Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 118: 9 tailed foxes

Incomplete Tibetan status? Ren Suo was a little scratched.

He didn't understand what it was like, but he didn't know it would happen.

However, he can still guess the reason more or less-presumably the sky tree that Lingzang is attached to, there is no "qualification" that can become a complete spiritual vein.

Sky Tree was built in 2012, less than ten years ago, but because it is located in Tokyo and is the most eye-catching building in Tokyo, it has become a spiritual attachment.

In "Spirit Vision", Ren Suoyi could see that the golden lines of aura were converging to the sky tree tower in all directions. It seems that this is the process that the sky tree is evolving toward the perfect state.

However, the state of incompleteness has caused this Lingzang to have incomplete effects on the 'township'. Red Fox has now entered the Lingzang building, but there is no fart.

I don't know if there will be any problems with opening the incomplete Lingzang, but Ren Suo does not plan to open it now-tell the old Zhao that the national treasure can only ignite the spirit vein.

However, the audience was required before pretending, so Ren Suoxian asked the pangolin to say to old Zhao, "The people of Xiangong, people, should appear in Tokyo, Sky Tree."

Regardless of the reaction of Lao Zhao, Ren Suo immediately let Red Fox use the "Knight's Wind", invisibly leave the observation range of the staff, find the staff passage, and get out of the glass-protected observation platform!

Although there is no intention to add a point, Red Fox's physical quality is at least twice that of ordinary people, and it also points out evolutions such as "climbing", allowing Red Fox's hands to produce sufficient friction even on smooth surfaces. Keep your body steady, and easily reach the height of the spire of the sky tree!

The red wind of the red fox screamed at night, and Ying Ying in her arms was afraid to raise her head, and curled up and mewed in front of her chest.

Standing at the highest point in Tokyo, Ren Suo thought that this should be 'big fanfare', right?

But it's not enough, because no one can see the red fox.

In fact, Ren Suo has a certain degree of confidence. He used a pretense to make a shining debut, but his 13 evolutions have not been used at this time, and when will he wait?

"Um ... minions ... consolidate ... nothing good!"

Four consecutive evolutions are all ordinary cards. Ren Suo wondered if he had to wash his hands, but at this time new tips appeared in the evolution interface-

"Bi-Extremum:" Super Evolution "will definitely occur in the next evolution."

Ok? It was only at this time that Ren Suo found that the defensive and recovery properties of the red fox had reached an extreme state, meeting the 'double extreme value' required for the second evolution.

However, Ren Suo hesitated again at this time-what would happen if not a pair of people after extreme evolution?

He is still waiting to use the human form of the red fox to pretend it!

However, if superevolution is not to your taste, Ren Suo can also choose other evolution cards to extend superevolution to the next time.

But after Ren Suo opened the evolution, he first saw the bad news-of the three evolution cards, two were super evolution cards.

But there is good news-both evolution cards are humanoid.

"Real person", a colorless card, which has the effect of allowing creatures to become humans completely, the upper limit of attributes is unchanged, and a new attribute ‘fairy’ is obtained. There is no upper limit to the ‘fairy’ attribute, and all evolution and attribute effects can be enhanced. The higher the ‘fairy’ attribute, the stronger the enhancement effect.

"Non-human", a colorless card with the effect of allowing creatures to trace back to complete alienation while maintaining humanoid status, increase the upper limit of attributes by at least 10 times, obtain an exclusive bloodline evolution system, and enhance some existing evolution cards.

The creature can freely switch between 'the body' and the 'non-human body'. There is no casting time and no cool-down time. The appearance of the 'non-human' will be traced in the genes of the blood veins of the creature, and the most beautiful humanoid individuals will be selected that will definitely satisfy the player. As an inhuman appearance.

As for the evolution of the third green strip and blue background, Ren Suo did not see it.

He just stared at the phrase, 'Choose the most beautiful humanoid individual,' and itched in his heart.

There is no doubt that the "real" super-evolution is to let the red fox retract the tail that has been hidden by "illusion", and then become more human.

And "Non-human" wrote so vowed that it was also ‘the most beautiful humanoid entity that absolutely satisfies the player’ ...

Huh, you look down on Qiu Mingshan's old driver Ren Suo!

To be fair, in fact, the two evolutions are almost the same. "Real people" have added new attributes, while "non-humans" have provided a new exclusive evolution system, which is not much worse.

The division of evolution cards in this game is still very reliable. The blue-green rare ones are better than ordinary gray, the golden legend is stronger than rare blue-green ones, and the ace is better than all evolution cards ...

Both cards are colorless, and Ren Suo can't see how good or bad he is, naturally he chooses the one with skin!

Choose "non-human"!

On the sky tree in Tokyo, red fox's clothes emits crimson smoke, completely covering her.

Isn't it just a different skin, is it so mysterious to use?

Ren Suo grabbed the gamepad with both hands to ensure that he was really a person out of vulgar taste, and had absolutely no indecent ideas.

When the red mist cleared, Ren Suo knew.

This skin is too worthy!


At 20:35, the travelers who were shopping on the clear sky street suddenly found that the red leaves seemed to be flying in the night sky.

When they stared at it, they found that it was not the leaves, but the red butterfly. Someone tried to grab the red butterfly, but found that when they passed their hands gently, the red butterfly would turn into light smoke and disappeared.

The passengers looked up and saw that there was a red light above the sky tree, and the red butterfly extended from the group of red awns.

"Good luck, meet Sky Tree activities?"

"Let me tweet ..."

"Look, is there a ... guy over there?"

More and more people looked up at the top of the sky tree. They raised their mobile phones to try to capture this scene. However, even when the mobile phone was zoomed in, they couldn't see clearly. The picture was 500 meters away, but they could all take the night sky. That demeanor came into my eyes.

