Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 115: Information gap

In reality, Ren Suo, based on his poor information, squeezed himself into the national intelligence department and gained superior appreciation by virtue of his outstanding 'spoiler' ability.

Now, in the game, Ren Suo can even rely on the advantage of poor information to reach cooperation with future Xuanguo officials in the game.

Because only Rensuo himself knows that, whether to open or not open the spirit of the world, all spiritual possessions will irresistibly erupt, and in the end, the world's overall aura will necessarily rise to a level.

But the people in the game don't know.

Xuan Guo's official is also unknown.

However, this does not prevent the Xuan Kingdom officials from taking advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of the pangolin's 'fairy envoys'.

Ren Suo also hopes that through the formal channels, the journey of engulfing the spirit of the world will be more comfortable.

But Rensuo asked the pangolin curiously, "Why don't you stop, us, light, spirit veins? Human nation, isn't it hostile?"

Lao Zhao asked: "We stop, can you give up this chance of transformation?"

Pangolin: "I don't know."

Lao Zhao continued: "And, even if you are blocked, there may be other organizations in the world since there is a fairy palace. Now that the two veins have been ignited, we can already detect the apparent rise of the aura, and other countries will certainly Detected. "

"They will think of the situation in the Xuan Kingdom and the UK, and they will naturally study their spiritual veins. The Big Ben in England, the inheritance of the Xuan Kingdom ... The spiritual veins of their own country are not difficult to find."

"Instead of letting them study the secrets of the" seal "of the veins, it would be better for you to ignite the veins directly. We can also gain greater benefits through diplomacy."

"So, what do you mean?"

Pangolin: "Yes, but I can't guarantee success."

Then the pangolin was lying in the coffin pit in the bedroom, Rensuo fast-forwarded for 30 minutes, and let the pangolin rise again.

Pangolin: "They can only wait for 20 days. After 20 days, they will, do it themselves."

Old Zhao relaxed, "Twenty days, it's urgent ... but it's enough. What other requirements are there?"

Ren Suo blinked and said, "Best, let us, contact, the national treasure of the region."

Old Zhao was a little surprised, but didn't say much, "Wait for our good news ... By the way, is there a vein in every country?"

Ren Suo took a deep breath.

He doesn't know.

He hadn't investigated on the spot, and Ren Suo didn't know where the veins were. He could only speculate.

Fortunately, the pavement has been prepared before, and the pangolin spoke speculative words, which should not be too much.

"I only know that in terms of land area, population, national strength, being able to rank, the forefront exists, there is a vein."

This is also Ren Suo's speculation.

There is no doubt that the mysterious veins of the mysterious nation are taken for granted-even in "Crossing My Body".

As for other countries, it is difficult to say.

It ’s actually luck to come to London to find a vein like Red Fox. After all, Britain ’s land area and population are not in the forefront, but its national strength is OK, and it has a long history. It is most importantly rooted in another continent, not in Europe. .

Ren Suo estimates that there may be only one spiritual vein in continental Europe, but in Germany, France, or Italy, it is not clear.

After hearing the pangolin's speech, Lao Zhao nodded and asked, "Can you give an accurate country?"

Ren Suo also wants to know this information!

The pangolin immediately said, "No, they are afraid, the country, advance, and be prepared. But, the Pacific Federation, Brazil, Russia, there should be."

After the exchange, Lao Zhao and others indicated that they would negotiate with other countries as soon as possible, and give the results as soon as possible within 20 days.

And Lao Zhao reminded that at least these days, do n’t light the veins, because other countries do n’t know, it ’s actually manipulative to light the veins, let alone a group of small animals ignite the veins for transformation.

They want to use this poor information to fight for them, and the animals of the fairy palace, for a more convenient way to light, and to gain more benefits.

In fact, this is equivalent to Ren Suo's official mission time. The poor information he used also became the poor information used by Xuanguo to trade with other countries.

Lao Zhao did not hide that Xuan Guo could gain a lot of benefits in this diplomacy. He made it clear: "This is a mutually beneficial transaction, we each take what we need."

Ren Suo was naturally overjoyed and happy. If Xuan Guo could help him to get a few big countries in 20 days, such as Russia, the Pacific Federation, Brazil and other countries, it would be easy to get a few ace cards.

As for why it is 20 days, because it is now 5 days since one month has passed, Ren Suo must leave 5 days to ignite the spirit veins, which has not yet taken into account the time spent on the road.

But is this game really that simple?

Get online with a country official to easily clear the game?

But now, the pangolin has reached a deal with the official Xuan Kingdom, and Ren Suo can only go this way.

So he controlled the red fox and continued to paint museums in London. Occasionally, he even met a few gentlemen who thought he was sultry.

The gentleman showing off money is worth it, but the gentleman showing off antiques can't miss it, go with him to his villa, put him in the toilet for one night, and then sleep in the antique fox for one night. Slap someone away.

