North Greenwich Stadium, quiet atmosphere.

The gate of truth.


At the Global International Conference on Extraordinary Science, in the presence of dozens of four-level transcendental extraordinary people, when everyone wanted to be a martial arts friend, appeared ...?

Every inch of ice popped from the gatekeeper's feet to the gate of truth, and soon the gate of truth became a strange ice monument. The ice surface is like transparent glass. The seven lighted ring flames of the gate of truth are clearly visible, and no trace of white gas rises.

Although the temperature in London is very low, Yu Kuangtu has been relying on the awakening spell to keep warm here, but it has not reached the level where the ice cubes cannot be liquefied.

After watching the gatekeeper for 10 seconds, the wizard's parliament speaker Tisler finally broke the silence:

"It is now in global broadcast time."

"According to the previous situation, the arrival time of the gate of truth and the gatekeeper is about 8 minutes to 16 minutes."

He only said these two points, and then everyone moved.

In fact, Kuangtu has always been curious about what the seeker is.

The first battle was okay to say, but when there were six hunters in World War II and the EFF in World War III, there were so many ordinary people around. However, the gatekeepers who were truly recognized by the gate of truth and the gatekeepers were still only a few powerful and extraordinary.

From the video, there is no difference in the gate of truth. For Kuangtu, it is just a gate full of fantasy. Religious scholars and mystic scholars on the Internet did not know to argue about the pattern of this gate. How much G traffic.

It wasn't until he saw the door to truth that Yu Kuangtu understood why all powerful and transcendent people would become knowledge seekers.

That's all and one.

That is followed by good, and admired by evil.

That is the desire of light, that is the hope of darkness.

That is the existence that transcends everything, the color that God has painted for all things.

Yu Kuangtu's cyclone is running wildly. He feels that the aura of this world is no longer the same as the black people that he sensed before, that kind of chaos and inaction, but the momentum of the aura formed by countless trickles, with destiny in the mystery, and declared in the flow. future.

In his vast world, the self-righteous, self-righteous flame is nothing but a drop in the ocean.

At the beginning of four turns, the world is invincible.

Seeing the truth, it's hard to do anything.

Su Kuangtu suddenly discovered a grand and tiny fact: his body was washed away by infinite aura at all times, and each atom in his body came from an exploding star.

The atoms that form his left hand may come from different stars that form your right hand, and the aura flowing through his left eye may originate from a different spell than the flowing through his right eye.

We are all stardust and we are all spells.

In the end, when all thoughts precipitated, and when all knowledge was sublimated, Yu Kuangtu only had a simple but fiery idea—

Chao Wen said, Xi could die.

Participants who had just been beaten back by the gatekeeper storm, killed back again!

Monks from different countries who had no communication before, but this moment naturally formed a cooperation: eight people intercepted the gatekeeper, and seven people broke the ice of truth!

"Come and dance."

The gatekeeper didn't worry at all, just stood above the gate of truth to welcome the siege of eight four-turn monks!

"I understand your desires."

The bead matrix triggers five earth beads at the same time, and the gatekeeper's ‘armor’ is superimposed on three layers. At the same time, the five earth beads spell “blade armor” is triggered to bounce all long-range attacks!

"The human heart is untestable, because when you test it, you already doubt it."

The goalkeeper reached out and clamped the lightning-fast right hand of the European superhuman like a thunderbolt. In the latter's panic and bewilderment, a fierce squall burst from his right hand, slamming him directly to an African superhuman behind him.

"The incurable disease is not a disease, it's a life." The gatekeeper leaned slightly, avoiding the slashing of the samurai warrior, slammed into the arms of the warrior, kicked him with one kick, just hitting the mid-air to prepare five fireball spells. Sorcerer!

"Apart from life and death, everything else is a gossip." The gatekeeper's figure turned into an eerie figure, avoiding the assaulter who jumped out of the shadow, and hit the assaulter with a backhand punch!

When the rabbit rises, the gatekeeper has solved all the siege!