The patrol officer opened the communication machine, his eyes did not dare to leave the silhouette of the night sky, and his voice stuttered, "Heaven, sky tree, out, there appeared—"

"Nine-tailed fox, in front of Yuzao!"

In the night sky, the spire of the sky tree is dressed in red glow, and the hair is like a spring. Nine furry tails are next to the arch guard, holding a blue and short nine-tailed fox in his hand, walking step by step from a height of 450 meters. ground!

This is the red fox superevolution, the nine-tailed fox!

The green card and blue card are exclusive "first impressions". The effect is: as long as the creature sees the nine-tailed fox, no matter how far away it is, it will automatically make up a perfect image, and when the nine-tailed fox approaches, the creature will not stop Modify the perfect image in the heart to make it closer to the appearance of the nine-tailed fox, which will cause the soul to admire the nine-tailed fox from the heart, and strengthen all the charms of the nine-tailed fox. This effect lasts for 24 hours and can be repeated.

Originally an illusive red butterfly, at the feet of the nine-tailed fox, it turned into a real ladder, letting her step on the air, and when the feet were lifted, the red butterfly would disappear again!

Gold bar blue card, an exclusive evolution of "dream fantasy flower", the effect is: the contact illusion into an entity in a short time, entity strength is related to defense, the longest duration is related to recovery.

Green bar and blue card, exclusive evolution of "Snow Moon Flower * 3", the effect is: greatly expand the scope of the illusion.

A gray bar and blue card, "Illusion" automatically evolves into "Illusion", the effect is: Illusion has no entity, cannot produce sound, and can only create a visual scene.

Looking at the screen, the nine-tailed fox came down like an immortal, and the royal butterfly stepped on the air. All humans on the ground fell off their chins, stared at the nine-tailed fox without blinking, and the red butterfly fluttered in the sky tree area. , Paving a dreamy red butterfly avenue for Jiuwei Fox.

In order to create this scene, Ren Suo also spent almost an hour to arrange the illusion.

First draw a butterfly,

Then color it,

Select the maximum phantom range,

Choose rain effect, flying effect,

Then paved the butterfly on a stepped path-here Rensuo was brought over the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and completed by copy and paste operation.

And you have to keep the butterfly ladder moving downwards, just like a escalator, or it adds up to a distance of nearly one kilometer, and after walking for so long, the force of the nine-tailed fox is all gone.

Fortunately, the arrangement of the illusion is relatively simple, otherwise the strongest ability of the nine-tailed fox will be abolished ...

In the end, this terrifying special effect exists in the movie.

Five minutes later, when the nine-tailed fox descended slowly and quickly, the people on the clear sky street had completely fallen, and they looked at the nine-tailed fox enthusiastically, but kept the proper distance with great respect and did not dare to surpass. The fairy is born!

Suddenly, a pleasant voice penetrated into their ears: "Xiangong, invited."

Ren Suo has been very satisfied, I believe this pomp is enough to let the world understand how the fairy palace exists, and also meet the requirements of the cherry blossom country.

Originally, he just planned to have a red light shining on the earth at the top of the sky tree tower, but now the pomp is no longer called "big fan", but "sniffing the world"!

You asked for it, I didn't want it ... Ren Suo thought about it.

However, it was time for the nine-tailed fox to withdraw.

It's been a few minutes, and Fan Ying is not stupid, she must be gathering people.

Although the nine-tailed fox is not incapable of killing, but the method of killing is more common. If you encounter tough guys who don't eat charm, it will be troublesome. It might as well be disappeared in a big way after the courageous debut of the hero. The most perfect appearance ceremony.

Then contact Zhao with the pangolin, and let Fan Yingxuan help the nine-tailed fox to complete the transaction.

However, when the nine-footed fox's bare feet were about to land, a gap suddenly appeared in the space in front of her. UU read the book www.uukanshu. Comm scared Ren Suo.

What's going on, Fan Ying awakening is coming to fight?

However, after the seam was torn, two people familiar with Rensuo appeared on the screen.

One is the helpless old Zhao.

No matter how old Lao Zhao, this fairy palace actually agreed to Fan Ying's request, and he directly sent someone to appear from the sky tree.

There is no doubt that the Nine-Tailed Fox of Xiangong will definitely become a VIP of the cherry blossom seat and come into contact with cherry blossom!

How can Xuanguo bear it!

Although Fan Ying is the younger brother of Xuan Kingdom, Xian Gong is the only superpower at present! And it is extremely ancient and hidden, with countless inscrutable means, and even the mysterious force that controls the recovery of the spirit vein!

For the first contact, Xuanguo must not give up to others!

Obviously we were the first to contact Xiangong!

You must know that if Lao Zhao was not in charge of pangolin affairs, he would not be eligible to participate in such important diplomatic contacts. However, for the sake of the pangolin's ability to speak to Lao Zhao, Xuan Guo directly added a little favor to Xian Palace. Send him over.

Of course, there are military wireless headsets in Lao Zhao's ears, and Xuan Guo's rear adjusts his talking strategy at any time.

As for their almost illegal immigration ... Xuan Guo didn't care, and Fan Ying couldn't care less.

However, Lao Zhao noticed that the nine-tailed fox in Xiangong seemed to be watching the Awakener next to him.

The reason why Lao Zhao thought so was because Ren Suo aimed his perspective at the female awakener who tore the seam apart.

Just now, Ren Suo saw two acquaintances.

One is an acquaintance of pangolins in the game, Lao Zhao.

The other is a passer-by who has just met Rensuo.

It seemed to notice the sight of the nine-tailed fox, and the female awakener took the initiative to say:

"Hello, my name is Dong Chengling."

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