Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 119: Does the Palace of Heaven enter the WTO?

Is it the same person?

Ren Suo didn't dare to confirm, because the game screen was brought with a certain degree of beautification and two-dimensionalization, Ren Suo just felt familiar.

And Dong Chengling is a little different from the girl in Ren Suo's impression-

At least when Ren Suo was having breakfast, remember that the girl's legs were long and beautiful ... no, right, her legs were intact anyway.

Dong Chengling is now sitting in a wheelchair, using a strenuous posture to tear open the gap in the space.

In addition to Lao Zhao, two others came out of the space slit, but Dong Chengling did not come, and closed the space slit in the space on the other side as if it had never appeared.

The next two people, as long as Ren Suo turned on "Spirit Vision", they could see that the aura of light on their bodies had almost faded from their blood, emitting a touch of golden mane, showing that they were also among the best monks in the Xuan Kingdom.

And when they appeared, there was an invisible ripple on their bodies that looked like an evolutionary version of "Spells and Clothing."

Standing behind Lao Zhao, they were able to extend their "clothes" to Lao Zhao to protect him.

Nine-tailed fox asked, "The girl just now ..."

Lao Zhao laughed: "This is a downtown area, and the conversation is a bit inconvenient. Why don't you follow us to the embassy and talk in detail?"

Ren Suo couldn't help but be shocked. He had long thought that monks should be able to resist the charm, but he had never really seen it.

The two monks in Xuanguo can't help but resist the charm, and through the extension of "clothing", ordinary people like Lao Zhao can also obtain the monks' defense and resistance.

Otherwise, old Zhao will now spit out the information that Jiuweihu wants to know.

But the charm of the nine-tailed fox must still be effective, but it has shrunk from absolute orders to provide a large degree of favorability.

The next situation was as expected, many cars came to the clear sky street area, but Fan Yingxuan party members had already prepared, and rushed to the scene as soon as possible, so that old Zhao and others quickly returned to the embassy.

However, Jiuweihu rejected Lao Zhao's invitation because-the fairy was driving too low.

Nothing, no endless, Ren Suo will pretend to the end.

I saw a whole body crimson, with a clear glow like autumn water. The sword body was connected to the hilt. There was no sword grid, and a long sword exuding the icy air appeared in the air, turning around the nine-tailed fox.

Nine-tailed fox: "I was lucky enough to learn the imperial sword art of Xiangong. Now that I know the destination, I won't bother you."

Before Lao Zhao spoke, the nine-tailed fox erupted, as if the whole person was attached to the fairy sword, and then the fairy sword made a red mark across the sky.

The people looked at this miracle-moving method, and they were all stunned, even several people were unable to grasp the mobile phone, and those who were lucky enough to take this scene tweeted.

Old Zhao, they saw the immortal sword flying away, and they were aggressive, but they quickly got in the car.

I do n’t know if it ’s a universal spell or an awakening spell. The car they were riding had sparks and lightning all the way, and all the cars in the front automatically made way for them, all the way unimpeded, just like driving on a highway.

The sakura police who hurried over to this scene could only deploy police forces to block the clear sky streets and sky trees, trying to find the traces of the nine-tailed fox.

Why is Rensuo so clear about their response?

Because the nine-tailed fox hasn't left yet.

Where did Nine-tailed Fox come from? It wasn't Ren Suo who paused the game. It took an hour to pick up his favorite sword from the Internet and let Nine-tailed Fox create an illusion directly in the game. Now Yomo has reached the front of the Xuanguo embassy in the port area.

The glow of the nine-tailed fox just now was just to disguise the use of the "knight's wind" again.

Although Nine-Tailed Fox used "Knight's Wind" just once, but because it exited early, the remaining time is stored and can be consumed before the skill cools down (the time cannot be superimposed after the cooldown is completed).

According to the nine-tailed fox's current mobile attributes, you can have a total of 8 minutes of absolute invisibility within 12 hours. Otherwise, it can be cooled for 12 hours with one use. If all the time must be used up, the cost performance of this skill is much lower than the other three skills.

As for whether or not the exposition of royal swordsmanship is illusory, Ren Suo is completely not afraid-he doesn't believe that Lao Zhao can drive faster than Jiuweihu's two legs.

In fact, when Zhao returned to the embassy, ​​the nine-tailed fox had been using a phantom to cover themselves for more than ten minutes.