Although these game experiences are trivial, fooling all beings unexpectedly makes Ren Suo interesting.

Ren Suo didn't fast-forward the game, so he looked at the dog-like gentlemen, the fat businessman and the unlucky uncle kneeling and licking the red fox, and then was directed by the red fox to collect antiques and celebrity collections, like a queen.

As for the means of manipulation, it is completely dependent on the "charm" command, and has no right to conspiracy at all.

But those gentlemen never know what kind of man is standing behind the goddess who kneels and licks.jpg


"Finally finished……"

On the outskirts of Tianjing, the military forbidden area of ​​the Xuan Kingdom Army is stationed, in an underground research institute guarded by soldiers at all times. Hundreds of Reiki researchers performing secret tasks look at the near-distorted masterpiece of Reiki biology, proving their Dark bags under the eyes and thin hair were not sacrificed in vain.

In front of them, a huge iron seat of almost three meters stands on the ground. Numerous pipes are connected behind the iron seat, like a twisted blood vessel and nerve, which transports the vitality of the young man on the iron seat to the ground. .

The ground under the iron seat is carved with various mysterious symbols on the ground with soldering silver. The meaning of these symbols has not yet been thoroughly understood by researchers, but it is not difficult to put them into use.

"Ren, starting today, you can't leave this‘ Sansa Teir ’.”

An elderly white-haired researcher said: "The Sansing Iron Tower will permanently absorb the cyclones in your body, guide the pure auras of the cyclones above the ground, and provide the most outstanding reiki cultivation environment for qualified soldiers. "

"But at the same time, you no longer have to be threatened by life in your blood."

Ren leaned slowly against the iron seat, looked at the numerous ducts in the ceiling, and sighed: "Really? Can it be really so simple?"

"According to your physical condition, we think the curse of Ren Jia in" Cross My Body "is half true and half false."

The old researcher said: "You do bear the blood of the champion, but you do not reflect the shackles of Emperor Guangwu. You do not need to cut demons and demon, or loyal to the royal family of Liu. There is no such burden of thought."

"It can be seen that either the Guangwu shackles are fictional, or ... In the past two thousand years, Ren ’s family has completely cracked the Guangwu shackles, but still cannot help cursing the bloodline on his body. Only by suppressing the spirit veins can he maintain a normal life. . "

"But it's just that the scientific development of their time was not enough to solve this problem."

The old researcher raised his glasses: "They don't know why the blood of the champion will explode when he is 23 or 24 years old. But after our research on your body, we found that the blood of the champion bleeds, probably because of the internal spiritual power due to external Reiki concentration is not appropriate. "

"The concentration of aura in the world determines the upper limit of the concentration of individual aura. If the concentration of an individual exceeds the allowable range of aura in the world, it is like a drop of water in a bottle of ink."

Ren laughed: "This metaphor is the first time I have heard it."

The old researcher also laughed: "But that's it. This world is not allowed to be" genius "beyond the allowable range of Aura. If it appears, it can only ... pollute it."

"The blood of the champion was actually fully awakened at the age of 24, and brought with it the self-cultivation ability of almost jealousy. Therefore, at the age of 24, he quickly cultivated to a state of horror, could not stop, and finally broke through the scope of the aura. . "

"Then, the cyclone in the body of the crowned blood vessel will collapse. ~ It will engulf the huge spiritual power itself, which is called the so-called" flying smoke "."

"Besides, before Reiki has recovered, the blood of the champion will also wake up, but the harm caused is much less."

The old researcher put out a document: "The generations of the family members are talented and amazingly intelligent, but they are often frail and sick after the age of 24, and even become infected with disease. The lucky ones are only 50 years old and the unfortunate ones are not 30 years old. ... these are all back **** caused by external auras. "

"Now we know the root cause, this scattered spirit iron seat also came into being. It can detect the external aura environment, cut your cyclone directly from the body, and keep your spiritual power at a safe level."

The old researcher laughed: "It seems to be the cruelest torture for monks, but it is perfect for you."

Ren looked at his hands: "So, in my life, as long as I maintain this strength, can I live safely? I can also study spells and cast spells myself? Even on the battlefield becomes an important combat power?"

"Of course." The old researcher said, "The only problem is that you can't leave the iron seat now, but depending on your strength, through the detection spell and perception ability, it is enough to shelter the entire military area."

"If you want to be an important combat force ... then you have to wait for Reiki to recover."

Ren blinked: "If Reiki continues to recover, will my strength limit continue to grow?"

"Yes." The old researcher nodded: "You are different from others. Others can reach your current state because they can only reach this state; and you are in this state because the world only allows you to This realm. "

"When Reiki continues to recover and the upper limit allowed by the world is raised, then ... even if you sit here, you can become the patron saint of Tianjing and become a sword that deterred nations!"

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