May 20, rain.

"The ticking rain makes people sleepy and hazy, because the rain is white noise and naturally has a sleeping effect, which is as calm as a sleeping song. So it rains every year in the college entrance examination. behavior……"

"Hahaha, Dr. Ren, you are telling the truth. I will have the college entrance examination next year."

An adult man is in close physical contact with an underage girl in the surgical treatment room of the school hospital in Tianlian College.

Ren Suo grabbed Lin Xianyu's Rouyi with one hand, and placed one hand on her arm. The right palm radiated white warm light like a light ball. Lin Xianyu's arm-like wound quickly began to heal, crusting , Falling.

After dealing with the right hand, go to the left. It's summer. Lin Xianyu wore a short-sleeved uniform issued by Tianlian Academy. As soon as he stretched out, ugly wounds appeared in front of Ren Suo. Ren Suo was also surprised, and he used "spells and healing" to heal. One side asked: "Do you still want the college entrance examination? According to your talents, most of them are cultivator universities that have been promoted to Tianjing, and can even work directly ... How many days will you continue to do this?"

Sitting on the hospital bed, Lin Xianyu shook his calf and shook his head: "I don't know, it's six or seven days?"

"Then you still have to suffer."

"It's okay. Anyway, I was injured while asleep, and only a little pain after waking up."

Lin Xianyu looked at his smooth right arm and said, "Fortunately, there is a doctor, otherwise I would have to bandage these days to go to school."

"I'm not a doctor, just call me Big Brother."

"Okay Uncle Ren, hehe ~"

Ren Suo shook the corners of his mouth. Facing such a young and lively female high school student who carried the key, Ren Suo almost shifted her eyes and barely kept her calm.

Lin Xianyu was the first high school student awakener to appear in Tianlian College after allowing students to practice. After she awakened, Ren Suo was called to work-her first rescue student was her.

In fact, it is not a first aid, but Lin Xianyu awakened too scary. If the heart rate and blood pressure are abnormal, the alarm mechanism in the wrist will be triggered automatically.

When Ren Suo saw Lin Xianyu, she was already carried into the school hospital. Her arms, palms, and fingers were rolled back like blood into a fruit blender, and her hands were bloody. Several nurses were trying to find a way for her. Hemostasis.

Then Ren Suo shouted 'Let me come', and the pretty nurse stood up and yelled, 'Who are you and you are not the doctor to do it', and then Ren Suo staged a feast of magical treatment ... Naturally it is not so The twists and turns, after Ren Suo had identified his identity, the nurse and doctor hurried back and let Ren Suo perform.

In order to heal those two hands, Ren Suo consumed most of his reiki, and the healing effect was quite average. Ren Suo had to change to "Healing Touch" in the back, consuming his energy to heal.

"Healing Touch" is indeed a little stronger than "Spell and Healing". "Healing" at most makes the wound crusted, and "Healing Touch" can guarantee a perfect treatment without leaving scars.

To put it simply, the effect of "therapy" is a stitch, and "touch of treatment" can allow a man who has just undergone XX circumcision surgery to jump left and right to raise and raise his legs, and then learn Nobuyoshi Nono Elephant dance is no problem.

After the treatment was successful, he collapsed himself and slept directly on the hospital bed for three hours.

The next morning, Ren Suo was awakened by the wrist before he got up-Lin Xianyu was in bed together, and found that his hands were stirred by the blade again.

It was only after Ren Suo knew that some of the particularly powerful awakening spells may not be smooth sailing at the time of awakening. Sometimes they not only need to awaken multiple times, but also accompany the spell runaway when awakening, which will lead to many consequences.

Such as Lin Xianyu, it is already a relatively ordinary phenomenon of awakening, because the phenomenon of awakening violent phenomenon only occurs when she is asleep, and it only affects herself.

Ren Suo didn't know what the awakening was. After contacting Tianjing, the college confirmed that Lin Xianyu had a precedent for this kind of awakening. His hands would continue to bleed for several days without affecting other people.

In other words, both hands are temporarily unavailable. At most, there will be more subtle difficulties in going to the toilet. In theory, as long as you stop bleeding every day, there will be no danger to your life.