But the transcendents who are breaking the ice layer outside the door of truth in various ways are futile.

Corrosion, flame, shock ... all the spells have been tried, but the ice layer covering the gate of truth is not only hard, but also recovers very fast. As soon as they break a little bit, the ice layer will immediately return to its original state.

They naturally looked at the gatekeeper on the door of the door of truth.

At this time Tisrel said suddenly, "Mr. Gatekeeper has been casting ice spells to strengthen the ice layer of the gate of truth. If you do n’t defeat the gatekeeper or leave the gatekeeper to clear the gate, otherwise you have no way to penetrate This protects the ice. "

The goalkeeper looked at Tisrel on the podium and smiled: "The speaker has good eyesight."

"It's just a trivial idea," Tisler said modestly.

Gatekeeper: "President, when you are sad, treat yourself as someone else."

The expression on the grip of Tisrel Zhizhu finally changed. He looked at the superhumans who were beaten by the goalkeeper, and found that these superhumans were so arrogant that the goalkeeper said a few words. It looks like a loss.

Tisrel exhaled softly: "The gate of truth knows so much."

"Everything is the arrangement of the gate of truth." The gatekeeper said lightly.

The gatekeeper looked around for a week and looked at the strongest and most extraordinary people in each country, and laughed, "Are you still going together? Time is running out?"

"You have been encouraging us to besiege you." Angel Zach sat still on the seat, his face full of scars was full of doubts: "For you, group chaos is more convenient for you to operate, right? We will worry about others The safety of monks, you can use them as shields. "

The goalkeeper smiled and didn't speak.

At this time, Carlin behind the podium used to lie in the arms of her sister You Fei.

Staring at the door of truth, Yu Fei, who was trying to perceive the truth, suddenly woke up.

You Fei was relieved holding Caraine, looking at the gate of truth and the gatekeeper, and could not help but feel a little scared.

She was so attracted to the power of the gate of truth that she would not be able to resist fighting without Carrian.

"Karen, Kalian," Uffiy whispered. "What do you think now?"

Carlin blinked her eyes, tilted her head, and said something that Uffie couldn't understand: "Not all empty cities are counted."

At the same time, after discussing with other watchers, Angel Zach said loudly: "In order to avoid being used by the gatekeepers, the six extraordinary organizations organized two factions to fight each other and try to find out the current intelligence of the gatekeepers as soon as possible!"

Angel Zack wanted to rush directly to the doorkeeper and beat him twice, scrub the stigma of being beaten twice by these extraordinary existences, and the humiliation of the federal army being suppressed by the gatekeeper alone.

But the watchman persuaded him that the battle is actually a clash of intelligence. In order to avoid accidents, it is best to send someone to test out the specific combat intelligence of the gatekeeper.

After all, the gatekeeper leans against the door of truth, maybe there is a way to easily subdue or even control the angel, then the angel Zach will be shamed for the third time ...

Five seconds later, twelve fell on the door of the gate of truth. Because the gatekeeper thickened the gate of truth with ice, the twelve of them barely had a place to stand.

"Do you also think of dancing?" The gatekeeper laughed.

The two four-turn monks from "Steel Sun", Daze and Huskar attacked first!

The flame of Huskar's mask seemed to burn his whole body. He laughed and pierced his heart with a dagger. The boiling blood that he brought out formed a spear of flame on the dagger, and the body was endlessly burning with fire. Tall Suddenly, the body bent over, rushing towards the gatekeeper like a hungry wolf!

Daze raised the Crystal Skull Staff, the light of shadow woven on Huskar, and a black light fell from the sky and focused on Huskar!

"Burning Blood Dance", Huskar now has boiling aura mixed in his whole body blood. The more boiling blood he shed, the more aura he poured into his body, all his resistance and fighting speed will keep rising. !! And the boiling blood that comes out will become his spear that runs through the enemy and can even ignite the flesh of the enemy!

