"Chengling, I ask you."

In the dining hall of Tianlian College, Ren Pao was absent-mindedly pulling Hainanese chicken rice, staring at the mobile phone tightly, and suddenly asked Dong Chengling, who was eating a larger portion of teriyaki chicken rice, "If you do n’t finish the night Homework, your dad will hit you again if you don't finish your homework, what do you do? "

Dong Chengling said vaguely: "I haven't tried and finished my homework."

"What if Godzilla attacks your school and you don't have time to do your homework?"

"My dad won't hit me."

"What if your dad was so angry that he missed breakfast and lunch that night?"

"If you don't eat, it will be very easy to get angry." Dong Chengling thought very seriously for a moment and said, "Then stay up late and finish the homework."

"If you are already tired and don't want to do it?" Ren Suo said.

Dong Chengling said: "How can you be so tired doing homework?"

Ren Suo slightly hesitated and nodded: "That makes sense!"

So he looked at the game interface of "Passing the Hat" on the mobile phone. The screen on the screen was the night war homework. An incandescent lamp illuminated the workbook on the desktop.

"Because I didn't hand in my homework, I was criticized by my teacher. My father said that I couldn't finish my homework today and I would be killed, but I really couldn't finish it."

There are three options on the screen: "Continue to do it and die (the seeker has unlimited energy to choose from)", "Don't do it, sleep", and "Explain the situation to your father (5 courage required)"

Ren Suo chose to "continue to die," after weighing whether to consume some courage and discuss with Dong Chengling.

The picture began to flow, and a 45-minute countdown hourglass appeared. Ren Suo turned off the phone with ease. At this time, Dong Chengling asked: "What are you so focused on?"

"Oh, just someone asked me for an emotional consultation." Ren Suo shrugged.

In a sense, he did not make a mistake.

The game "Passing the Hat" looked like a horror game at first, but after discovering that Ren Suo played it ... this tm is a very difficult on-hook text adventure game!

Yes, hang up, text adventure games!

When the seeker randomly chooses a hat, he will enter the trial of the hat, and the game screen will fall into memory.

"The seeker put on Cheng Xiao's hat."

"The seeker is experiencing Cheng Xiao's childhood."

"The seeker is experiencing Cheng Xiao's childhood and has received a tenderness."

"The seeker is scorning the behavior of a bear child who is scorned, and is reduced by 1 serving of tenderness."

"The seeker felt that Cheng Xiao secretly helped the first love object's green onions, and obtained 3 tenderness."


Then he left nothing to do. He turned on the mobile phone's Bluetooth, and originally planned to search for the small world game console. Unexpectedly, after turning on Bluetooth, the "Transfer Hat" app appeared on the mobile phone desktop.

As soon as the app is opened, it is the record of information that the seeker experienced when the hat owner passed.

After waiting for 30 to 60 minutes, the seeker will go through a relatively peaceful past, and then encounter the difficulties that the owner of the hat has encountered, including but not limited to not confessing to first love, being bullied, not being called back on the spot, Hurt parents and so on due to temper tantrums.

At this time, players need to make a choice.

If Ren Suo fails to play in time and does not matter, the seeker will spontaneously go through the past again, accumulating "courage" and "gentle" resources.

Most important options require "courage" or "gentleness", and even some options require both, and such options are not necessarily right. Some options that consume more resources are wrong, and do not need to consume any resources. Instead, the hat owner can get out of the regrets of the past.

Among them, if you choose the wrong option, you will not immediately break away from the trial of the hat, but continue to let the seeker experience the situation of the hat owner becoming worse. At this time, resources will be reduced, but new choices will appear. You have chosen the right one, but you ca n’t regenerate salted fish and pass the hat test.

There are two difficulties in this game: resources, time.

Resources can only be obtained from on-hook, that is, the seeker goes through the process of the hat owner's past, but only 30 minutes, the acquired resources may not meet the needs of the choice.

At this time, Ren Suo either chooses to continue hanging up, or ventures to choose some options that consume less resources or do not consume resources. Some of these options are the correct answers, but they may also make the seeker in a more difficult situation in the hat trial.

However, the fun of hat trials is that as long as you dare to survive, it may not be a dead end.

For example, in one of the hat trials, there was a scene saying "I was bullied by a dead fat man. After I had a fight with him, the teacher punished us all. When I argued, she said," A slap will not sound. " ".

In the option, "One slap teacher, asking 'No ringing'" requires 15 courage. Ren Suo consumed too much courage and lacked resources in the previous choice. Another option, "I shout dad!" Does not require courage, see It was also quite reliable, and Ren Suo chose the latter.

However, when 'Father' arrived, he also accused the seeker. After the seeker went home with 'Father', even 'Father' wanted to educate his children.

At this time, if the seeker does not resist ~ www.readwn.com ~, 5 courage and 5 tenderness will be lost, so Renso equips the seeker with an "introduction to fighting" and slams the 'father' firmly. pause.

After hitting 'Father', the seeker was naturally kicked out of the house, lingering outside for several days, not going to school, not going home, finding a restaurant as a helper, and suddenly seeing recruitment information on TV, his brain was hot , Went home and stole the hukou and identity card to join the army.

Then, this hat turned out to be the first hat to be successfully transformed.

After being transformed, no matter what hat it was before, the hat will be entangled with green light after transformation.

As long as you pass the trial, the "courage" and "gentle" resources and skills acquired by the Taoist in the trial will be fully inherited, and allowed to be used in the next hat trial.

And if you put on a transformed hat, the resources you get on-hook will double.

However, no matter how many resources, failing to pass the hat trial once is useless.

After the seeker enters the trial, there is only one result: passing the trial, or being forced to take off his hat.

Being forced to take off the hat, either the seeker got into trouble during the trial and kept consuming resources to struggle to survive, or he chose the wrong option continuously, and all the resources were depleted and he couldn't continue.

And even if Ren Suo can remember the choice of the hat trial, and he has already worn the hat once, when he enters it again, the seeker can choose to skip the previous experience and go directly to the scene where the choice is to be made.

However, to make a choice, you must hang up to get resources.

But just like "infinite energy" will lead to other options, Ren Suo found that equipping seekers with different skills and different props can also temporarily add some wonderful options to the choice, which can often reduce the loss of resources and even accelerate the completion of the trial. .

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