Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 763: 1 player global

March 19, London.

When Yu Kuangtu woke up from the luxurious suite of the Red Carnation 41 Hotel, he still felt like he was dreaming.

He pressed the button beside the bed, and the open ceiling on his head slowly unfolded, casting warm sunlight on the white sheets. Picking up the remote control and pressing it with ease, a LCD TV pops up slowly on the floor, automatically turns on and plays the morning news.

The floor is a monotone black and white paved floor tile. The suite is a split-level design. Yu Kuangtu sleeps on the second floor. In addition to handmade bedding, the second floor is equipped with an astronomical telescope. On the first floor, there is a living room and a cloakroom. In addition, there are marble bathrooms with double jacuzzis, separate showers, separate dining areas, espresso machines, individually controlled air conditioning, and Bose music systems. Yu Kuangtu's own furniture is not so comprehensive.

Five minutes to Buckingham Palace and 15 minutes to Westminster Abbey, you can really smell the smell of capitalist corruption.

Of course, Yu Kuangtu himself is not ... he can't afford it, but he is an economically applicable man, unless he is traveling with Qin Lian to enjoy it, otherwise he will definitely be on the business trip alone.

The problem is that colleagues who travel with him are unwilling to give up.

After washing, eating breakfast delivered to the suite, coffee to add sugar to the death, and then put on the most handsome countermeasure vest.

Yu Kuangtu left the room, took the elevator upstairs, and saw Chen Liao already standing at the door.

The handsome young man who just joined the Great Wall of China smiled at Kuang Tu and said, "He seems to have something to do. Why don't you go to the lobby first? Others are in the lobby."

As soon as Yu Kuangtu wanted to agree, the door was opened.

The Peregrine Falcon, who always wears green sportswear throughout the year, yawned and waved his hand and said, "Sorry, I pulled a lot of shit, and I came out late. The steak last night was half-baked, and I didn't want to digest it. ... "

Chen Liao said quickly: "Everyone has gathered in the lobby, and the car is already waiting at the door."

You snorted, followed them into the elevator, turned around and asked, "Old Yu, how are these lectures these days?"

Thinking back then, in fact, more than a year ago, Yu Kantou and You You who both belonged to the innocent and awake early awakened went to Tianjing and became students in the seat. However, the students of Renzuo are also divided into three categories: the strong one, Yu You, is responsible for the formation of Xuangu ’s most extraordinary institution, the Great Wall, and Yu Kuangtu went to the Countermeasure Bureau as the deputy director.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. After all, in the live broadcast of "Fate" in October, You Yu and Mr. Chuan and others came to Lianjiang in order to take advantage of Dong Chengling's space transmission capabilities, but their relationship is just ordinary classmates. ...

After all, when Yu Kuangtu knew you, you were the character of this dead man. I did n’t know how much repair was done by any seat in a wheelchair, so I was naturally not interested in having a relationship with him.

However, because of business trips in the past few days, their relationship has become familiar.

However, Yu Kuangtu, who had been educated by his girlfriend and IQ, soon realized that You are kind to yourself because you have been promoted four times—if you ca n’t point out how You can pursue your wife, and at least want to chat with him equally You have to be a four-turn monk, and you have to be a mystic.

No matter what strength you are, foreigners have a bad face, even if the other party is Angel Zach.

"Useless," Yu Kuangtu said directly, "either it is a secret that everyone knows, or it is very professional and does not have any extraordinary knowledge that can be copied-there is no dry goods at all."

Chen Liao said: "This international extraordinary scientific conference is essentially to show other countries the extraordinary research results of their country, and important knowledge exchanges must be placed after the conference."

"At the same time, various extraordinary institutions are also taking advantage of this opportunity to send out trading signals, such as the armor of the Wuhun Temple [Su Zhan Ming Zun], the spell inscription tool [Totem] of the Winter Castle, and the watchman can slightly enhance the extraordinary effect. Extraordinary items [Ether lens] ... Since they are displayed, it means that there is a possibility of trading, and the country should now be negotiating cooperation with other countries. "

You Yi said faintly: "It would be nice if they would obediently offer, otherwise it would be better if I took you with you."

Chen Liao smiled bitterly: "Sir, don't say that after you go out, the Chinese penetration rate of the extraordinary people in various countries is very high now ... pay attention to international influence."