"Shadow Weaving", Daze transforms the power of shadows into black light, always guarding the key points of Huskar, strengthening Huskar's resilience, even if Huskar's blood sheds, he will not fall down!

Huskar growled and yelled, throwing up his high-blooded spear at the goalkeeper, as if to nail the goalkeeper to the ground!

"Drinking ice for ten years, hard to cool and warm blood ...?" The gatekeeper smiled and raised his hand, and an ice wall stood on the ground, blocking all the **** spears of Huskar!

But the next second, Haas Kai directly broke through the ice wall, boiled with blood and raised his dagger into the gatekeeper's arms!

"Blood Strike"!

At the same time, the watchers Turius and Ufric stood on the left and right sides of the goalkeeper, and they opened their mouths to make a huge roar, which directly formed a sonic shock and swept towards the goalkeeper!

"Dragon Roar"!

The two four-turn wizards of the Wizarding Council have finished singing, two huge yellow lightnings emerge from the tip of their wands, and all the lights in the stadium are broken, as if there is only the magic light and blood red in the heavens and the earth, and the dragon roar. Shock!


At this moment, the gatekeeper was attacked by the three extraordinary people, and was attacked on all sides!


With the loud roar, all the onlookers eagerly stood up to see what the situation was like.

However, the numerous intersecting sounds of the aura and the strange and strange light contaminated the entire gym space. Tisler raised his staff and chanted, a huge light ball emerged from the tip of his staff, illuminating the entire space.

With the warm light of the light ball lighting up, the crowd slowly showed a stunned expression.

"how is this possible……"

I saw the door of the gate of truth, the gatekeeper carrying Huskar's collar, two feet on the back of the four-turned wizard, as for Turius, Ufric and Deze, he was directly Fly and fell to the ground on the stadium and passed out!

In just a few seconds after the light went out, the goalkeeper actually directly defeated the six people who attacked him!

And he himself was intact!

Many people's faces changed greatly, and even the angel Zack was shocked. Although the gatekeepers had previously suppressed the seekers lightly in the first three stages, the number of those seekers was small, and the gatekeepers were just able to cope with them, and did not show too terrifying power.

However, "coping with repression" and "instantaneous defeat" are two concepts!

Until now no one has been able to push the limits of the goalkeeper!

How strong is he! ?

"It's a space spell."

Tisrel said suddenly, "Just as the space fluctuated just now, the goalkeeper could teleport multiple times in the dark to defeat six people instantly."

Space Teleport! ?

It is indeed possible for you to think carefully, but at the same time, many people secretly memorize the information leaked by Tisrel-who can detect the teleportation, and naturally only the extraordinary ones who can also use space spells.

The goalkeeper nodded in appreciation, tossed Huskar in his hand, lifted his foot gently, and moved to the two soldiers in the winter castle in the next instant!

Elegant, instant, hard to know like overcast!

"Dong Chengling's Space Walk".

However, the two soldiers of the Winter Fort also reacted extremely fast!

‘Earth Shaker’ Rig directly hits the ice with two fists, and the violent vibration spreads throughout the space, and even the gatekeeper is stagnant! He raised the huge totem behind him, and the whole space trembled as a result!

"Echoes", every movement of Riggs can create aura echoes, affecting everything in the world, the earth trembles, and the space tears!

‘Thunder Bear’ Ursa gave a roar, his claws were wrapped in thunder, and the gatekeeper ’s aura was broken with a thunderbolt!

"Thunderclaw", tearing everything, as fast as a thunder!

Behind the gatekeeper, ‘Gun Tianxia’ Kyoko Sakura danced with a large gun, and the aura converged into a gold-winged bird, sweeping the space!

"Fantasy Martial Arts: King of the Golden-winged Bird of Ozuri"!

There was a burst of black smoke and dust over the sky. When the gatekeeper noticed, a wild knife was cut from the smoke and the black smoke and dust exploded instantly, turning into a shimmering spark, covering all sights! The shadow of the knife in the spark also evolved into thirty-six knives coming from all directions, and it fell down overwhelmingly!

