Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits

Chapter 773: The world is so tender

早上 March 20, morning.

I dreamed again.

Xunmeng seems to have become a weak girl, chased and killed by beasts in the dark field, and then running and running, running and running, and running till she wakes up.

Although the dream was exhausting, Ren Suo was not affected at all, and he quickly regained his spirits.

Use hair wax, comb your hair into the shape of an adult, rub your nails, draw eyeliner, trim the stubble, clip your eyelashes, apply sunscreen, and Ren Suo is very skilled in handling himself into the most delicious posture.

Because there is a need for women's clothing, these makeup props were also bought. Although these cosmetics are not used, there are also many props that can be used by men.

If the French Open can launch a "one-click beauty" spell in the future, even if the monks will become more and more beautiful, the details still need to be handled by the monks themselves.

Women are for their own pleasure, as are men. Former Rensuo was a man who did n’t even need a cleanser. He took a rough towel and rubbed his face with a rough towel. He did n’t rub his face out of the moon pit. The advantage of thick skin.

However, it is also normal. Rensuo did not need to dress himself sweet and delicious. After all, he stayed in the dormitory all day. Could he dress up for his roommates? Such a move is too dangerous.

After Xun became a monk, the former Ren Suo became even more mad, because he felt more and more handsome, naturally he didn't need to dress up anymore, and he dared to go to Dong Chengling's house to eat rice with a pair of slippers.

This kind of self-goodness is a major drawback of emotional thinking.

In fact, it also contains the essence of Ren Suo: lazy.

I think that if someone likes me, I won't bother to spend time enhancing my appearance competitiveness; I'm too lazy to take the effort to strengthen the connection with the help of a fetter system.

Stupid arrogance, wishful thinking, has not been thrown away until now, all I can say is that my girlfriends are angels.

However, both Rensuo and Rensuo both agree that when they are in need, they should try to dress themselves as Ren Jun picked.

It's like Ren Suo who finds wrong with Qiao Muyi just as soon as he wakes up, like Ren Suo who is now looking for girlfriends to brush their feelings.

8 8:50 in the morning, Ren Suo gathered at Dong Chengling's house ten minutes in advance. After Dong Chengling opened the door, Ren Suo slightly smiled, and then smiled: "Who's fairy?"

Today, Dong Chengling wore a white corset dress, tied with a decorative white flower belt on his shoulders, irresistibly focused his eyes on the uncovered incense shoulders and the exquisite undulating gully.

She even wore high heels and was almost as tall as Ren Suo. Although she never dyes her hair, her hairstyle is soft and wavy today. It is likely that when she sent Qiao Yi back to the city last night, she also did her hairstyle.

承 Dong Chengling today is both a carefully prepared gift and a beautiful fairy.

"Good morning." Dong Chengling is still light and light, but she seems to have applied foundation and makeup today, her face is full of gloss, and ordinary smiles are also blooming with soft colors.

Xi Rensuo glanced at her ankle: "If you are not used to it, don't force it."

A person who never wears high heels suddenly wears high heels, most of which will hurt his ankle because he is not used to it.

Wu Dongchengling tilted his head, suddenly reached out and shaved Ren Suo's face, and smiled at Ren Suo: "I am also a four-turn monk, do you look down on me?"

He said she pulled up Rensuo's arm, turned and closed the door, strode to the elevator: "Let's go."

Ren Suo blinked, but did not speak, but Dong Chengling seemed to know the doubts in his heart and said directly: "I and you are the only one this morning and noon. After lunch, I will tell you the next date . "

Wu Dongchengling didn't look at him, but looked at the elevator door and said, "If it's together, some things can't be said; if it's late, some things can't be said, so ... that's it."

Bian Rensuo had an instant insight into their arrangements: Although they said he was dating with him today, they actually split the day into four, and then Ren Suo took turns to go for an appointment, both for a date and a two-person world, and no one lost.

Morning and noon are the time of Dong Chengling, but who is in the afternoon, evening, and night, Ren Suo does not know, you must wait for the story of Dong Chengling to complete the next level.

"Sorry," Ren Suo said.

Wu Dongchengling: "If you feel sorry, take off the mask."

He Rensuo put his mask in his pocket without hesitation. He previously found that his smile couldn't smile as much as he used to be “seven points silly and three points ignorance”, so he put on a mask to reduce his appearance.

However, since Dong Chengling has some requirements, and wearing a mask when dating does reduce points, Ren Suo did not insist.

I walked out of the dormitory building and Dong Chengling took Ren Suo out of the school and asked, "Suo, do you have a transportation card?"

"Yes." Ren Suo nodded: "Don't teleport to the city?"

"No." Dong Chengling raised his head and smiled at Ren Suo with his head turned over, "I occasionally want to waste time with you."

Tong Dongchengling, a four-turn monk, a special teacher of Tianlian College, self-discipline training machine, will arrange every minute and every second, the motto of life is ‘waste time is waste life’.