"If there is only one mysterious country in this world, then there is no so-called international influence." You Xi yawned.

Yu Kuangtu turned his head to understand the meaning of the phrase "Only one Xuan Kingdom", but Chen Liao reluctantly smiled, "But it is not yet."

"Well, I'll work hard." You You agreed, taking them casually with the Great Wall and the countermeasure monks. In addition to Kuangtu this time, two countermeasure monks joined the exchange team, all of which are at the four-turn level, and are unwilling to join the Great Wall.

Homeland is hard to leave, not only Kuangtu, but of course there are more people who are willing to join the Great Wall of China-according to Chen Liao, it seems that after the departure of the Didela plane, the concentration of the earth's aura has further increased, and the Great Wall of China There are more than ten new gauges.

Therefore, the exchange team sent by Xuanguo this time is a full four-turn level.

Yu Kuangtu also quietly asked Chen Liao, the person-in-charge of the exchange (the person in charge is Yu You). Why didn't Qiao Mu Yi be invited this time, Chen Liao replied: "It's not that we didn't invite her, but she Unwilling to travel and push you hard. "

Recalling Qiao Muyi's double-label dog-face that says "My love is too big", Yu Kuangtu suggested to Chen Liao: "Next time you say you can take a family member with this business trip, maybe she will come . "

In fact, Yu Kuangtu also knew a little about this business trip. After being promoted four times, he was called to Tianjing. In a basement, he encountered a long-lost, immortal fairy seat.

To Kuangtu's surprise, Ren Zuo still remembered his student and gave instructions on his Awakening Spell. He taught him a special spell that was 100% compatible with him. He almost wanted to Promised to join the Great Wall of China.

However, Ren Zuo seemed to see his mind and said with a smile: "We have no say here that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since Lianjiang has everything you love, you don't have to force yourself to come to the Great Wall. Wherever you work, It is to contribute to the society. In the Countermeasure Bureau or the Great Wall of China, you are guarding the lights of Wanjia. Just follow your inner thoughts. "

Then, after less than a day of practicing in Tianjing, Yu Kuangtu was dragged into the plane by people from the Great Wall, and went to London in a humble way to participate in the "First International Extraordinary Scientific and Technological Conference".

When he arrived, he found that he had come to fill the field.

Without him, teams from other countries are also led by four turns, and the players are at least three turns.

However, the number of Xuan Guo's four turns is more than other teams, and Yu Kuangtu is highly respected every time they attend the meeting.

You will be beaten when you are behind and you will be forced to be advanced.

However, the Federal Watchmen were not bad, and sent the angel Zach directly. If it weren't for this high-end combat power, maybe you now want to live in Buckingham Palace for two days.

Because Yu Kuangtu is more familiar with You Yan, Yu Kuangtu and You Ye are sitting in the same car, and Chen Liao is in the co-pilot seat. Now Yu Kuangtu helps take care of You Yu, and Chen Liao is relieved.

"Where are you going today?" Yu Kuangtu asked.

"North Greenwich Stadium, 15 kilometers, half an hour." Chen Liao will answer all the questions that may be asked next: "Today is the last day of the extraordinary conference."

You, who is playing with the mobile phone, hesitated, and put the phone back into his pants pocket with excitement, and asked, "The last day? Tomorrow, I can finally go back to Tianjing to drink soy juice?"

What did you think of at this time, and turned to ask Kuangtu: "Older, did you learn?"

"What learned?"

"Squats that teach you spells, I heard they're pretty good?"

At this moment, Yu Kuangtu finally understood why you can be the leader of the communication team.

He used to know that Peregrine Falcons can fight very well, but Peregrine Falcons can still survive to this day with such a bad breath, and I am afraid that their ability to be beaten is not better than their combat capabilities. Such a four-turn peak monk who can fight and be beaten is a perfect match for foreign friends.

"It can basically be used in actual combat."

"That's good, that's good." You Xi hehe laughed.

Yu Kuangtu glanced at him suspiciously, was he going to fight?

But the exchanges over the past few days have been very peaceful. Either someone came on stage and forced to express his feelings of awakening and promotion, or all countries showed extraordinary items that could be mass-produced ...