In front of the ambassador's gate, Xuanguo's diplomats were waiting beside the fairy sword, and a lot of reporters with spears and short guns kept shooting the sword in the distance.

When Lao Zhao got out of the car, the nine-tailed fox turned on the "Knight's Wind" again, and walked one step below the fairy sword, and a colorful light pollution announced her appearance-as if she was in the sword Come here.

Nine-tailed fox: "You come slowly."

Old Zhao reluctantly said: "No more powerful than your magical powers ... Please come in. I do not know how to call you?"

Nine-tailed fox: "In the imperial palace, the only one who is a nine-tailed fox family is the nine-tailed fox."

However, at this time, a few more cars rushed over, and a few middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes quickly got out of the car and greeted Jiuweihu: "Hello, my Excellency from the Palace, we are the diplomats of Sakura ...

I don't know why, the communication language chosen by these many Sakura diplomats is English-it may be the first impression that the Sin Palace killer who speaks English fluently in "Killer".

Ren Suo could barely understand what they were saying, just like senior high school students doing English listening. But now it is not possible for Nine-Tailed Fox to play, and the diplomatic staff of Xuanguo, who is now at the door, has approached to negotiate.

After a while, Nine-tailed fox sat in the embassy's elegant room, holding the blue English short in her arms. Before Lao Zhao spoke, she said, "You're lucky."

A question mark appeared above Lao Zhao's head: "Why is this statement?"

Nine-tailed fox: "The person responsible for the spirits here happens to be Xiao Lan, the most beloved of the body."

At this point, Ren Suo controlled the handle, stroking the blue English short with a nine-tailed fox across a dimension, and the cat was also very powerful, and he pleased meow a few times.

"Others in the Palace of Sure will definitely not come out because of such a trivial matter ... but I have been in the Palace for many years, and counts Xiao Lan the best relationship with me. It is true that there is no merit in igniting the pulse, but if it is blocked, Lighten the shape and alienate, and the death will be eliminated. "

"Ling carp, didn't it just encounter waves during transformation, stuck in the midst of transformation?

Ling carp is an ancient name for pangolins. The fable story of the Ming Dynasty, "Yu Ion," recorded that someone had offered the carp to Shangling Jun, who thought it was a dragon. When asked, he lived on ants, and there was no doubt. Some people say that this is a pangolin. Shangling Jun still hanged the person until the pangolin drilled and ran away. Shanglingjun was still very sorry. Later, a true dragon appeared. Shanglingjun enthusiastically invited Zhenlong to eat ants ~ ~ Then he was demolished by Zhenlong.

Ren Suo deliberately used the old name to set out the old age of the nine-tailed fox, and Lao Zhao quickly answered, saying, "It was only because we did not know that Comrade Pangolin was for the benefit of the Xuan Kingdom. With Comrade Pangolin ... we will try our best to compensate it. "

In the story of "Ionic Ion", the pangolin is fake because of the real dragon; in the real world, there is no fairy palace, and no one can break through the details of the nine-tailed fox.

But everyone believes in the existence of Xiangong-only one real force can know so many secrets, have an unknown number of strong men, and act with the purpose of the world.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain how the fairy palace killer would save Carlin Lampelucci, nor how these little animals would know how to ignite the veins and gain merit and form!

Nine-tailed fox: "If you want to fade the babies into Xianmen, ignite the spirit veins to gain merits, there are naturally countless risks, and Red Dust is one of them. Now that you are willing to persuade the countries on the spirit veins to assist Xiao Lan, and you are Let Xiao Lan touch the national treasure to increase the chance of transformation, and she will be as you wish, and come back to the world to be responsible for trading with you for that group of beasts. "

Old Zhao couldn't hear the voice of the nine-tailed fox: "Rest assured, we will let Fanying official arrange the arrival of the national treasure as soon as possible. Allow me to ask a question: you will not take away the national treasure?"

Nine-tailed fox: "The national treasure itself is worthless, but it is an ordinary antiquities such as iron, jade, porcelain, etc., but unformed beasts can increase the success rate of transformation by contacting such antiquities, and nothing more."

Old Zhao seemed relieved, and suddenly took a deep breath, and asked earnestly:

"Lord Nine-tailed Fox, I ask a question on behalf of Xuanguo-"

"Sangong, are you planning to enter the world?"

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