There were a total of three games in the promotion, and Ren Suo had already anticipated this-Gu Yu's promotion had only four games.

Semi-finished games like this are completely free, and a little less is normal.

It's just that the names of these three games are so special that Ren Suo could not choose at all last night.

The Passing Hat

"Everyone has a hat. Whose hat will you wear tonight? The game is expected to be difficult: 2 stars, clearance period: 7 days remaining."


"Luck determines survival, luck determines effort, luck determines the outcome. The game is expected to be difficult: 3 stars +, clearance period: 5 days remaining."

"Guess the Number"

"It's not easy to be extraordinary, but it is even more difficult to be completely ordinary. The game is expected to be difficult: 3 stars, clearance period: 6 days remaining."

The introduction is the same as none. The name of the game is like a game played by Ren Suo when he was a kid. For some reason, the introduction of the game and the game name are full of horror.

It's like listening to Snow White's story. Suddenly she heard that Snow White entered the theater of "Deadly Curve" and "The Chainsaw Horror" and met seven cannibals ...

And, while these three games are free, they are also expensive.

Because the game has no protagonist.

However, the game does not have a protagonist, and the player does not have a character to control, so it cannot be played.

Therefore, if Ren Suo wants to play any kind of game, he has to ‘dedicate’ a protagonist to the game.

That's right, the way to get the semi-finished games in Xiaoman's promotional activities is to use Rensuo's already-cleared games as bets to get the temporary playing rights of the semi-finished games.

At the same time, Ren Suo can also use the protagonist in the bet game to play semi-finished games!

In a popular way, it's a bit like replacing old with new.

If Ren Suo successfully clears the semi-finished game, the game as a bet will do nothing; but if Ren Suo's final clearance fails, the game as a bet will disappear.

Of course, Rensuo ’s rewards will not be gone, and if Rensuo wants to continue playing the old game, he can also buy the game back through “Search”, but the game is not cleared, and there is no reward even if he clears , The original record will be completely lost.

For example, Ren Suo sacrificed the first chapter of "Crossing My Corpse." After failure, Ren Suo bought the game again and played the first chapter again. He also only obtained the game rights of the second chapter. Chapter 1 ' You can't find the record of 'Let's do it'.

There is no doubt that for Ren Suo, even if he sacrifices all the games, it will have no effect on him-he has cleared the game anyway.

However, when Ren Suo found that the "cleared game" was actually the currency for purchasing "semi-finished games", he naturally thought of other problems:

Why can the characters who have already completed the game enter the semi-finished game?

Apart from semi-finished games, are there other places where you can use the already cleared games?

When Ren Suo realized that "cleared games" was also a resource, he was naturally cautious, so he thought in bed last night and didn't sleep.

If all three of these semi-finished games have gone to great lengths, Ren Suo now has a lot of merits and don't feel bad.

However, with a kind of resource that Rensuo now ‘do n’t know if it ’s useful’, betting on a semi-finished game with ‘only unknown exclusive rewards’, Rensuo hesitated for a long time.

He felt like a chief of sand sculpture in BC, and was asked by a traverser with a glass ball: "What are the tons of black oil that can only catch fire? Can it be replaced by a peerless glass ball?"

Stepping on the edge of the pit and being pitted, Ren Suo's final choice was to only bet on one.

Originally, all three games had a limited clearance time, and Ren Suo could be lucky if he could open a game before the deadline.

At the same time, because the semi-finished game cannot be "searched" and missed the promotion on the solar term day, there is no chance to play it later, so you must try it.

The question is, which one to own?

"Killer", "If you are strong, go up to 10,000 meters", "Cross my body", "Jester Priest", "Spirit of the World" ...

If the level of power in the game is not high, if you choose the protagonists of "Cross My Body" and "Swallow the World Spirit", wouldn't it be possible to go in and hit everything?

The strongest monk and surpass the strongest Monkey King.

However, Ren Suo quickly abandoned this unrealistic illusion: in case there are special rules in the game, or violence is not a necessary element of customs clearance at all, it is a pit.

And, if the game characters are really useful, then Ren Suoke is not willing to lose the powerful characters in these two games.

I did n’t know it before, but now I know that the protagonist can cross to other games. Ren Suo naturally divided these games into three or six grades: "Cross My Body", "Swallow the World Spirit" is best, "Jedi" "Priest" is next, "Killer" is the second, "If you are strong, 10,000 meters" is the most useless.

Therefore, Ren Suo chose the female seeker who consumes 10,000 meters to be a strong one, as a bet for purchasing semi-finished games.

As for what game to choose, it is naturally a 2-star "Pass Hat".

Ren Suo doesn't want to get anything from the game, but just to see what the semi-finished game contains. He must choose the simplest one, and the game with the highest hope for customs clearance.

After the purchase is completed, a new game will appear on the main interface. The background of the game icon is dark, there is only one candle, and the hat is half lit by the flame. No style can be seen.

"Put your hat on."

When the game started, an old female voice sounded from a great distance.

Ren Suo swallowed, and turned on all the lights in the living room, toilet, and bedroom ~ ~. During the day, Ren Suo felt a chill in his spine.

At this time, he thought of Li Dan's words: "... as long as you don't seize the opportunity, you can't afford to take risks, at least you can survive."

Shit, even if you do n’t dare to take risks, do n’t you dare to take a game!

The dignity of being a strong keyboard makes Ren Suo cheer and stare at the screen.

"This game is automatically saved."

"This game can be connected to a mobile phone, allowing games to be played on the phone."

Ok? Can it be turned into a mobile game?

The picture slowly lights up, and I see a circular house in the dense forest under the dark moon.

The house was separated from the ground, the door was open, and the woman seeker walked in and found a round table inside. There were a dozen foggy figures sitting beside the round table.

There are more than a dozen hats on the table, with different styles, such as straw hats, peaked hats, bucket hats, cowboy hats and so on.

Opposite the doorway, there is a girl in a hat sitting. Although there were candles in the room, there was no way to reflect the appearance of the girl.

Girl: "Welcome, welcome. I haven't met other players for a long time and can start playing ... But, what about your hat?"

At this time, the female seeker suddenly added a small round hat, and also popped up the item information:

"Chat of the Seeker: Perception + 20%."

Girl: "Please put your hat down."

In the picture, the black mist woman puts the beret on her head on the table, and the seeker also puts the hat on the table.

The desktop rotates at a speed that can be captured by the naked eye, and three messages pop up continuously in the game:

「Press ○ to choose a hat」

"Clearance goal: Put on all hats and turn them into your own hat."

"The Enlightenment of the Seeker: Seekers can see which hats have not been worn by‘ she ’.”

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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