Soon, they came to the Greenwich Peninsula and arrived at the North Greenwich Stadium like a white porcelain bowl inverted on the ground.

This stadium, built to celebrate the Millennium, was once used as the venue for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is called the "Millennium Dome" and has a very unique shape. Will cut out the yolk ... "

At that time, Yu Kuangtu knew why people on the Great Wall of China respected this newcomer Chen Liao so much. After all, being able to act as a nanny for children with peregrine problems has fully demonstrated Chen Liao's strength.

Entering through the long aisle, Yu You suddenly stopped, narrowed her eyes and stared into the distance. Yu Kuangtu followed his line of sight, and found that he was staring at a little girl in a pink princess dress wearing a princess dress, and unconsciously took out her mobile phone, but for a while I didn't know if I should dial 110 or 999 ...

"The Wizarding Council really dares. You dare to take out such good goods ..." You Xi hummed.

Chen Liao said with a bitter face: "Sir, please don't speak like this ... Are you saying that His Highness Carlin is strong?"

"His Royal Highness Carlin?" Yu Kuangtu froze, and immediately saw that there was a beautiful and lovely blonde girl beside the girl.

Carlin Lampelucci, Britain ’s secret weapon, and Victoria Intelligence ’s national treasure to be guarded from death!

Youfei Lampeliki, the Dean of the British Academy 'Ahalim' Magic Academy, is also the director of the Lampeliki Treasury.

The most important thing is that the two of them have been protected twice by the fairy palace killer!

This is the mortal that Xiangong is willing to send people to guard!

It is said that it was precisely because of Carlin that the Wizarding Council of the European Union could be successfully formed, and respected by the United Kingdom-a force that deterred all European forces!

In the exchange meetings these days, neither of them appeared. Yu Kuangtu thought that London was planning to protect them as a state secret, but did not expect to appear on the last day.

Exchange teams from other countries have also come to the scene one after another, and unlike before, almost all the extraordinary have brought weapons.

Takeshita Sakura's dragonfly cut from the ‘Gun Tianxia’ of the Soul Hall, ‘Swordbear’, Mitsui Mitsui, Nota ...

The "Blood Dancer" Huskar of the Iron Sun wears a weird mask that seems to be burning, and "Shadow" Daze also holds a skull wand ...

The 'Thunder Bear' Ursa in Winter Fort is fully armored and wears iron claws in both hands; 'Rock Shaker' Rig is carrying a huge totem with green light flowing, and his gloves are wearing weird gloves with huge emeralds ...

Everyone is ready for battle!

Yu Kuangtu was shocked, but others didn't seem to explain the idea, so they sat down on the stage and waited for the arrival of teams from other countries.

After a few moments, the gymnasium doors closed shut and all lights turned on.

On the podium, a young man wearing a funny pointed hat, like a medieval mage, stood up.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad to meet you. I'm the President of the Wizarding Council, Tisrel." He didn't use a microphone, and the volume was normal. He spoke English, but Yu Kuangtu was far away. An ordinary college student who has passed the sixth grade can directly understand what he means.

Most importantly, you didn't jump because he spoke English!

Speak with translation and amplification!

But think of his identity, this is nothing—whatever is the Wizard ’s parliamentary chairperson, if he is not the strongest and most extraordinary person in Europe, he must be the top powerful person who can be recognized by the extraordinary person!

"Explain here first. The reason why I didn't show up a few days ago was because I knew what your speech was about in advance, so ... I won't spend that time listening, and it seems to be a wise choice now. "

Tisrel's humorous speech caused a laugh of European dog licking, and then he said: "I have no interest in being the Speaker of the Wizarding Council. It is just my hobby to wear this kind of clothes, but ... well, well, I It is also necessary to fulfill the obligations of the Speaker, such as overseeing the completion of this battlefield. "

Everyone immediately stared at the rubber ground in the stadium. Tisler said: "The ground is now cured by spells. Even the four-level spells are difficult to destroy. Everyone can enjoy the last day of communication here. Then ... nonsense me Do n’t say too much, just start in accordance with the charter? ”

Yu Kuangtu whispered, "Want to fight next?"

"If you don't fight, you won't know each other." You Xun explained faintly. "Rest assured, all countries have brought healing monks, and the parliament is equipped with treatment classes. It can't kill anyone ... if you are going to be killed, I will Will shoot. "

Therapist ...

