Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 134: The world's first fish


The game evaluation has been uploaded for so long before the upgrade prompt appears?

However, when Ren Suo opened this information, he found that instead of prompting him to upgrade his player's level, he found a strange system prompt.

"Congratulations to the player for 200 points of merit, Nessel Game Company's friendly reminder: Please try to accumulate merit before being promoted to level 4 player, don't say it is unpredictable."

This reminder can be confusing. The game company to which this small world game console belongs finds that he has made a lot of contributions, and specifically reminded him not to spend them.

Prompt, it ’s a reminder. If you do n’t need to say it, just say ‘I do n’t want to be stupid if you say so.’

It was almost like persuading people not to enter the palace as **** in 1911.

But why do n’t you say 100 merit and wait until 200 merit?

"It seems that when promotion to level 4 players, there is definitely a threshold related to 200 merits ..."

Ren Suo thought about it, but he guessed that this information didn't make much sense. He was still a long way from level 4 players.

When you open the content preservation library, the first thing that comes into Renso's eyes is naturally two treasure chests: the second-level treasure chest of "The Jedi Priest" and the third-level treasure chest of "Enchanting the Spirit of the World".

However, I didn't ask for a key. This thing can't be bought with merits, it can only be obtained in reality.

However, in the past few days, Ren Suo went to Dong Chengling for dinner every day, and it was discovered that there were six students with keys in the two classes she brought. As for the key bearers seen in the dining hall, there were more.

Of course, no matter how many keys he has, it has nothing to do with him.

Just like there are a lot of beauties in the university and a lot of money in the bank, but what does this have to do with Ren Suo?

And in the case of the treasure chest of the previous few times, Ren Suo felt that he was not really a European emperor, let it be, let's talk later when I got the key.

On the contrary, the exclusive reward of `` Spirit of the World '' excites him--

"Super Evolution"!

This reward does not appear on the equipment interface, but, like "physical fitness optimization", it appears directly in the content storage library, indicating that this is a consumable reward, and it will be used up.

Ren Suo didn't think much before, but after playing "Spirit of the World" for more than ten days, his understanding of "super evolution" is extremely deep!

Enchanting beings, the ever-changing nine-tailed fox!

King Kong's body, the mythical monkey king!

Ren Suo does not expect to achieve the third super evolutionary demon realm. If there is a real world for the second super evolution, Ren Suo is also very satisfied!

"Do you turn on 'Super Evolution'?"

"Detected that the player's current evolution status is human, please choose one of the three super evolution cards-"

Yo, yes, there are three more!

Then the next second Rensuo saw these three evolution cards, and was dumbfounded instantly--

"Phantom Beast: Cat", "Phantom Beast: Fox", "Phantom Beast: Fish".

Ren Suo put down the handle, took a deep breath and took off his pants in the toilet. He thought about the time of metabolism, rubbed his palm with hand sanitizer slowly, sorted out his mood, sat down on the sofa, and carefully read the description of the three evolution cards. .

Although it is strange that animal evolution is anthropomorphic, but human evolution is anthropomorphic, it is quite interesting to think about this setting.

And if you do n’t accept it ... For observing the ‘three-second principle’ (food can be eaten for three seconds after landing), you never waste the option of accepting it.

"Fantastic Beast: Cat", a colorless card, the effect is: the player obtains the ability of false tadpoles, night vision, body sensitivity, etc., and obtains the "cat's gas field", which can easily obtain the favor of felines;

"Fantastic Beast: Fox", a colorless card, the effect is: the player gains the ability to enhance the sense of smell, body scent and other abilities, and obtains the "aura of the dog's field", which can easily get the goodwill of canines;

"Fantastic Beast: Fish" is a colorless card. The effect is that players can acquire the ability to breathe and swim underwater, and obtain the "aura of fish", which can easily get the good impression of most fish.

"Well, I know the exclusive rewards of 3-star games. There is a limit to being strong ..."


In the Pacific Ocean, the Prison Island Underground Institute, which is nearly 400 nautical miles away from Los Angeles, is conducting the 751th experiment.

Prison Island is not uncommon in the Federation, and the natural barriers of the ocean are more effective than all obstacles. And the prison island, which is far away from the mainland, is an excellent scientific research place with no possibility of information leakage except satellite phones.

Moreover, this prison island is a private prison. It was originally established by a federal medical-based multinational consortium. In the past six months, other consortiums have continued to inject capital, resulting in the prison becoming the first-class consortium of the Federation. Commons, as well as countless researchers and death row prisoners, were brought into the prison island.

This prison now only has suspended reprieve prisoners. When these prisoners come here, they will no longer have the opportunity to talk to the outside world, and they will wear electromagnetic prison shoes on their feet. This pair of shoes not only makes them slow, but also the entire prison island. The metal floor matching the electromagnetic prison shoes was laid. Once they tried to leave the area that “does not belong to them”, the circuit of the prison shoes would be connected, causing the shoes to generate great magnetic force, forcing them to be fixed on the ground.

This is a prison where people can always be 'planted'.

