Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 133: Settlement

"mission completed."

"Complete the basic goal of the mission-60 points;"

"Myth: Total combat power is greater than 50,000-10 points;"

"Extraordinary Sanctification: Three Spirits of Devouring World-5 points;"

"Leading the world: Opening half of the spirit possession-5 points;"

"Be lawful and kind: Did not kill any humans-3 points;"

"Gold money: total consumption merit is greater than 30 points-3 points;"

"Always want to make a big news: more than half of humans know the action to devour the spirit of the world-2 points;"

"Total score is 88, which is extraordinary."

"This task score: 88 points (remarkable), the highest task score: 88 points (remarkable)"

"Because the player gets extraordinary evaluation and meets the hidden requirements, he will get the hidden mission information of this game"

"Sideline missions: Open the age. Open all spirit possessions and get higher scores."

"Did you choose to upload this result as the final result? After the upload is successful, you will get merit and exclusive rewards that meet the evaluation level."

"This review can only be kept for three days, and it cannot be uploaded after three days."

"Reviews can only be uploaded once."

Ren Suo subconsciously put his thumb into his mouth and bite. He felt the nails and the abdomen of his fingers being bitten by his teeth. He did not dare to blink, and stared closely at the four words in the task evaluation—

Full 88 points!

So far, Ren Suo has played five games, Chapter 1 of "Killer", "Ten Thousand Meters Become Strong", Chapter 1 of "Cross My Body", "Priest Jedi" and "Soul Devouring World" Only this time the score is extremely close to 90 points!

"Unfortunately, I still can't break the 90 points ..."

Ren Suo was curious what the 90-point task evaluation was.

However, Ren Suo carefully looked at the achievement score details in the task evaluation, and found that his hard power could not exceed 90 points.

The three achievements of "obedience to kindness", "golden money" and "always want to make a big news" look like the kind of "reward achievements", which are in line with the three "myths", "leading the world", and "extraordinary sanctification" In terms of game data, there is a clear difference in achievement-the former generally receives fewer bonus points.

It is similar to the evaluation "Special Achievement Lori Control" obtained in "Killer". It belongs to the comforting achievement of ‘after you ’ve worked so hard for no credit or hard work’.

The only problem is that task evaluation has the same time limit as "Killer" task evaluation.

But "Killer" is even harder-time is up and even the game is gone.

Fortunately, "Spirit of the World" is just a mission evaluation, but the game is still there.

If it was before, Ren Suo certainly did not understand the significance of this setting, but now he can guess the meaning behind this information.

"In other words, will this game actually happen in real life after three days ..."

Ren Suo took out his laptop, created a new document, and crackled down:

"Cross My Body" is a game that happened in the past, and there is no requirement for upload time;

"Killer", "Spirit of the World" is a future game that has a limit on upload time;

The "Jesus Priest" and "The Strongest Take Ten Thousand Meters" are also games that will only happen in the future after playing, but there is no requirement for upload time.

What is the difference between the first two games and the last two games?


Game style?

Archive mechanism?

Number of interactions?

Ren Suo saved the problem first, closed the laptop and continued to watch the TV screen.

Before the customs clearance, Ren Suo had already figured out his own bottom line-as long as it exceeded 70 points, Ren Suo was willing to upload and stopped playing.

There is mainly Dong Chengling, the perfect observer. Ren Suoning is willing to lose a little meritorious service, and he must also take a good look at what will happen to the people around him when the game is now realistic.

Anyway, there are so many games in the small world game console, as long as Ren Sokun spends time, the merits can be earned sooner or later.

Select upload!

"The mission review is uploaded. You have 218 points of merit. Please use it properly."

"You get a Samsung Treasure Chest * 1, which you can open in the Content Repository."

"You get exclusive rewards: super evolution, you can open it in the content repository."

"The Spirit of the Devouring World has been uploaded. Thank you for playing. The small world has a lot of fun!"

┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~

Ren Suo quickly cut back to the main interface and watched the meritorious value in the upper right corner become 249 points. Excitedly, a carp came on the sofa.

After the "Jester Priest" ended, he had a total of 104 merits. The game draw took 50 points and the game consumed 23 points. But now he has tripled the merits of the consumption!

Sure enough, the meritorious system of this game machine, the later, the faster the speed of earning merits, the future will not worry about the game!

Although that is the case, Rensuo opened the World Store and found that there are no promotional games, only one hot push game.

Well, it's not the "Death Coming" puzzle game, "Three Feet with Death", but a "sacrifice" that looks more unclear, but reveals a **** atmosphere from its name.


"This game is a role-playing game. . This game can reward up to 500 points of merit. The exclusive reward for customs clearance is related to the player's ability at the time of clearance. There may be subsequent chapters and in-app purchase options. The difficulty of the game is: 4 stars +. "

"Partial exclusive reward list:‘ Good and Evil ’,” ‘Every ghost must be cut’, ‘Swallow a hundred bones’, ‘Wolf gu mad’… ”

Then the price of this game is 488 feats.

Ren Suo was silent.

Although he couldn't afford the game, the reward for the game was actually 12 points higher than the sale price.

If this is an 8-merit game, then it is a 488-meritory game. If the game rating is lower, it will lose money directly.

And this game also has in-app purchases, maybe in-app purchases can improve evaluation.

Although the rewards of other games are not more than the actual price, this one is too outrageous.

Either the price of this game is unreasonable, or the exclusive reward of this game is the real reward of this game, which is enough to bridge the gap of merit.

But Ren Suo has no way to know the specific nature of the exclusive rewards, and naturally it is impossible to buy this game.

Of course, he not only couldn't afford it, he couldn't afford it.

Games with a difficulty of 4 stars or more can only be purchased by level 4 players. For games under 3 stars, it doesn't matter the player level.

Speaking of which, this 3 star + game has been cleared, but Ren Suo's player level still has not improved.

It is clear that a good 3 star + game can give a lot of player experience. It seems that Ren Suo has to clear one or two games before he can be promoted to level 3 player.

And then, of course--

"You have received a new message."

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