Yu Kuangtu suddenly thought of Ren Suo.

In terms of treatment, he really trusted the unreliable man.

Yu Kuangtu realized what he asked and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Chen Liao explained: "Each country will have a 'guardian' who will not leave the field. The guardian is responsible for stopping the fight on behalf of the player and even directly protecting the player in his own country. Mr. is our guardian."

Peregrine is our guardian.

This sounds like ‘you are ready to die’.

Chen Liao continued: "In fact, the purpose of this exchange match is to raise the reputation of the new fourth-round monks in various countries. Naturally, there is no need for a great monk such as Mr. to end."

Chen Liao suddenly realized something: "Yu Kuangtu, don't you know about this?"

"I was woke up early in the morning to pull you to the plane ..." Yu Kuangtu looked blank.

Chen Liao glanced at Yuyou silently and explained: "The communication on the last day is a battle communication. There are only four rules. You cannot kill people, you cannot attack the audience. You leave the battle area as admitting defeat. Participants must be four-level monks. . "

"The game process is also very simple, guard."

"Whoever wins has a ten-minute break, and then meets the next challenger. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, there is no reward for winning, but losing may be a shame. After all, the whole video will be released after editing."

"If you have to say winning or losing, it is also winning or losing at the national level. Whoever has more four-turn monks and who has stronger four-turn monks can win the final victory."

"Because the individual has no interests, the danger is not high." At this time, Chen Liao was cheering everyone on behalf of Peregrine. "Everyone can go up and do their best and show their strength. You can't admit defeat if you find yourself playing. The important thing is to play a powerful role and not to lose our face. "

Everyone nodded, and then they watched the transcendents in other countries and regions, and their hearts began to enthusiastically--fight with monks in other countries!

Although Chen Liao said so, everyone naturally wants to win!

Fight for glory for your country and name for yourself!

If they don't envy you like the star-like treatment, it must be false. However, although You Yan was so bad, he was strong and they were convinced.

You do n’t need to be as popular as you are. You normal people show four-turn strength. When the battle video slips out, how can you reach the peak of life!

People from other countries are also eager to move. After all, it is necessary to be famous as early as possible, and you cannot win the final strong, but it is no problem to be a warrior!

Yu Kuangtu also thought of this.

He takes the responsibility of protecting the people of the country, but this does not conflict with becoming a celebrity, fame and fortune!

You see, Qiao Muyi in the office next door is now almost becoming the representative of Xuanguo Feminist. In other words, the Bureau of Countermeasures stopped her from receiving advertisements, otherwise she would have been financially free.

You said Yu Kuangtu was envious but not envious, of course ... envy, envy and hate!

Almost inconsistently, a dozen full-time monks from all over the world flew to the center of the venue at the same time!

Monks from all over the world shouted, and Youyou smiled, but Her Majesty Kalen made a noise.

Seeing that an extraordinary melee was about to erupt, there was a sudden boom in the stadium!

All the four-turn monks who flew down the site ~ ~ were hit by the strong storm air!


"Oh !?"

"Whatthehell !?"

Everyone stood up and screamed, and even the cruise was no exception.

He stared at the figure of the beautiful blonde boy after the storm, and the black door that made his heart beat. He was always guilty of wolves, and for the first time his face was blank and sad.

The gatekeeper looked around for a week, and floated gently on the black giant gate.

"Let's go together."

"Everything is the arrangement of the gate of truth."



"it has started."

When the battle in London began, Xuanguo had just entered the night.

Ren Suo looked at the screen with regret.

If you give him a few more days ...

Ren Suo closed his eyes and recalled the deposits of Truth Bank these days:

On March 8, 117,000 truth points and 10% interest were 1170 points.

On March 9, 128,700 truth points, and 10% interest was 1,287 points.


On March 14, 207,272 truth points, 10% interest was 2072 points.


On March 18, 303,467 truth points and 10% interest was 3037 points.

The final bank deposit was 306,501 truth points.

Deducted as the principal, the total interest earned is 189501 points.

Excluding the mortgage of emotions and props in the principal, there are 3,000 available points.

Therefore, in order to pass the fourth trial of the Gate of Truth, Ren Suo can use truth points as 219501 points.

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