Two jailers, who were physically fit, escorted prisoner Case to the underground research room. Not only was Case wearing electromagnetic prison shoes, but he was also tied with lead handcuffs on his hands, and his face was covered with an elastic mask that completely opened his mouth. Only a pair of constantly turning eyes revealed his fear and panic.

When Case entered, it was the end of the 751th experiment.

"Clean up here quickly."

A middle-aged white researcher instructed staff to clean up the 'people' who had melted into ice cream on a steel seat, and kept looking at the curve of the display screen: "How many people are there?"

"Three people, doctors," said the female researcher next to her. "Subject No. 752 is here."

"Well, the next fatigue test for five people ... continued immediately after 30 seconds."

Case saw the group of experimental assistants clean up the flesh and the internal organs of the seat like a whirlwind, and several stronger assistants took away the lead handcuffs and electromagnetic prison shoes.

He knelt down on the ground in fear, making a noise, but the assistants came together to place him on the seat, holding his hands and feet together. A black assistant patted his face, scorning: "It's all scum that is going to die, but don't stop incontinence. It's very troublesome for us to clean up later."

Ah ah ah-

I am not, I was wronged!

But no one is interested in listening to his story. Perhaps he was the company's CEO and was so miserable by his partners;

Maybe he was a banker, and found that his wife and adulterer had **** with each other in the middle of the night, and they all started by themselves, but the robbers who passed by caused him to be stolen;

Maybe he was undercover at the police station, but his boss was 'jumped' off the building, and no one could prove his identity ...

And here he is only the 752th experimenter.

When he scolded the injustice of fate in his heart, he never thought about it. If fate favored him, it would be too unfair to the 751 people in front-who dare to say that the 751 people in the front were not wronged?

"The experiment begins."

Case was tense, waiting for the current or blade to arrive.

No, but his seat turned 180 °.

Because the steel seat was too big, Case didn't see anything behind the seat, and now he finally saw it-it was a fish tank.

In the fish tank, there is a thumb-sized blue-green fish.

The 751 prisoners in front of him did not recognize the origin of the fish, and at best they thought the fish was too small.

But Keith is not the same. He majored in biology when he was a university student. He was once obsessed with the Cambrian outbreak of biology. He used to watch various ancient fossils with other students in museums around the world.

The fish in front of him quickly reminded Case of his memories of college—

"This is ... Haikou fish?"

Haikou fish is a primitive quasi-fish-like organism, belonging to the genus Jawless. Its fossils were found in Yunnan, Xuan Kingdom, and traced to the Cambrian. Ancient vertebrates have pushed the emergence of chordates to 530 million years ago.

Trilobites, which are familiar to everyone, are much more complicated than Haikou fish. Haikou fish is called 'the world's first fish' and it only exists in fossils.

However, the thumb-sized fish in the aquarium in front of Case made him believe at first glance that this is Haikou fish!

This is a firm belief for no reason-even if it is exactly the same as a fossil, it is not impossible to have fish similar to Haikou fish for so many years.

However, when Case looked at the fish, his body's acetylcholine was secreted quickly, and even made him forget his current situation, leaving only pilgrimage-like happiness in his mind.

But the next second, the table on which the fish tank was located quickly approached his body, and at this time, Case saw that there was still a guide tube under the fish tank.

Soon, the staff inserted the guide tube into his opened mouth, the organ in the fish tank was activated, and the water continuously slipped into Case's mouth from the fish tank.

Case recalled the misery in the steel seat just now.

Do those people become like that just because they drink this water?

Thinking was quickly overwhelmed by consciousness, Case felt the blood in his body boil, and the pain spread from the depth of the bone marrow ~ ~ Despair moaning in the soul folds ...

God, as long as I can be saved ... whether you are Jehovah, Satan, noodles, bugs, black goats, computers, game consoles, or whatever, I am willing to worship you until the end of the world!


Kirby Ann Archive 752 (very dense)

Subject: Keith Troy, 34, male, Florida

Experimental background: No. 3 (DATA EXPUNGED) appeared in the stomach of a 45-year-old middle-aged male in New Jersey for the first time. Three close contacts also died of body melting within three days. The causes of death were all caused by excessive cell proliferation. Unbearable and burst open. It has been found that effects can be avoided without direct contact.

Experimental situation: No. 3 (DATA EXPUNGED) passed through a (DATA EXPUNGED) wide catheter to enter the body of the subject. Afterwards, the body of the subject was greatly strengthened, the anesthesia needle prepared by the experimental chair was invalid, and the metal floor was broken with the head After drilling into the ground, only a round hole with a width of 40cm came out. According to investigations, the cave opens out of the island and is expected to have entered the Pacific Ocean.


At night, somewhere on the beach in Los Angeles, a man in the middle with no clothes and bald hair went quietly ashore. It took him a lot of effort to steal a suit and some cash, take a taxi on the highway, and name a safe house that he bought with someone else's identity.

With a beard, the driver wearing a Manchester United hat looked at his Mediterranean Sea from the mirror first, and then looked at his face: "Your neck is hurt, don't you go and see?"


Case touched his neck, and he saw a large fish-like thumb wound on his neck in the mirror.

"It's all right."

Case couldn't help laughing, the fish blood and the broken fish in his teeth scared the driver:

"This is the mark left by the Savior."

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