, will cover its optical invisibility, temperature invisibility, absolute silence, and suppress airflow. The duration is (movement * 1), and the cooling time is 12 hours per use;

Knight's shield, the defense ability that devours the spirit of the world will be directly converted into armor (defense / 10), refreshed every hour;

The blood of the knight and the recovery ability of devouring the spirit of the world will gradually increase the other attributes (recovery / 100), and increase the other attributes once every full meal. "

Oh huh.

Seeing this dark blue ace, Ren Suo screamed blankly.

Sure enough, as long as it is an ace card, it must be countless times stronger than the evolution card.

If the scarlet ace is given the opportunity to devour the world ’s spirits and operate again, like gentleness and kindness will always be the wife of a reliable harbor, then the dark blue trump card is a hot beautiful confession girl. I just want to make you awesome!

Needless to say, the sword of the knight and the wind of the knight, the former broke out and the latter sneaked away, very practical.

And the Knight's Shield, because the defense can stack at least 500 in the humanoid state (defense is defense), then you can refresh 50 layers of armor every hour, which is equivalent to refreshing every hour. One can only block one bullet. Bulletproof vest

The blood of the knight is even stronger. If the red fox has become a fat feeding method from today, eating five meals a day and recovering to piles above 500, then you can increase the other three attributes by 25 points in a day. The most important thing is unlimited. Increase until it reaches the extreme value.

Moreover, all abilities are linked to four-dimensional attributes, that is, the higher the value of the panel that devours the spirit of the world, the more scary the dark blue ace!

Even if it is the fascination system that is not good at fighting like the Red Fox, the combat power has soared to 4600 points after obtaining the Deep Blue Ace!

The power of the knight's sword and knight's shield can be seen!

As for the strongest person in the world, because of another reason for the opening of spiritual hiding, it has been ... huh?

Only 64880.

Although it looks very high, he was already 63,600 before he opened the British spiritual possession.

You need to know that when the Xuanguo Lingzang was opened, the strongest person in the world directly soared more than 10,000 combat power. Now ...

"Is the strongest person in the world Xuanguo?" Ren Suo speculated: "So the opening of the Xuanguo Spirit Vessel has the greatest influence on him, and the opening of the other Spirit Veins has less terrifying effect?"

If so, it really makes Ren Suo relieved-if every time you open Lingzang, the strongest person in the world is not soaring, and the difficulty of customs clearance is really big.

"Fast forward 12 hours and wait till tomorrow to see what flights ..."

However, after 3 hours of fast forward, the fast forward process was interrupted again.

It ’s just that this time it ’s not the Red Fox encounter, but the pangolin. ~ ~ I have n’t paid attention to the pangolin for a few days. Now the life of the pangolin is much better. I live in a big house with a big refrigerator and a big TV. It even dug a hole specifically for it.

The endangered leprechaun protection department was afraid that the pangolin could not sleep in Simmons, and the pangolin had the habit of sleeping in a cave, so it thoughtfully dug a large pit like a coffin for it, which can be said to be very intimate.

Now, the pangolin is in his bedroom, talking to the middle-aged man named Lao Zhao who has been in contact with it.

Lao Zhao came in with a laptop and let the pangolin look. At this time, the screen of the laptop was displayed in the upper right corner of the screen-the dark blue dusk of London.

Old Zhao: "This is a scene from London, England, 12 hours ago ... Is this also made by your companions?"

Pangolin: "Yes, yes."

Old Zhao: "Who is it?"

The pangolin: "I don't know, the fairy palace, tell the spirit veins, the location, the other companions."

Old Zhao: "Can you contact them?"

Ren Suo considered it slightly, and let the pangolin reply: "I can, unilaterally, spread the news, but whether they reply, I can't, sure."

Lao Zhao nodded: "This is enough ... Then, Xuan Guo has no other spirits?"

Pangolin: "I don't know. But, maybe, no."

Lao Zhao said, "If ... I said, is it possible that I can work with you to discuss which area to ignite first?"

Ok? Ren Suo hesitated.

Lao Zhao went on to say, "What you are doing is indeed a great thing that is worthy of merit, but you have been misunderstood by the world, thinking that you are carrying out conspiracy ..."

"But with our help, not only will it make it easier for your companions to ignite the spirit veins, but ... if you have other needs, you might as well raise them."

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