Wu Dongchengling's message flowed in Ren Suo's heart, making his thinking suddenly appear a confused blank.

Like a clumsy boy, Ren Suo had no time to make a thoughtful response. He could only follow Dong Chengling out of the campus to a subway station and take the subway to the city.

Because it was the starting station, Ren Suo and Dong Chengling both had positions at the beginning. Later, there were too many passengers, and the seats were full, and they could only be crowded. Two more people came up to the old man who seemed to meet for morning tea. Dong Chengling and Ren Suo stood up at the same time to give up the position, and stood in the corner waiting Arrive.

Qi Rensuo found that Dong Chengling did not take out his mobile phone or any electronic device and quietly rode in the car or looked at himself from time to time.

I'm right, Dong Chengling is the kind of person who doesn't play mobile phones. She rarely touches social software. She calls Ren Suo directly.

When Ren Renshen sees this, he ca n’t take out his mobile phone to browse news and current affairs. In fact, he did n’t make any plan for this “ride time”. At first, he thought Dong Chengling would take him to teleport directly.

Because Ren Suo thinks that Dong Chengling, like himself, is a rational human who is unwilling to waste time.

I just did not expect Ren Suo, Dong Chengling was not rational about everything.

Ren Suo had to hold Dong Chengling's slim waist like this, staring at her in the subway, observing her neat eyelashes, observing the eyeliner she had drawn a little worse than herself, observing her careful care Eyebrows, observing her beautiful transparent eyes.

There have always been sneaky discussions and shutter sounds. After all, Ren Suo and Dong Chengling are four-turn monks with an exposed temperament. The aura brought by the evolution of life is very eye-catching, plus their two good-looking screens Superstars, naturally, will attract the attention of the entire compartment.

However, the two of them didn't pay attention to the movements of others. Even if Ren Suo himself, they gradually felt the noisy world became quiet.

This is how they communicate.

This is their unique silence.

No language required.

No expression needed.

No emojis needed.

He just looked at him quietly, as if he could convey what he wanted to the other side.

Sugawara Rensuo and Dong Chengling were bad words, unwilling to provoke topics, and clumsy people. So embarrassing silence for others is the best atmosphere for them.

Even if Rensuo now is no longer Rensuo, Dong Chengling is already the world ’s first teacher loved by his classmates, but this silent tacit understanding is still an important emotional bond.

The former Ren Suo often played with Dong Chengling in this way, but now it is the first silence in March.

When the subway arrived, Dong Chengling pulled Ren Suo to change the line. Ren Suo didn't know where the destination was, he could only be led by Dong Chengling.

But Ren Suo was led by Dong Chengling from the subway station. At first glance, he saw the Lianjiang River, which was like golden waves in the morning sunlight, and the warm and fresh spring breeze sent a hint of bitter water.

Luan is the Lianjiang long embankment.

Lilianjiang City, Lilianjiang City, is naturally named after Lianjiang. As the Lianjiang River that has nurtured the people on both sides of the strait across the entire city, it has quickly become a city landmark in Lianjiang City after vigorously remediation of pollution and landscaping. Children playing with water peeing in the water platform early in the morning.

Although the air smells a little bit watery, it doesn't feel much after smelling it for a long time, but it has a sense of openness and happiness.

"It's still early, the door hasn't been opened anywhere else, and I don't want to go anywhere in particular," Dong Chengling said, holding Ren Ren: "Come with me on the long bank."

Stone railings have been built on both banks of the Qinlian River, and big trees have been planted to pave the road. The user experience is excellent. Many tourists, citizens, and lovers like to hang out on both sides of the bank, facing the spring breeze and river views, and enjoying leisure in the city.

Zhi Rensuo is indispensable, tightly linked with Dong Chengling's ten fingers, and wandering on the long bank like a pair of ordinary gods.

But Ren Suo remembered his mission. 70,000 truth points were always the first goal in his heart, so he asked, "Is there really no place I want to go? No matter how far, I can accompany you."

Wu Dongchengling shook his head: "No."

Dong Chengling looked sideways at Lianjiang, put his left hand on the railing stone pillar, and rubbed it gently, calmly smiling: "I am very boring, I ca n’t tell my favorite movie, I ca n’t tell my favorite novel , No favorite star, no favorite game ... "

Bian Rensuo: "It sounds cool."

Cheng Dongling shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "No, I just often feel that life is not so interesting, and occasionally question the meaning of being alive. All meanings from books or other people's mouths are difficult to convince me."

"I actually live purely, live purely for a better life, but I don't know why, and for whom."

"Later I realized that the reason I would live is to meet those favorites for the rest of my life."

Wu Dongchengling suddenly took Ren Suo striding up. They just raised their feet, but the next time they landed, they were already ten meters away!

The passersby next to me were startled!

"For example, practice, practice makes me see a more beautiful world."

瞬 Teleported again, scaring the child next to her, screaming, holding her mother's legs in an incoherent, babble-like expression.

