Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 141: Black Shadow of Ambulance

As for time, this is the second difficulty.

Ren Suo played this game for three days, and the number of hats changed from 13 to 16 while Ren Suo only transformed 5 hats.

You need to know that although the hat must go through the plot to hang up to collect resources, the necessary time for each hat is 3 to 4 hours. Rensuo this night owl can fully adjust the alarm clock, get up on time as soon as the time comes, collect the resources and continue the hat trial.

But the scenes of each hat trial are different. Even if most of them are boys' childhood and juvenile memories, their worries are diverse. Some people need to confess to pass the customs, while others are I hope I will cherish this youthfulness forever.

Every trial and error requires resources. Sometimes after you make a mistake, you continue to find that this is a dead end that will only consume resources. It is a waste of time and resources, unless Rensuo can survive in the Jedi.

"The seeker did his homework so that he didn't finish it in the morning. The awake father looked at the seeker, cursed shame, locked the seeker in his bedroom, didn't allow him to go to school, and didn't give him food."

"After a day, the seeker will lose 2 courage and 1 tenderness because of hunger."

At this time, two options appeared: "yelling, confessing to beg for wrong (3 courage)", and "bear in silence."

Ren Suo swallowed the teriyaki chicken chop in his mouth, thought about it, and equipped the seeker with an "infinite fried chicken set."

"The seeker summoned the fried chicken set and survived the first day."

"The seeker summoned the fried chicken set and survived the next day."

"On the third day, 'Father' appeared. He looked at the seeker without saying a word, and took the seeker to the living room to drink porridge. After drinking, he said,` `Yes, it was like I was hard-pressed. ''

"Li Ming's hat was transformed successfully."

Successfully transformed six hats.

Ren Suo is now groping about this game's routine: Rather than let the seeker choose the right option in a hat-tested life, it is better to let the seeker do everything possible to stay in it longer.

Life is unsatisfactory. Although the owners of these hats show many regrets due to lack of courage and lack of tenderness in memory, in fact, this regret is the normal life.

As long as you keep on living, as long as you encounter a little opportunity, such as a strange and kind person, a recruiting advertisement, and an apology like praise, people can get expectations of the future from it, so that they can untie their knots and gather courage , Continue to move forward in life.

"Have you been helping Xiaoyu treat these days?" Dong Chengling asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Ren Suo put away his cell phone and finished the last few bites. "Yeah, but she didn't come today. It seems that she is awake."

However, Ren Suo had found an opportunity two days ago, and let Lin Xianyu sleep in the treatment room for a while and successfully obtained her key, so he didn't care, at most he just lost the opportunity to touch the arm of a female high school student every morning. .

"That's great." Dong Chengling picked up the plate and stood up with emotion. "The stronger the awakening spell, the more side effects will accompany the awakening, but it's nothing to lose compared to the one obtained."

Ren Suo picked up the plate and followed her: "Do you want to wake up too?"

"Of course." Dong Chengling said for granted: "This is a gift from fate, which means that you are different and a force that you never betray ..."

After Dong Chengling set the plate, he suddenly turned around and said Ren Suo, "Thank you very much."

"Suddenly solemn, the next sentence is not 'You are a good man'?" Ren Suo said casually.

"You are a good person, and if before, I may not be willing to develop a relationship with you." Dong Chengling said, "But when I set foot on the road to cultivation, I decided that I must go on this road At the end, it is my dream to see that ordinary people cannot see the scenery. "

"I don't want to be slowed down by feelings, and I don't want to spend training time on dating, dating, and spending meaningless energy in pursuit of the other half. Tianlian Academy will only be a springboard. As long as I have a chance, I must Find a way to a better place, continue to learn, and continue to cultivate. "

Ren Suo also took it a little more seriously and said, "You can do it."

"Thank you." Dong Chengling smiled slightly: "But I also admit that you really made me a little bit more tempted ... You didn't bother me at other times, just exchanged interesting things with me during the meal. Other colleagues and students felt that I Lonely, difficult to communicate, serious, difficult to communicate, only you are willing to endure. "

Ren Suo: "It's okay, talking straight, not malicious poisonous tongue is okay, and it also saves communication time ... At least I know that the gift you want most is cultivation time."

Dong Chengling nodded and said: "This kind of solitary swim on both sides of Pinghu is close but not close, leaving space for each other. It is indeed a way of communication I used to yearn for."

Ren Suo blinked and lowered her hat slightly: "Um ... uh ... I knew you were such a person at first glance."

In fact, Ren Suo would think of Dong Chengling when she ate ... and her future key.

Dong Chengling breathed a sigh of relief: "Clarify everything ~ ~ I'm also at ease. If I never contact again, I won't mind; but if you still want to be my friend, I will not refuse -Indeed, it is more fun for two to eat. "

"A friend card will do." Ren Suo laughed. "You can become a friend of a future boss by eating, which is really worth it."

Even if she does not have the key, Ren Suo is willing to have a good relationship with Dong Chengling. In addition to her looks more in line with Ren Suo ’s aesthetics, more importantly, she will inevitably become a strong person who can use space magic.

When the key is obtained, Ren Suo will not be able to get in touch with Dong Chengling even if he has the awakening spell of the space system, how can he stay at Tianlian College?


The ambulance stopped on the highway, and the medical staff quickly took the stretcher and got off the train. As the on-board doctor Li Ran instructed: "Little strong Ming, you two remember the steps and slowly drag the driver out of the car-"

Li Ran stopped at halfway, because they saw the driver lying next to the overturned truck, and the characters were in the sky. Although they were still in a coma, they saved a lot of effort.

Li Ran squatted down and explored the driver's heartbeat, asking others to lift the driver into the ambulance. He looked at the ground. There was a wallet with a 100 yuan version of the fourth edition blown by the wind.

"Someone came, dragged the driver out, and stole his money by the way?" Li Ran immediately thought of this possibility, and immediately contacted the traffic police officers who came after him and handed them over to the scene.

But when he turned his head, he saw that there seemed to be a dark shadow behind the door of the ambulance.

"Huh? Wildcat?" Li Ran hurriedly walked over to see that the wildcat and wild dog carried a lot of bacteria. It would be very likely to cause infection if they met the patient.

However, the ground of the ambulance was empty and there were no wildcats or dogs.

"Maybe I read it wrong ..."

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