"Fire Sword" and "Flying Vortex Clouds" from the right and left of "Swordbear"

The two groups of melee strongmen, Wuhundian and Dongbao, formed a lore for the first time!

Space spells are so powerful that they naturally understand them. So they know that space movement is invincible in an instant, but not without solution!

Space movement requires a line of sight to jump, and aura needs to be gentle to proceed! Now Aura is excited, his eyes are blocked, and even the space is affected. How can you keep the gatekeeper flashing! ?

How do you flash!

I don't flash.


The goalkeeper's calm voice rang through the gymnasium, and at the same time, there was an endless storm of turbulence!

"Not as good as I am."

Suddenly, sixty-four roaring dark thunder tornadoes smashed all the attacks of the siege. Thirty-two ice dragons blasted from the ice of the gate of truth and struck them with irresistible numbers. To the audience!

"How is it possible?" Even Tisrel was shocked.

What a terrible spell!

What a terrifying number of spells!

How could the gatekeeper cast so many spells in an instant! ?

"Lin Xianyu's Storm Law"!

"Ren Xingmei's Time Rule"!

"Bai Ji's Crystal Love"!

In just one minute, twelve of the six forces involved in the siege of the goalkeeper have been easily defeated by the goalkeeper.

only left with……

The goalkeeper turned his head, looking at sitting on the ice layered cross-legged, his hands folded, bath flames, and even his hair turned into flames.

Holding the two swords, Chen Liao guarding in front of Kuangtu noticed the sight of the goalkeeper and smiled: "Take your strength as a gatekeeper, don't mind my companion for a while?"

"No." The goalkeeper shook his head and said, "He is the most dangerous one."


Can it be rated as 'most dangerous' by the gatekeeper?

Angel Zac, who was about to make a shot, glanced at the distant crumbs and found that the crumbs were motionless.

Could this mysterious supernatural person really have a chance to defeat the goalkeeper?

Thinking of this, the angel Zac held his mind, so did everyone else. Since the gatekeepers attach so much importance to this mysterious person of the mysterious kingdom, they will wait until they have made a flaw.

"It's a pity." Chen Liao took out a spell from his arms: "If the gatekeeper you showed the ability to teleport before, then I will use it for them just now ... you are really cunning, but It's not too late. "

The spell spontaneously ignited without fire ~ ~ turned into flying ash and scattered on Chen Liao and Yu Kuangtu.

"This is a space forbidden spell produced by the Great Wall of China. Although it can only be maintained for a period of time, although I originally thought it would not be used, but now it seems that one person should be one."

The gatekeeper said, "It's interesting, but I just can't teleport into it. I can walk over, or use a spell to fly this fire man away."

Chen Liao shrugged, holding an alloy long sword in each hand and holding it flat, like a ‘ten’ across the ice gate of Truth.

"Just right." Chen Liao found that his sword length just reached the edge of the ice: "This is the distance I am best at."

"Goalkeeper, I'm the same as you, guardian." Chen Liao said, "Goalkeeper, since you know so many secrets, then you should also know the 2,500 miles of our Great Wall. ? "

"of course."

"Then do you know who I am?"

"You are Chen Liao, the new ruler of the Great Wall of China, and your duties are the secretary, nanny, and ..." the gatekeeper said lightly, "Guardian."


Everyone was shocked to see Chen Liao and You Ye, they have always broken the world, and even dare to break through the Taoist priests of Fairy Palace, there are guardians? Aren't he guarding others?

Chen Liao laughed: "You really know a lot. Thanks to the wrong love of the leadership, I actually have better strength than Mr. Yu. I have more time to protect me."

"I am not good at spells and am not strong. As a guardian of my husband, I really deserve it."

"The only advantage you can come up with is ..."

Chen Liao danced out of the chaotic Jianhua, and laughed:

"No one has ever crossed my sword, nor can sir, how about you?"

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