But Dong Chengling has no scruples, stepping on the ground in high heels, making clear footsteps, and showing his extraordinary abilities unscrupulously: "Spells, for example, make me unique."

However, Ren Suo's next step was to step on the air suddenly. The weightlessness almost made him unbalanced. He looked down and found that he was dragged to the center of Lianjiang by Dong Chengling!

"Cooking, for example, makes me feel the joy of washing my hands and making soup."

I was about to fall to the center of Lianjiang River, and Ren Suo's feet were stepping on the ground again, and he had already returned to the shore.

Bi Rensuo exhaled gently, and his violently beating heart calmed down quickly. No matter how high he is, and his ability to think and respond is strong, when facing emergencies, the body will still be involuntarily nervous based on instinct.

Qi Rensuo looked up and saw Dong Chengling looking at himself with a smile. It was an extremely rare smile, a youthful smile, and a bright smile, as if space and time had been frozen for this reason, so that Ren Suo's head was blank.

"For example, you."

Bi Rensuo quickly came back to her, blinked, and said earnestly, "Cheng Ling, you are my favorite too."

"We are destined lovers, we are disease-free and harmless couples."

"Our story will continue forever, married and have children, Baishou old and happy, full of happiness, no sadness, no tears."

"Our love will last forever."

This is the way of Rensuo.

Draw cakes.

Draw a flat cake.

Like a listed company fictional chronology of unlimited prospects to attract investment, the stock price soared, and Ren Suo's method is the same, making countless future promises to attract girlfriends to continue investing in this relationship.

And this promise is not fraud. When everything is done, if you master the door to the truth and control the world, it will naturally be fulfilled one by one, even ten times.

This is an emotional crowdfunding with huge gains and wins.

Therefore Ren Rensou's tone is very sincere, only to have a happy smile on Dong Chengling's face.

But Dong Chengling shook his head.

"I believe what you said at this moment, but just like you said, the promises that blurted out when in love are true, just like the fruit of the treetops when the season is up, but sooner or later will rot."

Bi Rensuo didn't panic at all: "Do you believe that I will let you taste the sweetness before the fruit rots?"

Wu Dongchengling: "I used to believe, but you changed."

Qi Rensuo was shocked in his heart, but his face was just right with a hint of surprise: "Changed? But people always change, and I should be better and better, right?"

Wu Dongchengling shook his head slightly and laughed: "Of course I know that people will change and I never expected you to always be the same, but I feel that you are not as good as I used to be, and I still can't help secretly feeling sad."

I lost.


Is it still found after all?

Is the emotional value going down?

Li Ren asked to lower his eyelids, avoid Dong Chengling's sight, and think urgently about countermeasures. However, at this time Dong Chengling continued to say, "My atrium is small and I can only live with the next person. You are not disappointed. You are like me, you can only have one person in my life."

"It's just a pity, that person is not me."


Ren Suo looked up in surprise at Dong Chengling, but Dong Chengling turned his head to look at Jin Guangyi's glittering Lianjiang, propped his chin and said, "Do you think I can't see it? Anyway, I'm also a monk ... Also your lover. "

Bian Rensuo's nine-day retreat not only gave him ample time for strategy, but also allowed Dong Chengling to calm down and think.

Wu Dongchengling has been reminiscing about this month's experience. When he saw a couple in the class spilling dog food in public, he suddenly flashed, and finally found out that there was something wrong with Rensuo this month—

He is no longer excited, no more desire, no mood swings, but intimacy with insurmountable alienation.

He still likes himself, but that kind of likeness is rigid, sluggish, no longer increasing, almost polite.

Wu Dongchengling always believes that the human heart is limited. When you have your favorite, you will naturally reduce the love for others.

According to Ren Suo's love view to Xiao Ren, and Ren Suo's avoidance of them during this time, it is not difficult for Dong Chengling to draw a conclusion:

He has found true love.

And not myself.

"But I'm still willing to believe your words ~ ~ Dong Chengling looked at Ren Suo, took his hand again, clasped his fingers, smiled with a hint of helplessness:" Love is just this bad, it will Let people break their heads and no longer be rational. "

等 "When the date ends today and when we meet next time, I hope you can say what I promise you unconditionally."

因为 "Because, you are important to me."

如果 "If practice allows me to know the world, spells allow me to find my personality, and cooking makes me feel life, then you just let me find out that this world is so gentle."

"On that rainy night when the tidal tide erupted, you were with me, sharing the danger of awakening with me, and feeling the fate of fate with me."

"In the crisis of Didela, when I lost my extraordinary ability, it was you who was by my side, guarding me from the fate of fate, comforting me, helping me."

"Even if I fail and fall, you have always supported me and never flinched."

"The world is so tender, we didn't need to fight alone, but we can also support each other to share our troubles."

所以 "So," Dong Chengling raised their ten-finger clasped hands and laughed softly, "Don't leave me."

Zhi Rensuo's head was blank. ...

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