However, Tianlian College has a medical monk named Ren Suo. Naturally, he does not want the first awakened person to appear a half-money pool. Therefore, Ren Suo who stole half a month's salary has to start working. Have to come to the school hospital to help Lin Xianyu treat his arm.

After the treatment, Lin Xianyu looked at his pure white hands and thanked him, "Thank you, Brother Ren."

"Hey, you're welcome."

Ren Suo pretended to inadvertently propose: "Would you like to make up for it here? The treatment time I applied for was one hour. After I left, no one would come in here to disturb you. When I was a student, The most hope is to sleep more ... "

"Oh, oh, you hit me, believe it or not, and tell Teacher Dong."

Lin Xianyu looked at Ren Suo with a smirk, and Ren Suo slightly surprised: "Huh?"

"Don't pretend, who in our class doesn't know you're chasing Teacher Dong. You and Teacher Dong are hot topics in our class."

Lin Xianyu said excitedly: "Our class are students from all over the world. There was no common topic, so I talked about the teacher. But you and Teacher Dong are much more explosive than the teacher. We are all guessing that you can Can't melt Teacher Tieshan! "

Looking at Lin Xianyu's appearance, Ren Suo suddenly remembered that when he was in high school, he would discuss the relationship between handsome male teachers and beautiful female teachers with other students.

I just didn't expect that Ren Suo would have a day of ridicule.

"Kids don't talk nonsense." Ren Suo used his old tricks, and adults' nirvana against minors.

"Cut." Lin Xianyu jumped out of the bed: "You're all right, every day is like a holiday, it's like us seven days a week, five days from morning to night."

Ren Suo bitterly said: "The two days of rest are so happy because of the pavement for five days of school."

"I use your experience of eleven summer vacations to tell you that as long as it is a holiday, there will be endless happiness and no need for any pavement."

High school students' ability to refute is much better now than before. I used to think that people had to go home and sleep for one night before coming up with such a good reason ...

Ren Suo watched Lin Xianyu pick up his schoolbag and asked, "Don't you sleep for a while?"

"I was full of sleep last night, goodbye Brother Ren."

"Little on the road ... wow!"

As soon as Ren Suo turned his head, he saw Lin Xianyu's playful face dangle in front of himself, and Lin Xianyu saw Ren Suo's reaction very happy, touched his head and ran away with a smile.

When the door of the treatment room was closed, Ren Suo yawned and rubbed his temples on the bed.

He also thought that he could get her key while Lin Xianyu was asleep.

"Forget it ~ ~ As long as you have a good relationship, there will always be opportunities ..."

Thinking about it this way, Ren Suo himself fell asleep in the treatment room.

In his sleep, Ren Suo felt like a stick, like falling into the endless abyss of Shenhai, touched by countless tentacles ...

When he woke up, he felt two or three hands on his hands.

"Really comfortable!"

"I can't bear to wake him up."

Ren Suo opened his eyes and saw Dong Chengling and other nurses reach out and stroke his hair.

(╬ ̄ Ware): "What are you doing ...?"

"It's night!" Dong Chengling said, "You've been sleeping all day."

Then, she rubbed Rensuo's hair again. The other nurses loosened their hands, but rubbed them again before releasing them.

"So, why are you touching my head?"

"I don't know, but I feel comfortable!"

Ren Suo sat up and looked at the outside. The sky was actually dark. There was a big bird flying outside. Ren Suo could barely see it.

Now in May, when I look at the time, it's almost seven o'clock.

"I slept like this for a day ..." Ren Suo rubbed his eyes: "Then, it should start tomorrow ..."

At this time, a strange, solitary flying bird crossed the Lianjiang River. It was like a seagull, but its wings were as large as a vulture, and its beak was extremely sharp.

When it saw a mountain peak and wanted to stop and take a rest, it happened to encounter a drone. It didn't have the slightest fear, and it killed one claw, which directly damaged the drone's wings.

And the staff of a company who was completing a group construction at the barbecue site in the middle of the mountain, just watched the drone that took a picture of them killed by a bird, and fell hummingly.

"Are the birds so fierce now?"

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